For those of you stuck indoors because of the massive storm we're experiencing, you've suffered enough. It would be cruel of me to torture you with a fatty-fat this week.
Instead, please enjoy this video that will make the snow seem a bit more bearable:
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
This week's Olympic hottie
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
For those of you who haven't caught curling fever like I have, perhaps this will change your mind. Meet Denmark's star player, Madeleine Dupont:

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5 year old saves her father's life
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
Check out this 911 call made by 5 year-old Savannah. Her father was having symptoms of a heart attack, so she called 911 and kept her father calm until the EMS arrived. I don't know any 5 year-olds that are this calm and focused.
Here's more of the story
Here's more of the story
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Lost: Claire wants to axe you something...
Posted by Boris at
7:55 AM

Jack's appendix scar: We know in the island universe it was Juliette who took out Jack's appendix. Now, in the alternate universe we learn that Jack had his appendix out when he was a kid. Was he truly confused about this, and is his memory starting to meld with the on-island reality, or was him forgetting about the operation just a device for us to learn that he got his appendix taken out as a child/
Jack's son: Holy moley, he has a kid! Someone told me that the kid looked like Kate, and that they believe she's the mother. I doubt it. Jack didn't really recognize Kate on the plane when he saw her. You'd think she'd ask how the kid was or something. More likely, he and Sarah got married and then divorced just like in the other reality. Cooler theory: It's Juliette's!
The lighthouse: I was so excited when Jacob asked Hurley to point the dial to 108! You know, 108 is the sum total of all the "numbers". Aha! That must be Kate... pause DVR... who's "Wallace"? He's crossed out anyway... looks like Jacob was just using the lighthouse as a ploy to "push" Jack into doing what he has to do. Jury's still out on whether Jacob is really the good guy here... he seems to be pretty manipulative.
Why does Jack, a successful spinal surgeon, drive a piece of crap?
Jack's son is an accomplished pianist... just like Faraday wanted to be? Probably just a coincidence?
Crazy Claire - love her! You need to be bat s*** crazy to make a baby out of old bones and garbage. Why isn't she surprised Jin can speak English? And we now her "friend" is Smoke Monster Locke... She doesn't introduce him as Locke... does she only see him as the monster?
Ok, that's all I have this morning. More to come this afternoon... Sorry for the truncated thoughts, but snow closings trump my Lost obsession. Please fill in the gaps below in the comments section.
*ADDED 2/25*
I didn't want this buried in the comments section, so I'm adding it to the post. After speculation last week why Kate's name wasn't included on Jacob's list, I'm happy to say that Kate is still a candidate. A few listeners pointed me to this screenshot, that clearly shows Austen listed as #51 on Jacob's lighthouse wheel and her name is not crossed out... She's not one of "the numbers", but she is clearly still a candidate. This could be signicant, or a result of the writers coming up with 6 "numbers" and later deciding not to kill someone off, leaving 7 candidates.
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Hillary Duff totally accepts proposal
Posted by Boris at
7:42 AM
These photos look staged to me... I mean, how lucky would it be for the paparazzi to catch Hillary Duff being proposed to? Although I must say, the photos do seem to follow the usual progression:
Girl gets huge diamond:
Girl shows her appreciation for the huge diamond:
Girl is proposed to:
Girl gets huge diamond:
Girl shows her appreciation for the huge diamond:
I guess 3 months salary is TOTALLY worth it!
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How to kill time during a 10 hour layover
Posted by Boris at
7:23 AM
Stuck at the airport all night between flights? What fun!
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Oprah builds her set out of chocloate
Posted by Boris at
7:18 AM
Let's see... how do I not draw too much attention to the fact that I'm super rich while most of my viewers are struggling to keep their jobs? And at the same time, I don't want to give anyone an opportunity to make jokes about how fat I've gotten again?
I got it! I'll do my show from a set made entirely out of Godiva chocolate!!!
I got it! I'll do my show from a set made entirely out of Godiva chocolate!!!
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Nickelback pissed at the pickle
Posted by Boris at
5:46 AM
The Facebook group that set out to get more fans for a pickle than the band Nickelback has succeeded. Late last week the pickle overtook Nickelback, and now has about 1.5 million fans. Well, Chad Kroeger isn't very happy about it. This weekend the fan page's creators started receiving messages from Kroeger threatening to have the fan page removed from Facebook.

