Thursday, May 28, 2009
2 girls rock the giant piano

My latest obsession: Awkward Family Photos

A citizen pulls over a cop for speeding
First of all, the guy filming the video is an obnoxious jerk. He was pretty disrespectful to the officer etc, etc... but you do have to admit that he was right. It's obvious the officer wasn't going out on a call, and there was no reason for him to be driving dangerously fast. Still, don't try this yourself!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Aircheck: Is Boris too mean to the listeners?
#1: Today's listener who was trying to win a DVD
#2: The lady who was trying to find out the name of a Linkin Park song

Mr. T sings "Take Me Out to the Ball Game"

American Idol reaction video
This one's my favorite. See what happens when you invite a homophobic jock (who's most certainly a self-hating gay) to a party where everyone else wants Adam Lambert to win:

Cameron's house is for sale

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Awesome optical illusion
HardTime :: Illusion from ze frank on Vimeo.

Hey, thanks for the help!
Chen Fuchao, a Chineese man heavily in debt was going to jump off of a bridge and kill himself. Police were attempting to talk him down until a kindly pedestrian decided to help out... by pushing Chen off the bridge.
The passer by said he pushed the man because he was tying up traffic with "selfish activity" "I pushed him off because jumpers like Chen are very selfish. Their action violates a lot of public interest." Chen had been contemplating suicide on a bridge in southern China for hours. He fell 26 feet onto an inflated emergency air cushion laid out by authorities and survived, suffering spine and elbow injuries.
I won't say this guy was right for doing what he did... but making an entire city late for work because of your own personal problems is a little selfish.
(no audio)
Pick One

Friday, May 15, 2009 news
And if you're looking for something to do online, why not leave a message for Jen or vote for my friend, Anthony. Otherwise, check out the complete archive of posts on the bottom right of this page, you may have missed something!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend,
Wanna see embarrasing photos of our Promotions Director?

Yes, they're going to ask for your email address, and you'll have to verify your vote by clicking a link in an email they send you, but this award is run by The United Way and they're not going to give your address to anyone else or pester you with spam, so just do it.

Give yourself hooves
Most likely to show her private parts

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Listener submission: Pee Kneeler

Lost: Juliette go boom

Ok, toy airplane... Patsy Cline music... Kate! ding ding ding. Funeral scene... kid sitting by himself... must be Sawyer! ding ding ding. Jacob on a bench... by himself. Uhhhh.... Desmond? Buzzzzzzz. Thud goes the body... Locke!
I loved the Jacob flashbacks. We found out how Hurley got on the 2nd plane, and what he's doing carrying around that guitar case. We also found out that Jack is a lying jerk that isn't that brave at all. He told that story to Kate about the girl's spinal surgery to get laid. Who would have thought his daddy was the one that made him count to five and gave him the courage to finish the surgery?
So we first meet Jacob hanging out with his mysterious friend on the island. They're waiting for, what I assume is, The Black Rock to come ashore. So what's the deal with these guys? Well, one is dressed in white, the other in black. This goes back to Locke's backgammon game on the beach with Walt. There are two sides... one is light and one is dark. This is a theme that has been running throughout the series. Remember the dead bodies found in the cave with the white and black stones? So, is the dude in black evil and Jacob is good? Why is this guy looking for some loophole to try and kill Jacob? I think that everyone assumed Jacob lived in the cabin, but it was actually the other dude. Perhaps Jacob banished him there and surrounded him with ash so he wouldn't figure out that loophole and kill him.
What lies in the shadow of the statue? "Nomum Blabum Blablahorum", of course. Does anyone speak Latin? I took 3 years in high school and all I can say is farmer (agricola). Ricardus speaks Latin, of course... all of the others do! I had to use the internet (Mrs. Robinson, my Latin teacher , I am sorry) and the rough translation is: "He who protects us." I assume they are talking about Jacob.
So it was Locke in the box that Jacob's buddies were carrying all this time? Did anyone see that one coming? As the camera peered over the side of the open box I thought to myself "Hey, this is just like the final scene last season, where the camera peered over the side of the casket and Locke was insi... Whaaaa?" So Locke is dead, and the dude in black is pretending to be Locke. Does that mean that Christian Shepard is also that dude? The man in black jumps into whatever dead body he can find? So why was Claire and Christian hanging together? Sorry, way too many questions that there's just no answer to yet.
Random observations:
Rose and Bernard rock. Juliette has some boobies on her. Now we know how Dr. Candle / Waxman lost his hand. Jack has a mean left hook. Jacob didn't kill Nadia, he saved Sayid. The statue is a crocodile? People I was watching with think Juliette is pregnant because she was holding her tummy while talking to Bernard. In the first scene Jacob was eating... a red herring!
So, did setting off the nuke work? We don't really have any proof of that. When shown the photo of Jack and company in the Dharma Initiative, Richard Alpert said that he knew them... and he saw them die. If Richard was there for the explosion we could assume since he survived, so did the rest of the gang. Unfortunately, Richard dragged Ellie away to the underground bunker way before the nuke went off, so the fact that he's alive doesn't prove squat. Here's what I Twittered right before the show started last night:
Making my Lost finale prediction now: Last scene will be Oceanic 815 landing safely at LAX.
I still think that would have been a great ending... I'm still holding out that my prediction will be the first scene next season. How cool would it be if the lost gang lands, not knowing each other. The island will course correct, and they will eventually all meet and somehow get back... and when they finally crash again, they will be thrown back to the very first season of the episode to do it all over again... Ok, maybe not.
I guess I'll be going to bed early on Wednesdays now until Big Brother starts up. See ya!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Watch out, IMAX may not be IMAX

