1 - The "Whispers" are dead people trapped on the island because of things they've done. Michael is stuck because he killed Libby and the pilot from Avatar. So, is there some huge clue we can find by going back and listening to the whispers over and over again? I doubt it. I think we're just supposed to understand that these people are somehow "trapped" and that's why we hear them from time to time. I assume the cause and reason for the presence of trapped "souls" will be explained deeper in upcoming episodes (I hope). But, if you've got a few dozen hours to spare you can start working on your thesis here.
2 - Love is the answer. God, I hope not - I may barf before the finale ends. In the parallel world, Libby is "crazy" because she is aware of the island timeline. This is the same reason why Charlie is kind of nuts. Once Libby kisses Hurley (gross) he, too, realizes that they are kindred spirits and he's now able to see their on-island life together. It seems that if there was an on-island love, it can trigger memories when those people meet in the parallel world (ie: Faraday/Charlotte). Does this mean that Sawyer and Kate will eventually ignite some memories between them? Will Jack bump into Juliette somewhere? I read somewhere that Ben will eventually get a very out-of-character love interest... hmm. Well, even if not, a near death experience will do.
3 - Desmond's not a pedophile... he's just trying to get everyone back to the real timeline. Looks like ole' Des has given himself the job of gathering everyone from the flight and making them remember the island world. When he's not playing matchmaker... he's serving up near-death experiences (That Locke hit was worth 100 points at least). Wonder what John Locke saw during his near-death experience. Did he see himself as the smoke monster?
4 - So, Hurley is going to wind up being the hero of the story? Who would have seen that one coming? Hurley has been the throwaway character throughout most of the series. Way back, when Michael was working for the Others and was given a list of people to bring to Ben, Hurley was the one sent back to camp because he wasn't special.
5 - What is Hurley's plan? He's got a bag... is it the bag of Jacob's ashes Ilana was holding on to? Will Hurley try to trap the Smoke Monster somehow? Smothering him with his enormous man boobs may be an option too.
6 - What's up with Desmond. He knows why he's there... yet he seems very calm and trusting. Does he know how everything is going to play out or is he still in shock from the big realization of last week? Regardless, you should never go hiking with Locke-Monster in the dark and lean over a deep well. -- An aside: The writers missed a great opportunity here. When Locke-Monster returns to camp Sayid asks "How is Desmond". Locke should have said "He's well" Hahahahahaha...
7 - So, the remaining candidates have now arrived at the smoke monster's camp. As they show up, Hurley is clearly in charge. Jack looks confused, Lapedis is cranky as usual and Sun.... Let's just say I'm so happy that she no longer speaks English because I don't think I could handle hearing her cry and yell for Jin AGAIN. Suck it up, lady. He's on Hydra island with Widmore. You'll see him in the finale.
Again, we end an episode with everyone neatly in place and ready for the next episode. If you saw the preview for next week, you're probably just as confused as I am as to what's going to happen. What Willy Wonka has to do with Lost is beyond me. Maybe those Apollo candy bars are the key...
Your thoughts?
I believe that Desmond has just been beaten into submission. The magnetic torture has made him just go along with anything. This is why he suddenly decides that he will go along with widmore and then just walks away with Sayid, he no longer has his own free will.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you so turned off by Hurley now? He has always been around in a good way. He was always in a situation when you may not expected him, and always learning new things. He has always been a positive light on the island.
Alt world Locke, will probably be sent to Jack's hospital, (seemingly the only one in California) where Jack will preform a miracle surgery giving Locke back the ability to walk.
Anyone have any ideas on that creepy little mutant kid that Locke and Sayid saw in the jungle? Young Jacob?
ReplyDeleteFirst off, good recap Boris.
ReplyDeleteI'm still going with my theory last week the Whitmore needed Desmond to set off some massive electromagnetic charge to finally get rid of Smokey. Hence, when Smokey is told what Whitmore did to him, he had to be taken care of. "He Well" would have been much better. I certainly hope Desmond isn't dead, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. You could totally tell Desmond was gonna be pushed down as soon as we saw it.