What you see on TV isn't real!
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
Well, it's even less real that I thought... I never realized how many shots, even the most simple, actually used special effects and green screen. Watch this demo reel from Stargate Productions and you'll never see TV the same again:
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Geek Stuff,

Jay Leno's promo, re-edited
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
Have you seen the new Jay Leno promo for his return to the Tonight Show? It's the one where he's driving one of his douchy million dollar sports cars (because he's just like us!) and the song "Get Back" plays with the line "Get back to where you once belonged." It's obnoxious, self-serving and I'm not sure who's supposed to be excited about it...
However, if you slightly alter the soundtrack the commercial makes much more sense:
However, if you slightly alter the soundtrack the commercial makes much more sense:
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Aircheck: Boris' mother sings the pussy willow song
Posted by Boris at
9:32 AM
This morning I had my mother call up and perform the song she was singing throughout my neighborhood yesterday...
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Olympic snowboarder sent home for shenanigans
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
"Got home this morning to all my homies," he said on his Twitter site. "Such a good Olympic experience. Keeping my medal in a safe spot for now haha."
Olympic crotch-shot
Posted by Boris at
5:28 AM
Why did NBC find it necessary to put their camera right between Apolo Ohno's legs the other night??? Why???

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Friday, February 19, 2010
Family Guy actress responds to Sarah Palin
Posted by Boris at
9:07 AM

"My name is Andrea Fay Friedman. I was born with Down syndrome. I played the role of Ellen on the "Extra Large Medium" episode of Family Guy that was broadcast on Valentine's day. Although they gave me red hair on the show, I am really a blonde. I also wore a red wig for my role in " Smudge" but I was a blonde in "Life Goes On". I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska" was very funny. I think the word is "sarcasm".
In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes."
Jonas Brothers can't play football (surprise!)
Posted by Boris at
6:36 AM
You'd think with all of the spare time these guys have not having sex with girls they would have developed some sort of athletic ability! Click for more photos.

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Dutch speedskater disses NBC
Posted by Boris at
6:11 AM
After winning the Gold Medal in speedskating, the NBC reporter asks this Dutch athlete to state his name, his country and what medal he just won. He responds with an honest "Are you stupid?"
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
Gary Coleman explodes on The Insider
Posted by Boris at
6:52 AM
Check out this crazy interview with Gary Coleman on The Insider. The little guy gets all upset when confronted about the spousal abuse allegations that have been surrounding him. Eventually he tells the woman panelist to F off and then he storms off the set:
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Is Angelina Jolie part reptile?
Posted by Boris at
6:33 AM
These strange photos surfaced yesterday of Angelina Jolie. Does anyone know what's going on with her face? She seems to have webbing that attaches her cheek to her neck! It's either a really bad facelift, or she is one of the Visitors!

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"Man Cave" made out of snow
Posted by Boris at
6:29 AM
Here's video from the story Brandi brought us this morning. An unemployed man in Ohip used his spare time to create the ultimate "man cave" out of snow... complete with TV and surround sound!
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Incredible landslide video
Posted by Boris at
6:23 AM
Did you see footage of the landslides in Southern Italy yesterday? It's incredible... and the good news is that no one was injured or killed!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Happy Ash Wednesday, Jesus is on a door
Posted by Boris at
7:58 AM
Here's a photo of the door that's being sold on Ebay to raise money for Haiti. It's supposed to be the image of Jesus. The owner is selling the doorknob and photos of the door and donating the money to Haiti relief.
Buyer beware: It may actually just be an image of a raccoon:
Buyer beware: It may actually just be an image of a raccoon:

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Belarus steals "The Big Bang Theory"
Posted by Boris at
6:17 AM
TV Producer, Chuck Lorre, is pissed at the country of Belarus. Apparently, the government-run TV network has been running a rip off of his show, The Big Bang Theory. According to Lorre, the shows running in Belarus are using scripts translated from episodes of TBBT that have already run in the US. Sadly, Lorre has been told that it's practically impossible to sue because the network is owned by the government. I think subjecting the Bellarus people to The Big Bang Theory should be punishment enough.
Here's a sample of the show in Belarus; it's a pretty obvious rip-off:
Here's a sample of the show in Belarus; it's a pretty obvious rip-off:
Lost: Names in a cave
Posted by Boris at
5:24 AM

So here's what we know:
In the alternate reality Locke is pretty well off. He married Helen (yeah!) and is still on speaking terms with his father. While he still yearns to get out of the wheelchair and doesn't want people telling him what he can't do, he has the love and support of Helen who loves him unconditionally.
Locke is surrounded by the other Oceanic passengers in his life. He has a run-in with Hugo, hangs up on Jack's receptionist, meets with Rose at the temp agency (who may or may not know Desmond, according to the poster on the office wall) and the real shocker: he's now working with Ben as a substitute teacher. I love the alternate reality Ben, by the way, getting all pissy about the coffee filter in the teachers' lounge!
Back in the island universe, Locke is moldy and decomposing while the smoke monster walks around looking just like him. We now know that old smokey can no longer change forms, so he's stuck in Locke's image. Why wouldn't they tell us the reason? Could it be because Jacob is now dead? Because the "rules" state he can only steal one of the candidates' bodies? Who knows, it may just be unimportant to the story, but necessary for us to understand that Locke is the one and only smoke monster.
So that leads us to Claire, Sayid and Christian. If they're not the smoke monster, since he is now solely living in Locke's body, who or what are they now? Were they former "candidates" that have been taken over by the dark side's team? What if that's part of the history of the island? Jacob brings the candidates and smoke monster tests them. If they pass the test they continue to be a candidate, if not, they become a part of the dark side?
On to the candidates: Nice touch giving them "numbers" that correspond to Hurley's numbers. It looks like many people have been brought to the island as candidates. I paused the cave scene searching for other people and thought I caught Charlotte's and Claire's last names. Right now here's the possible candidates:
4=Locke 8=Hurley 15=Sawyer 16=Sayid 23=Jack 42= Jin or Sun
I'm going with the theory that 42=Jin. Why? Because he was involved with the time shifting, which somehow shows that he was special. When the Aljera flight landed on the island, Sun was one of the few who wasn't zapped off of the plane to 1977 with the rest of them. Well, neither was Locke... but he was a part of the original time shifting crew before leaving the island and getting murdered.
This leads us to Kate. Why wasn't Kate's name on the cave walls? Is she no longer a candidate? Is she a possible replacement for Sayid or Locke? Is it possible that women can't be a candidate? (I don't believe this theory because smoke monster seemed to believe Sun may be a possible candidate). Anyway... like I said, more questions after getting these "big answers"
This leads us to Kate. Why wasn't Kate's name on the cave walls? Is she no longer a candidate? Is she a possible replacement for Sayid or Locke? Is it possible that women can't be a candidate? (I don't believe this theory because smoke monster seemed to believe Sun may be a possible candidate). Anyway... like I said, more questions after getting these "big answers"
So what did you think about last night's show? I look forward to your comments below
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Wanna buy naked photos of Snookie?
Posted by Boris at
9:04 AM
This is why sometimes I don't check my email. One of our listeners pointed me to the website where they claim to have nude photos of the Poughkeepsie Princess. Below is the proof that the photos they have are legit. According to the website, they have even hotter ones available... for a price.