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
You're welcome, environment

Presenting my new water bottle! It's dishwasher safe so I don't have to scrub it out each night and has a nice flip top so I can keep it in the studio without having to worry about knocking it over and electrocuting myself. I'll keep you posted on how it works out... in the meantime, stop sending me emails and go throw blood on the Olsen twins or something.

Farewell fanny pack, hello Cap-sac!

Order one now, before heading out to Bonnaroo! This will surely be the accessory of the summer.

2 gross celebrities and one almost nipple

#2 - Kelly Clarkson is slowly morphing into Meatloaf. Or she's eating way too much Meatloaf... Something to do with Meatloaf, for sure:

Monday, May 11, 2009
Land Of The Lost trailer

Best SNL in quite a while

Obama makes some very funny jokes
The White House correspondents dinner was Saturday night. As tradition dictates, the president gets up and makes fun of himself and pretty much everyone else in Washington. Regardless of your politics, you have to admit that it's nice to have a guy in the White House that can deliver a punch line... on purpose.

Friday, May 8, 2009
Kentucky Fried Publicity Stunt
Here's the president of KFC explaining the situation in a video that was probably filmed way before Oprah even knew she was going to give out the stupid coupons on her show... You know, like those Osama Bin Laden videos that they keep releasing after his death.
I love how this guy is saying the huge response is due to the delicious taste of his chicken that no one has even tasted yet. Dude, mom and dad lost both of their jobs this week, little Billy needs braces and the house is being foreclosed on... they'd stand in line for a crap sandwich on poop toast if it was free!

Mountain Face

Don't leave your sunroof open if you're gonna...
(You can't see anything naughty, but the subject matter is probably NSFW)
I Won A Math Debate - Watch more Funny Videos

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Happy Odd Day

Big Foot caught on tape!

Lost: Jacob's a dead man?!?
Alright, what's with the compass? I'm figuring out a timeline here (which is getting more and more difficult on Lost). First Richard gives Locke the compass during his time flashes when he takes the bullet out of his leg at the plane. Then, when Locke flashes back to the 50's he confronts Richard and gives him the compass. The compass then travels through time normally. Richard visits Locke as a child makes him choose from several objects for the one that belongs to him. He chooses the knife and not the compass, so Richard leaves in a huff. Finally, 40 years later, Richard gives Locke the original compass when they are talking on the beach. A bit later, Richard gives time-traveling Locke the newer version of the same compass when they meet at the plane. Got it? Me neither.
I don't like Kate this season. She's not nearly as hot as she was in the past seasons... and now she's putting a wrench in the works while sit-there-and-do-nothing Jack finally starts to take some action. Why doesn't she want to create a variable that will change their past? That's easy: if they never land on the island she spends the rest of her life in jail alone.
That was the worst computer generated submarine I've ever seen. Stupid and unnecessary.
And the ship in the bottle? The Black Rock for sure.
One whole week until the 2-hour finale... which will no-doubt leave us with even more questions to ponder all summer. I'm kind of glad we're going to get a break, my brain can't take much more of this. Time for less intellectually stimulating TV - I'm gonna give my mind a much needed Big Brother coma.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
New online game "Paper Moon"

Play here

First successful face transplant in USA

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
We're live at The Dutch Cabin
and Brandi? We'll be here until 7 (and we promise not to wear the hats
all night!)

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

This is why celebrites only date other celebrities

Ferrari crashes into Sbarro during movie shoot in NYC

Monday, May 4, 2009
I guess there's no such thing as bad publicity, however...

Hey, what about noting the Hudson Valley Radio Legend® sitting IN the chair? You know, the guy that spells his name with an "I"? Oh well... it was a very nice haircut.
Thanks to The Carnwill Lacal and Kan Cishmin for reporting on the event.

Invisible car!

Jammin to the fire alarm

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Idiot I saw on the road today

Friday, May 1, 2009
Transformers 2 trailer was just released!

Just in time for beach season: Camel Toe Eraser!

According to the before and after photos, it seems to do the job.

1 - Smoothes the ridges of a woman’s mons pubis area.
2 - Keeps undergarments clean.
3 - Can be used with or without underwear.
1 - please don't call that area that name.
2 - gross! What keeps this thing clean, then?
3 - you could avoid having to mention #2 by not mentioning #3!

Why The F&*% Do You Have A Kid?

Check out all of the posted photos of people who shouldn't be allowed to be parents.