Let's sort this out as much as possible:
A group of people get shipwrecked on the island. Pregnant lady is separated from the group and found by the woman from The West Wing. After giving birth to twins, the pregnant lady is stoned to death by crazy Allison Janney. One baby is named Jacob, the other... oh well, we just won't name him (?!).
As the twins grow up we know that one is heading towards good and the other, evil. How do we know this? One is wrapped in a white blanket, the other dark. One has blond hair, the other dark. One plays the game using the white rock, the other.... OK, we get it!!! Thanks and let's move on, ummkay?
Mom shows the boys a cave that is full of light. This is the heart of the island, yadda yadda... if the light goes out here it goes out everywhere... blah blah blah.
The unnamed brother is Mom's favorite. She leaves a game for him to play on the beach and says that he's "special" because he has the ability to lie, unlike goody-two-shoes Jacob. Eventually, unnamed brother sees a vision of his real mother and learns what crazy Allison Janey did to her. Why can't Jacob see this vision? Was this really a vision like Hurley is able to see, or was it the Smoke Monster taking the form of his mother?
Unnamed brother moves out to live with the other shipwreck survivors and leaves Crazy with Jacob. Jacob knows he's not her favorite, but now she has no choice but to suck up to him, because he's all she has left. Through the years, Jacob continues to meet with his brother to play their fun rock game and talk about the evil nature of humans (specifically, the humans that no name is now living with).
No name brother learns from the "very intellectual" people he lives with that the island has special properties and figures out that if he attaches a wheel to the bottom of a well and mixes water with the light that somehow he can leave .... uhh, ok. Mom will have none of it, so she smashes his head and kills the rest of the people in his group.
Mom mumbles some nonsense and makes Jacob the new protector of the island. He resists at first, saying that she loved his brother more, but she tells Jacob that she realizes that it was supposed to be him all along.
Unnamed son comes back to pay Mom a visit and kills her. She is killed in the same way Dogan told Sayid how to kill Smoke Monster... and how Smoke Monster told Richard how to kill Jacob. He didn't let her speak first, and stabbed her with "the knife". Before dying, Mom thanks unnamed for, I can only assume, finally letting her rest. Is this a very-special mother's day episode of Lost, or what?
Jacob gets pissed, throws brother into the cave of light and releases the Kraken., er, Smoke Monster. Brother is now dead and is laid to rest in the cave with Mom and a bag of rocks.
YES, WE REMEMBER THE SKELETONS FROM SEASON 1 - No need to insert a clip to drive home the... oh, too late. Gee, thanks. God forbid someone just tuned into the series for the first time tonight, we wouldn't want them to be CONFUSED!
So, now we know that Jacob is alive. However, the Man In Black that he's been spending time with on the island isn't his brother... it's the Smoke Monster who's taken the form of his brother's body that's rotting in the cave. When John Locke's rotting corpse comes to the island, the Smoke Monster abandons the Man In Black's body and takes over Locke's.
I turn off the TV and yell some colorful language before retiring to bed.
First off: WTF.
Second: Was Crazy Mom the protector of the island or was she, in fact, the smoke monster all along? Reasons to believe she was the protector: She transferred the power to Jacob, she didn't want anyone to leave the island, she was able to make sure that the brothers couldn't kill each other (somehow). Reasons to think she was the smoke monster: Her favorite son was the bad one... he was "special" because he could lie. The favorite son was the only one who could see his dead, real mother. Was it crazy mom, as the smoke monster, pretending to be his real mother to lead him where he needed to go in order to eventually take over as the smoke monster? Also, how did Crazy Mom kill everyone in the camp and fill in the well? Seems like something only the Smoke Monster would actually do.
Third: How did the shipwrecked people know that putting a wheel inside the well could make them escape? Did they find some instructions somewhere or did the island "speak to them" somehow?
Fourth: Where's the huge statue and temple? They were all seemingly built centuries before this storyline took place? Was the island "moved" sometime after Jacob arrived and the island went back in time between now and when the black rock appears?
Sadly, I don't think any of these questions will ever be answered... Ugh, I have a really sick feeling in my stomach. If this is how the rest of the show plays out I'm afraid I may be very disappointed. PLEASE let the show make some more sense next week. I'm gonna trust it will.
I gave up watching so long ago. I am so glad. Sorry for your frustration. I, too, enjoy stories that actually GO somewhere instead of rehashing and rearranging old material.
ReplyDeleteIwill miss Lost very very much! During the snowstorm power outage we watched past seasons on DVD!(generator power)
ReplyDeleteHurley can see the dead people also. Didn't he see Jacob while he was in the mental hospital? Does this mean that Jacob was already dead when Hurley was seeing him?
ReplyDeleteWhat was the drink that the mother gave Jacob? Jacob gave the bottle to the man in black, who then broke it over the rock, but never drank from it. So that bottle was around for a long time.
I am soooo confused, now more then ever, I have been watching this show from day 1 and was hoping that this last season would answer some questions. In some ways it has but it has also opened the door to so many new questions, I can only hope that the last new episode before the end will help. I feel ypur pain!!!
ReplyDeleteI think maybe Jacob's brother became the smoke monster when Jacob threw him into the cave of light. Why else would he have told Kate about having a crazy mother? And he even said as a boy that he just wanted to go HOME.