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Help WRRV stay in business!
Posted by Boris at
7:56 AM

Please show your support for WRRV by visiting
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Show Conversation

Snowboarding hottie helping Haiti with panties
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
Last week we introduced you to Olympic snowboarder, Clair Bedez. This week we'd like to present Hannah Teter:
Hannah won the gold in the Half-Pipe back in 2006. This Olympics she's decided to donate all of her prize money to help the recovery in Haiti. She's also taken to the web with a unique way to raise money for charity: Selling her panties. A pair costs $18, and five bucks from each sale goes to Doctors Without Borders. If you'd like to help out, here's the link.
Romanian "Cops" is awesome
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
I don't speak Romanian, but I do know a little backstory to this video. The cop is arresting the woman for allegedly abusing school children. She gets angry and slapps the cop across the face. What the cop does next is acceptable in Romania, I guess...
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Silent Bob too fat to fly!
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM

The airline later apologized to Smith, refunded his ticket and gave him a $100 voucher.
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Oprah makes an uh-oh with Drew Brees
Posted by Boris at
5:24 AM
How stupid is Oprah? Obviously she's never seen Drew Brees before... here she is attempting to wipe of the birthmark on his face.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Valentine's Day FAIL
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
If you're going to seduce your girlfriend with a sexy striptease, make sure you are wearing clean underwear.
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Lindsay Lohan poses as Jesus
Posted by Boris at
4:54 AM
Happy Lent, everyone! Here's the controversial magazine cover featuring Lindsay Lohan posing with a crown of thorns and arms stretched out like Jesus.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM
The Winter Olympics begin this Friday. Support your country by cheering on a member of our team. I'm rooting for 22-year-old snowboarder Clair Bidez. Check out those flying tomatoes!

Listener submission: At the drive-thru
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM
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Listener Submissions,

Old farts grab their crotches
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
This is what your grandparents are doing at the old age home:
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Lost: Hello, Evil Claire
Posted by Boris at
5:18 AM

We're starting to get some more clarity, albeit slowly, about who is on what team and what is really going on. Tonight it became quite evident that the Others actually ARE the good guys. It's getting too late in the game for another flip-flop on who's helping whom. The Others want to protect the island, they want to protect those who are on Jacob's list and they are scared to death of the smoke monster / man in black / claimer of dead people. This means that Ben, although a little twisted in his thinking, is also on the good guys' team. Everything he's been doing has been with good intentions.
We learned that Sayid is "infected" by the smoke monster, just like Claire. We can probably be pretty sure that Christian Shepard is also being controlled by the smoke monster, since he and Claire have been hanging at Jacob's old cabin before it was burned to the ground. Here's what confuses me, though: If the smoke monster supposedly "claims" the bodies of the dead, then what about John Locke's body? Locke's corpse is rotting on the beach while the monster walks around looking just like Locke. When Sayid died and came back to life, it was in the same body. Christian Shepard's coffin was empty and then was seen walking around the island; we can assume his body was claimed and came back to life. Claire was blown up by that explosion and then got right back up as Zombie Claire. Why wouldn't Locke's body be claimed?
While we're on it, the infection is different from the sickness, no? The sickness is caused from traveling to and from the island and a reaction to the shift in time. Desmond got the sickness, and was only cured after he found his constant. I assumed Rousseau's crew also had the sickness from traveling to the island. But, did they actually have the infection; being possessed by the smoke monster? Hmmmm.
I hope we don't keep getting snow storms every Wednesday after Lost. Gotta go read snow closings. Let's continue the conversation... as always, use the comments feature below to add your insight.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Posted by Boris at
5:59 AM

