Just as Tiger is hoping to make his big comeback, out comes Raychel Coudriet. Raychel is Tiger's 22-year-old neighbor who has now stepped forward claiming that she and Tiger slept together. They first met when Raychel was 14! She says that they had sex a year ago in his office, right next to his kid's crib. There are some other creepy details including text messages and Ambien sex in this article.
On another note, check out the new Nike commercial that will now be running. The voice is that of Tiger's father asking "What have you learned". Creepy.
Tiger should be able to advertise for any company willing to use him. But is it wise for him to advertise for a company where their slogan is "just do it"? This got him in trouble in the first place.
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Tiger should be able to advertise for any company willing to use him. But is it wise for him to advertise for a company where their slogan is "just do it"? This got him in trouble in the first place.