**Do yourself a huge favor and wait for the show to buffer then forward to 6:15 - The beginning of the show is completely unwatchable.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Boris' more successful brother on TV
Posted by Boris at
8:28 AM
Boris may be the Hudson Valley Radio Legend... but his brother holds the title of Orlando Hotel Legend. Here's a link to the show Boris was talking about where his brother is interviewed about the hotel industry.
**Do yourself a huge favor and wait for the show to buffer then forward to 6:15 - The beginning of the show is completely unwatchable.
**Do yourself a huge favor and wait for the show to buffer then forward to 6:15 - The beginning of the show is completely unwatchable.
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Mr. Doodles takes on Simon!
Posted by Boris at
6:16 AM
This week's Football Challenge is on! Click on the banner and guess who will pick more winning teams this Sunday: Mr. Doodles or Simon! The more weeks you're correct, the more times you're qualified to win an X-Box 360 or Playstation 3 from Best Buy in Poughkeepsie.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Mouse found in loaf of bread
Posted by Boris at
6:18 AM
One of our listeners, Rocco, sent me this image this morning:
Apparently, a man in England opened a loaf of bread to find a dead mouse embedded in the crust. The worst part? He and his kids ate sandwiches made from the bread before finding the mouse! Click here for the whole article.

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Hey, how was your flight?
Posted by Boris at
5:55 AM
**NSFW - One strong word**
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Host announces wrong winner on live TV
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
The Austrailian version of Top Model was a total fail this week. During the live telecast the wrong winner was fed to the host over her earpiece. The mistake was only revealed AFTER the "winner" made her acceptance speech.
Was this a real mistake or was the host set up by the producers to make a blunder that everyone would be talking about the next day? You decide:
Was this a real mistake or was the host set up by the producers to make a blunder that everyone would be talking about the next day? You decide:
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sarah Palin booed at Dancing With The Stars?
Posted by Boris at
8:11 AM
Bristol Palin's famous mother visited Dancing With The Stars last night to watch her daughter perform (and get some free publicity). As Sarah Palin was brought out from backstage to sit in the audience for her interview she was apparently booed by the crowd. Since it's live TV, there's not much they could do to cover it up. View for yourself:
*Update - the controversy was addressed the next night, and producers said video shows that people were booing the judges, not Sarah Palin. Of course, you can believe whatever you want.
*Update - the controversy was addressed the next night, and producers said video shows that people were booing the judges, not Sarah Palin. Of course, you can believe whatever you want.
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Epic puppy pee lasts forever
Posted by Boris at
6:00 AM
Looks like he's charting the price of Cumulus stock over the past decade...
Karl Pilkington: An Idiot Abroad
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
This is for fans of the Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant podcast series. The lovable idiot, Karl Pilkington, now has his own show in the UK called An Idiot Abroad. Here's a highlight reel (fingers crossed that HBO picks this up!)
And an awesome deleted scene:
And an awesome deleted scene:
Katy Perry's Elmo Shirt
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
The best 2 seconds from this week's Saturday Night Live:

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Monday, September 27, 2010
Watermellon attack on The Amazing Race
Posted by Boris at
8:40 AM
If you missed last night's premiere of The Amazing Race, one of the contestants had a horrible accident during a watermellon sling shot competition:
Kudos to CBS for the slo-mo replay!
Kudos to CBS for the slo-mo replay!
Rejected ads for the Utah State Fair
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
Director of Napoleon Dynamite, Jared Hess, was asked to create some commercials for the Utah State Fair. These were pulled from the air for being too "Sexual". Remember, this is Utah. Mormons aren't fans of funnel cake batter.
Steven Colbert testifies for Congress
Posted by Boris at
5:54 AM
Steven Colbert's presence was so distracting to Congress, that John Conyers tried to get him to leave:
Steven did stick around, however... Here's his full testomony from Friday - I'm sure a complete recap will be on tonight's show.
Steven did stick around, however... Here's his full testomony from Friday - I'm sure a complete recap will be on tonight's show.
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Friday, September 24, 2010
Fatty-Fat Friday!
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
Turn it DOWN!
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Jed has the coolest name... ever!
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Hurley from lost performs with Weezer!
Posted by Boris at
5:57 AM
For a second, I thought this was one of Lost's parallel universe scenes from season 6. At a secret show this week, Weezer invited Hurley from Lost to perform "Perfect Situation" with them. Seems like that's the least they could do after naming their new album after him.
The Situation Shirt
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
This is the latest venture from "The Situation". It's called, surprisingly enough, "The Situation Shirt". At first, I thought it was a novelty T-Shirt with a picture of Sitch's abs on it... but upon further investigation, it's actually a T-Shirt with a clear plastic window sewn in the middle to show off your own REAL abs! No word if it comes with optional windshield wipers for those sweaty nights of fist-pumping at the club.

Musical beer!
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
Introducing Tuned Pale Ale from Philadelphia. The label has marks to let you know how much you need to drink in order to make sweet music by blowing over the neck.
Warning to jug band members: Emmet Otter was found passed out next to an empty case of these last week.
Warning to jug band members: Emmet Otter was found passed out next to an empty case of these last week.