Just download the photo of Snookie, paste it into a scene and submit. Some of these are simply awesome!
Link: Snookie-Shop
UPDATE - The 4 photos I made were posted today: Taylor Swift and Kanye, Lost, T-Shirt and The White Shadow
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PSA from the UK is pretty cool...
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
This is a Public Service Announcement that started airing last week in the UK. It was created by the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership to help promote seatbelt use. How come in the US we're subjected to the same PSA with the no-fingered creepy smoking lady over and over again, while in England they get to watch cool stuff like this?
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Monday, February 8, 2010
Best Superbowl moment from last night
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
What was your favorite Superbowl moment? The return of Clark Griswold? The sexy Go Daddy commercials? Betty White and Abe Vigoda playing football? The old dudes singing on top of the spaceship at halftime? Maybe it was the Saints' Cinderella victory...
Well, this was my favorite:
Miss any of the commercials, or just want to see the Simpsons' Coke spot again? Click here
Well, this was my favorite:
Miss any of the commercials, or just want to see the Simpsons' Coke spot again? Click here
Sarah Palin reads cheat notes off her hand
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM

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Reunited and it feels so... awkward.
Posted by Boris at
5:34 AM

Oh, wait... nevermind.
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Tiger Shark eats the Reefcam!
Posted by Boris at
5:32 AM
This webcam was set up to monitor activity in the Great Barrier Reef. That is, until Mr. Shark came along and ruined everything. Sharks are sooo cool!
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Friday, February 5, 2010
Woman allegedly groped on Disney ride
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
Creepy kid from Back To The Future III
Posted by Boris at
5:19 AM
When I saw this my jaw dropped to the floor. I can't believe I never noticed it before.
Carefully watch the creepy kid who plays one of Doc Brown's children, Vern, during the really lame ending of Back To The Future III. It seems as though he decided to use his one time on film to send a message out to all the ladies of the world...
Carefully watch the creepy kid who plays one of Doc Brown's children, Vern, during the really lame ending of Back To The Future III. It seems as though he decided to use his one time on film to send a message out to all the ladies of the world...
Is NBC's cafeteria racist?
Posted by Boris at
5:16 AM
Questlove of the Roots posted this picture of the menu at NBC’s cafeteria to his Twitter yesterday while on his lunch break from “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.”
He captioned the photo “Hmmm… HR?”

He captioned the photo “Hmmm… HR?”

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Oceanic flights side-by-side
Posted by Boris at
5:10 AM
I owe whoever put this video together a debt of grattitude. Now I don't have to spend the weekend moving both TV's into the living room and hooking up the DVD player and the DVR to compare both Oceanic 815 flights side by side. Spoiler alert: Jack looks like he aged 5 years!!!
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New Heinz ketchup packet!
Posted by Boris at
5:02 AM
After 40 years, Heinz has unveiled a replacement to it's foil ketchup packet. Holding 3 times more of the condiment, you can either dip into the cup-like packet, or squeeze the ketchup onto your food.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010
Miley Cyrus' younger sister is selling lingere
Posted by Boris at
6:18 AM
Miley Cyrus has a 9-year-old sister named Noah. She, along with one of Miley's co-stars in Hannah Montana named Emily Grace, have announced that they will be selling a line of lingerie for girls aged 9-14 for Ohh La La Couture. That's right LINGERE for 9-YEAR-OLDS! Of course, Miley and Noah's parents are totally on board with this idea.
Hey, here's an even better idea! They decided promote the line of lingere by having the little girls pose on a stripper pole. Seriously...

More at this link
Hey, here's an even better idea! They decided promote the line of lingere by having the little girls pose on a stripper pole. Seriously...