I'm glad we get to see Hurley in a different light other than the depressed fat follower all the time. Now onto Libby. She would of had to have a near-death experience in order to see Hurley in the first place. I mentioned it last week, Libby(Elizabeth) was talking to Desmond about how her husband just died. So maybe she was depressed, tried to kill herself, seeing the visions. And thats why she is in the funny farm voluntarily, on suicide watch maybe?
The well, if it is another path to "power", and there are more than just the one, than maybe they are spread out on the island and will end up being the pillars of a fence to trap smokey.
Desmonds hit on Locke is worth easily 200bonus points. My DVR cut out just before that so I have no comment on the scenes for next week.
I can't wait for this crap to be over ....
ReplyDeleteI think the reason you're seeing Desmond so calm is because he finally sees what has to happen, ever since his episode last week. This is his chance to do something truly great, and as it has been beaten into his head in the past he never has nor ever will do anything truly "great". This is his chance.
ReplyDeleteI was originally thinking that Widmore was going to try and catch Fake-Locke inside an electromagnetic fence, much like that of the Others base camp. But now after last night's episode, Fake-Locke explained that there are various wells, like the one Desmond is currently sitting in, all around the island. We know that already because we've learned that there are many electromagnetic energy "pockets" all over the island in prior seasons.
What I am expecting is that Widmore knows full-well now that Desmond can survive electromagnetic explosion, so he is going to have Desmond initiate an explosion from down inside the well. The explosion will be of nuclear proportions and Fake-Locke will die in the blast. I expect that Widmore has a strategy in place to get everyone onto the sub or plane, leaving only himself, Fake-Locke and Desmond on the island. Once that happens, Widmore will likely do something to keep Fake-Locke's attention on himself while Desmond causes the explosion. Widmore will likely die in the explosion, leaving Desmond surviving and Fake-Locke dead.
A few episodes ago we learned when Sawyer was talking to Fake-Locke that he is not able to turn into the smoke monster and travel between the islands in that form. Its also quite obvious that an electromagnetic explosion is what Widmore is trying to engage and Desmond is the only person (present) who can survive such a blast.
I'm also guessing that we'll find out what the island "truly is" in an upcoming episode as Richard is still hinting, as per last night's episode, that the island isn't what it appears to be. It must have more than a physical meaning and whatever that truly means, I'd have to imagine that an electromagnetic blast will likely play into this as well when we finally find out what the island really is.
Way to steal my threory anonymous at 9:58.
ReplyDeleteI just realized i spelt Widmore wrong quite a bit. Now, as for my Libby thoughts of suicide earlier. We've all heard stories of people who are near death "seeing things"(grandma at the end of the tunnel). Lost is going in this direction.
I don't think Widmore woudl leave himself on the island to die. Unless he sees this as taking control of the island again. He'd much rather have the satisfaction of leaving Desmond(if he is still alive) on the island to rot in Hell(like richardo suggests the island is).
The kiss thing is very lame, the writers dropped the ball on that one.
thank you BORIS! and mr anonoymous #4 for helping explain some of last night to me. these episodes are getting more and more confusing to me as we go on. So thank you.
ReplyDeleteand i think it was sweet that libby and hurley kissed. the poor guy deserves a break.
Re: #3 Boris - If Desmond WASN'T trying to kill Locke, why was he so gentle with Hurley? He didn't need a near death experience in order to "see" his alternate life. I thought Desmond definitely was trying to kill Locke. That might be the loophole that Smokey was talking about. If Desmond got rid of the host body, then when everyone meets up with their other selves, Smokey won't have a body to inhabit. That's what I thought he was trying to do.
ReplyDeleteThe previews for next week show Locke in a hospital and Desmond alive, so I guess we'll see.
AND WHO IS THAT CREEPY KID ALREADY? Was he older looking than last time, or is it me? I don't have a DVR, so I can't check As of this moment, I wonder if the kid might be Jacob. Hurley never sees Jacob when the kid is around, and since the kid smiles at Smokey, maybe that's what the inside joke is. Smokey can't kill him directly, so he's just taunting him.
As I stated in last week's comments, I think that Desmond is fine and not afraid because he knows that the sideways Desmond is doing what needs to be done. Island Desmond doesn't have to do a thing.
ReplyDeleteAnyone catch that Desmond's order number in Mr. Clucks is 42?? What's his cave number again??