New Harry Potter trailer released
Posted by Boris at
5:24 AM
Here's the latest trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It's got alot more action than the one that was released in June:
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Paris Hilton Special
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
OK Go's latest video... with dogs!
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
They've traded in the treadmills for dogs. Pretty impressive, especially since this is done in one shot with no edits at all.
If you're an OK Go fan, be sure to tune in at 7:20 every day this week. We're giving away tickets to their show at Terminal 5 on October 29th.
If you're an OK Go fan, be sure to tune in at 7:20 every day this week. We're giving away tickets to their show at Terminal 5 on October 29th.
Michigan State wins with fake field goal
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
I don't know much about Football... but I still don't understand why teams don't do this ALL THE TIME! Seems like an easy way to score.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Unfortunate Typo
Posted by Boris at
6:03 AM
The tragedy on the Thruway this weekend was made worse by a local news website (which will remain nameless). The pastor's name is actually Titus:
Spray-On Clothes
Posted by Boris at
5:55 AM
Manel Torres: Genius or giant pervert? If I had a lab coat and some silly string, I'd probably try to trick girls into going topless for me, too.
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Friday, September 17, 2010
Happy Oktoberfest!
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
Tomorrow kicks off the happiest celebration on earth: Oktoberfest! This year's festivities take place in Munich from September 18th through October 3rd. If you can't make it to Germany, at least get yourself to a local Oktoberfest celebration this month. Enjoy some good beer and German food with your friends and try not to fall out of your lederhosen. Ein Prosit!

Typical day at Walmart
Posted by Boris at
5:28 AM
You can't leave your drunk girlfriend in the pickup... that would just be wrong. This is a much more sensible solution, until Lou Anne pukes all over your tater tots.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Airsex world championships
Posted by Boris at
9:11 AM

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What the hell is this thing?
Posted by Boris at
5:59 AM
These guys found some strange sea creature in Japan and what do they do? Poke it with a stick, of course. Probably wasn't a good idea (you have to see what happens at the end).
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Man proposes with his lawn
Posted by Boris at
7:00 AM
Here's a photo from the story Brandi was talking about this morning. A guy in Michigan used fertilizer to make the words "Will U Marry Me" grow out of his girlfriends back yard. Click here for the full story.
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Weezer joins Autotune The News
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
The guys from Autotune The News were lucky enough to snag some special guests in their latest video:
What it's like to be drunk
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
They kind of nailed it:
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The Hoff attacked by a fan
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
The makers of this commercial missed the mark. they should have made the fan turn into Pam Anderson... and Hoff should have poked her with something other than his finger.
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Monday, September 13, 2010
Mr. Doodles wins!
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM

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Ping Pong Celebration
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
I was really happy for this guy... until I saw the score.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Laptop Shack, Baby!
Posted by Boris at
1:33 PM
OK, you guys wanted it... here it is: Laptop Shack, Baby!
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Wild Man John's birthday party
Posted by Boris at
6:04 AM
Yesterday I hosted a birthday party for Wild Man John. His friends Eva and Clarisse both attended. We ate massive amounts of tacos, talked about world events and toasted to the Wild Man's big day.
But we don't call him the "Wild Man" for nothing... the party took an ugly turn when John got a little too excited about his birthday presents and wound up dumping an entire extra large soda on my lap.

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How the Chinese pack playing cards
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
Next time you play some Texas Hold-Em, think about these guys who packed your cards into that little box. I look like an ass just trying to shuffle without dropping any...
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How John Goodman lost all that weight
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
Hidden camera footage of his exercise routine:
Police blow up a suspicious toy pony
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Everyone knows that Whisper Glenn Court in Orlando has been a terrorist hot spot for quite some time. So it's about time police sprung into action. I'm just glad they didn't overreact. I mean, what would a stuffed pony be doing near a school yard? Seems suspicious to me.
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Thursday, September 9, 2010
Mr. Doodles' Football Challenge!
Posted by Boris at
5:57 AM

Win a Sony PS3 or X-Box 360 from Best Buy in Poughkeepsie for guessing if Mr. Doodles or his challenger will choose the most winning football teams each Sunday. Click here to enter online!
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How to tie your shoes super-fast!
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
This may change your life.
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A real money tree
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
This filmmaker stuck dollar bills to a real tree in Chicago and filmed people's reactions.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Cruise ship hits some big waves
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
This closed-circuit video shows just how choppy the water was during a recent cruise on the Pacific Sun Cruise Liner.
Lady Gaga runs out of outfits
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM
When you've worn every crazy outfit you can think of and Vogue Japan asks you to pose for the cover there's only one thing to do... wear a meat bikini.

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French Newspaper uses 9/11 in "funny" ad
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
Just in time for the anniversary of the attacks, a French newspaper called Courrier International printed this ad joking that 9/11 could have been avoided if the twin towers had been shorter. Looks like it's time to order up some more freedom fries - Thanks, France.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Fight breaks out at the US Open
Posted by Boris at
5:57 AM
This guy looks like a douche... but technically, he's the one that was attacked here. (Although I'm sure he deserved it, and Judge Judy would still find him guilty.)
Strange Asian theme park commercial
Posted by Boris at
5:54 AM
Finally, a theme park ad that's more terrifying than those Six Flags commercials with the creepy old dancing guy and his scary little kid. Well, almost.
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Why American Idol is doomed
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
Here's a clip from Britain's X-Factor, the show owned by Simon Cowell that's coming to the USA. Watch these two untalented chubbys insult the crowd, the judges and each other while getting into a fight on stage. Now this is entertainment!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The latest "Between Two Ferns"
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
This month's guest: Sean Penn
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Tennis player collapses on the court
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM
You know how hot it was yesterday... how would you like to have been running around chasing a tennis ball in Queens? Victoria Azarenka collapsed under the heat. It was a controlled collapse, but I posted the video anyway because of the awesome soundtrack:
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Awesome goal celebration!
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
This is the greatest celebration ever... The human toilet!
Interviews from Blenn Beck's Rally
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
Please, don't let people from other countries see this... It's embarrassing enough that we've made Justin Bieber famous, we don't need them to know how stupid we are too. (You need to keep watching for the very last lady interviewed... she's my new American hero)
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