More at this link
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Angry man drives into gas station
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM
This guy was upset because he had to prepay for his gas!
New Vacation movie in the works???
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
Not really... more like a commercial that will air during the Superbowl. But it would be pretty cool if Clark came back for just one more film!
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Mel Gibson calls reporter an A-Hole
Posted by Boris at
6:40 AM
Mel Gibson gets indignant when asked about his anti-semetic views and public battle with alcohol abuse. Then he calls the interviewer an A-hole. Hey, Mel... that's really not the way to win back the public. WWJD?
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Dude looks at porn at work... on camera
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
Check out the guy in the background, over the speaker's right shoulder. He's caught looking at girly pictures on his computer. (It starts at 1:05)
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Lost: Here we go again...
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM
So we have 2 parallel universes going on here? One where the bomb worked, and the crash never happened and one where the bomb didn't work and the gang is still stuck on the island (however, no longer in 1977, but present day). In the "saved universe" Desmond never made it to the island (that's now underwater), but somehow made it onto the plane (and then possibly disappeared from the plane?). In the "unsaved universe" things are getting freaky now that Jacob is dead and the others are hunkering down for a full-out war. But, wait a minute... What were Juliette's dying (or post-dying) words? "It worked!" Great... more questions and we only have 15 more episodes to go.
What did we find out?
Fake Locke is really the dude in black.
The dude in black is also the smoke monster!
Ash (and a high powered frequency fence) keeps away the smoke monster.
The stewardess from the plane is still alive with the others.
Jacob is really dead.
That wasn't Charlie's guitar in the case... it was a Jacob fortune cookie.
The actress that plays Shannon didn't sign a contract to be in the final season.
What questions are bugging me now?
What is that mark on off-island Jack's neck?
Why are the others in trouble if something happens to the on-island gang?
What's the man in black's beef with Richard Alpert?
Why weren't Walt and Michael on the plane?
Is that really Sayid or the reincarnation of Jacob?
Where did Christian Shepard's corpse go?
For what possible reason did the actress who plays Shannon decide not to sign a contract to be in the final season?
Did I miss anything? Use the comments section below to add your own thoughts.
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2010 Oscar Nominations
Posted by Boris at
5:20 AM

Best Picture
The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
A Serious Man
Up in the Air
Best Director
Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker
James Cameron, Avatar
Lee Daniels, Precious
Jason Reitman, Up in the Air
Quentin Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds
Best Actor
Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart
George Clooney, Up in the Air
Colin Firth, A Single Man
Morgan Freeman, Invictus
Jeremy Renner, The Hurt Locker
Best Actress
Sandra Bullock, The Blind Side
Helen Mirren, The Last Station
Carey Mulligan, An Education
Gabourey Sidibe, Precious
Meryl Streep, Julie & Julia
Best Supporting Actor
Matt Damon, Invictus
Woody Harrelson, The Messenger
Christopher Plummer, The Last Station
Stanley Tucci, The Lovely Bones
Christoph Waltz, Inglourious Basterds
Best Supporting Actress
Penélope Cruz, Nine
Vera Farmiga, Up in the Air
Maggie Gyllenhaal, Crazy Heart
Anna Kendrick, Up in the Air
Mo’Nique, Precious
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Lost seasons 1-5 in 8:15
Posted by Boris at
8:23 AM
For those of you who need to get up to speed for tonight:
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Billie Jean: Literal Video Version
Posted by Boris at
6:05 AM
Have you seen any of these literal videos before? Someone takes a music video and changes the lyrics of the song to describe exactly what's happening on screen. This one for Billie Jean is just awesome:
My Crying Wife
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
This website has a simple, but hilarious message: This guy's wife cries way too damn much. It's a collection of videos of her crying after watching movies... movies like Star Wars and Back To The Future (really!).
To get you warmed up, below is her explosion after Marley And Me:
See the whole collection of videos on this Website
To get you warmed up, below is her explosion after Marley And Me:
See the whole collection of videos on this Website
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The other rejected "gay" Superbowl ad
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
Yesteray we showed you the Go Daddy spot that was rejected from the Superbowl because it was too "gay". The spot below is the dating website ad that was also rejected.
Seriously, is that going to corrupt the moral values of our country? I thought it was actually pretty funny... Some people are a little upset about this because the Superbowl DID approve a commercial promoting the pro-life agenda.
You know, if people gay date they don't get pregnant in the first place... Just sayin'.
Seriously, is that going to corrupt the moral values of our country? I thought it was actually pretty funny... Some people are a little upset about this because the Superbowl DID approve a commercial promoting the pro-life agenda.
You know, if people gay date they don't get pregnant in the first place... Just sayin'.
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Retraction: Lady Gaga really is a woman
Posted by Boris at
5:46 AM
Back in July we speculated that Lady Gaga was really a dude. Some video proof of a strange bulge in her pants, coupled with the fact that she kind of looks like a dude, was enough to make us question her X chromosome count.
Well, this photo from the Grammys pretty much blows our theory out of the water. There's not enough duct tape in the world to hide any one's junk in this outfit. So, for the record, Lady Gaga is a woman... who just really looks like she could be a dude.
Well, this photo from the Grammys pretty much blows our theory out of the water. There's not enough duct tape in the world to hide any one's junk in this outfit. So, for the record, Lady Gaga is a woman... who just really looks like she could be a dude.