ReplyDeleteWait, how do we know Jacob is "alive"? Alive when? What?
ReplyDeleteI think your WTF? summed up last night. This light thing is way too hokey they better wrap this up nicely or I am going to feel like I wasted entirely too much time.
Lady from West Wing said same thing to Jacob as Sayid said to Jack.
What about - How did Allison Janney get there??? And what was with the two language thing? What time line is this? If it's ancient times, English as we know if didn't exist till the 1400-1500's or so. Is there some sort of weird time warp like in Harry Potter? It's modern times but they use quills to write? Huh?
ReplyDeleteAnd the light in the tunnel? It's like an allusion to the garden of eden - the forbidden fruit. It looks really nice in order to entice you, but you're not supposed to partake. Once you do, you see what's really there. Was that the first instance of the smoke monster or is that just his hide out? How does Janney's character know to avoid it? Who told her?
As the show continued in that manner, all I kept saying was.... are you kidding.... really...really.. Unfortunately I think you may be right, we will never have the answers we're waiting for. They just added sooooooo many more questions rather than help to answer them. But I am still hoping for the writers to do the right thing :)
ReplyDeleteIts just going to be someones dream at the ending.Thats what they stated on Letterman the other night.
ReplyDeleteLets just quote Styx from 1981.
ReplyDelete"Too Much time on my Hands"
Wait a minute. I thought Nameless became the Smoke Monster and his physical body died. Not until I read your blog did I even think for a second that Nameless died and released the monster and they were two different beings. Remember that crazy lady told Jacob that going into the light would be worse than death.
ReplyDeleteAlso was'nt the strange boy that appears to Fake Lock young Jacob? If so and its just his ghost appearing to Lock thats cool. But wasnt Sawyer able to see him?
yeah...they've got a lot to cover in the next two weeks.
ReplyDeletesomeone mentioned the language thing. they were speaking in latin, so this part of the storyline has to be from a long time ago.
also, it makes so much sense for the crazy mom to have been the smoke monster all along. no one else would be able to drag no name's body up from the well, destroy the well, and then kill everyone without even getting a scratch. she's evil! and where'd she come from anyway?
ugh! so confused!!!
Back in Ab Aeterno MIB told Richard the devil(Jacob) took his body. Mabye smokey is the MIBs soul or something manifesting in a physical form and his body is dead but hes not And he can only take the form of dead things like he told Jack a couple weeks ago. Also agree bout the flashbacks. Complete waste of time. Anyone whose watched the show remembers the skeletons.
ReplyDeleteThe answers are there. Maybe everyone needs to rewatch it.
ReplyDeleteThe light can give life, take it, or make you reborn (which is a throwback to the statue). His brother was reborn as the smoke monster because the water turned that redish brown color. Like in the temple, which is built on this site.
They were apeaking latin at first to let you know they weren't speaking english. They switched to spare you an episode of subtitles and let you concentrate on what was happenning.
Crazy mom may have gone into the light herself making her into a smoke monster and revealing the secrets of the island to her. If that did happen, she pulled a Sayid and relized there was something bad in her, which is why she bonded with MIB and deep down knew it had to be Jacob.
For what it's worth, seems pretty clear that MIB corresponds to the biblical Esau. In that story, Jacob and Esau are twins, Jacob is smooth skinned while Esau is hairy, they was a prophecy that they would both fight their entire lives, Esau became a hunter and "man of the field" while Jacob was a simple man who dwelled in tents. Esau hated Jacob (for taking away his birthright and the blessing of his father). It get's a bit convoluted to describe here, but there is analysis of that story by some which says that Jacob smelled of Paradise, while Esau smelled of Hell. It is by no means a perfect fit, but seems pretty likely that this is what the writers are thinking...
ReplyDeleteI think Noname's soul was separated from his body and became mixed with smokey when he fell into the light. He's still himself but fused with all the destructive power of evil.
ReplyDeleteDid you know that Jack's number is 23 and the series finale is on May 23rd! Coincidence? FREAKY!!!!!
ReplyDeleteKarl, nah, all they had to do was figure out how many episodes were left and then count backwards. That's probably why there's so much damn time between the end of one season and the beginning of the next.
ReplyDeletemaybe no name is really "he that shall not be named"---Voldermort
ReplyDeleteI think the eposode made a LOT of sense, and answered a lot of questions. Obviously, they spoke in latin in the beginning, and switched to english (they even played a sound effect to allude to it) so you didn't have to read the episode.
ReplyDeleteThe crazy mother must have some power if she was able to fill the well, kill all of those men and carry MIB out of the well. She, at some point, must have taken some of the light and become 'reborn'.
She gave some of her power to the two children, making them immortal. That is why they cannot leave. If some of the light leaves the island, it's gone forever. MIB, who is now the smoke monster, absorbed most (or all) of the light, and if he leaves now, that is why everyone will die. The light is the heart of the Island, and the Island is the heart of the world.
MIB was the mother's favorite because she sensed evil in him as she had in her (for succumbing to temptation and 'tasting' the light) and felt that she could turn him to good, as she had forced herself to be good.
As for why only MIB could see his real mother, I don't know. Maybe there are always 'two' on the island, one good and one evil, and the evil one tempted MIB away.
Those are just my thoughts...
Damn verge of chaos. That seems pretty spot on.