Payback to X-Box destroying girlfriend
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
Remember a while back I brought you video of the crazy girlfriend who destroyed her boyfriend's Xbox because he spent more time playing it than talking to her? Well, payback is a bitch.
While in a (very) drunken state, the psycho girlfriend has agreed to take part in the cinnamon challenge. Only thing is; her boyfriend has replaced a spoonful of cinnamon with cayanne pepper! Serves her right.
(NSFW - Strong Language)
While in a (very) drunken state, the psycho girlfriend has agreed to take part in the cinnamon challenge. Only thing is; her boyfriend has replaced a spoonful of cinnamon with cayanne pepper! Serves her right.
(NSFW - Strong Language)
Monday, February 1, 2010
2010 Grammy Winners
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
Did you watch the Grammy Awards last night? If you're like me, you were probably wondering why it's called "the biggest night in music". It should be called "the biggest night in people dressing in strange outfits and lip-syncing in front of dancing robots, doing circus acts and pretty much ripping off everything that Lady Gaga does." Hey, at least Kings Of Leon won something... yeay!
Album of the Year: “Fearless” – Taylor Swift
Best Female Pop Vocal Performance: “Halo”- Beyonce
Song of the Year: “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)” – Thaddis Harrell, Beyonce Knowles, Terius Nash & Christopher Stewart, songwriters (Beyonce)
Best Solo Rock Performance: “Working on a Dream” – Bruce Springsteen
Record of the Year: “Use Somebody” – Kings of Leon
Best Country Album: “Fearless” – Taylor Swift
Best Rock Album: “21st Century Breakdown” – Green Day
Best Hard Rock Performance: “War Machine” – AC/DC
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration: “Run This Town” – Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West
Best Dance Recording: “Poker Face” – Lady Gaga
Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals: “Use Somebody” – Kings of Leon
Best New Artist: Zac Brown Band
Best Electronic/Dance Album: “The Fame” – Lady Gaga
Best Alternative Music Album: “Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix” – Phoenix
Best Contemporary R&B Album: “I AmÖ Sasha Fierce” ó BeyoncÈ
Best Female R&B Vocal Performance: “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)” – Beyonce
Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals: “I Gotta Feeling” – The Black Eyed Peas
Best Rock Song: “Use Somebody” – Caleb Followill, Jared Followill, Matthew Followill & Nathan Followill, songwriters (Kings Of Leon)
Best Pop Vocal Album: “The E.N.D.” – The Black Eyed Peas
Best Male R&B Vocal Performance: “Pretty Wings” – Maxwell
Best R&B Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals: “Blame It” – Jamie Foxx & T-Pain
Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance: “At Last” – Beyonce
Best Rock Instrumental Performance: “A Day in the Life” – Jeff Beck
Best Urban/Alternative Performance: “Pearls” – India.Arie & Dobet Gnahore
Best R&B Song: “Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)” – Thaddis Harrell, BeyoncÈ Knowles, Terius Nash & Christopher Stewart, songwriters (Beyonce)
Best Rap Solo Performance: “D.O.A. (Death Of Auto-Tune)” – Jay-Z
Best Rap Performance By A Duo Or Group: “Crack a Bottle” – Eminem, Dr. Dre & 50 Cent
Best Rap Song: “Run This Town” – Jeff Bhasker, Shawn Carter, Robyn Fenty, Kanye West & Ernest Wilson, songwriters (Athanasios Alatas, songwriter) (Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West)
Best Rap Album: “Relapse” – Eminem
Best Male Pop Vocal Performance: “Make It Mine” – Jason Mraz
Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals: “Lucky” – Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
Best Female Country Vocal Performance: “White Horse” – Taylor Swift
Best Male Country Vocal Performance: “Sweet Thing” – Keith Urban
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: “Michael Buble Meets Madison Square Garden” – Michael Buble
Best Metal Performance: “Dissident Aggressor” – Judas Priest
Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals: “I Run to You” – Lady Antebellum
Best Country Collaboration With Vocals: “I Told You So” – Carrie Underwood & Randy Travis
Best Country Song: “White Horse” – Liz Rose & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Taylor Swift)
Best Short Form Music Video: “Boom Boom Pow” – The Black Eyed Peas
Album of the Year: “Fearless” – Taylor Swift
Best Female Pop Vocal Performance: “Halo”- Beyonce
Song of the Year: “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)” – Thaddis Harrell, Beyonce Knowles, Terius Nash & Christopher Stewart, songwriters (Beyonce)
Best Solo Rock Performance: “Working on a Dream” – Bruce Springsteen
Record of the Year: “Use Somebody” – Kings of Leon
Best Country Album: “Fearless” – Taylor Swift
Best Rock Album: “21st Century Breakdown” – Green Day
Best Hard Rock Performance: “War Machine” – AC/DC
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration: “Run This Town” – Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West
Best Dance Recording: “Poker Face” – Lady Gaga
Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals: “Use Somebody” – Kings of Leon
Best New Artist: Zac Brown Band
Best Electronic/Dance Album: “The Fame” – Lady Gaga
Best Alternative Music Album: “Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix” – Phoenix
Best Contemporary R&B Album: “I AmÖ Sasha Fierce” ó BeyoncÈ
Best Female R&B Vocal Performance: “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)” – Beyonce
Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals: “I Gotta Feeling” – The Black Eyed Peas
Best Rock Song: “Use Somebody” – Caleb Followill, Jared Followill, Matthew Followill & Nathan Followill, songwriters (Kings Of Leon)
Best Pop Vocal Album: “The E.N.D.” – The Black Eyed Peas
Best Male R&B Vocal Performance: “Pretty Wings” – Maxwell
Best R&B Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals: “Blame It” – Jamie Foxx & T-Pain
Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance: “At Last” – Beyonce
Best Rock Instrumental Performance: “A Day in the Life” – Jeff Beck
Best Urban/Alternative Performance: “Pearls” – India.Arie & Dobet Gnahore
Best R&B Song: “Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)” – Thaddis Harrell, BeyoncÈ Knowles, Terius Nash & Christopher Stewart, songwriters (Beyonce)
Best Rap Solo Performance: “D.O.A. (Death Of Auto-Tune)” – Jay-Z
Best Rap Performance By A Duo Or Group: “Crack a Bottle” – Eminem, Dr. Dre & 50 Cent
Best Rap Song: “Run This Town” – Jeff Bhasker, Shawn Carter, Robyn Fenty, Kanye West & Ernest Wilson, songwriters (Athanasios Alatas, songwriter) (Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West)
Best Rap Album: “Relapse” – Eminem
Best Male Pop Vocal Performance: “Make It Mine” – Jason Mraz
Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals: “Lucky” – Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
Best Female Country Vocal Performance: “White Horse” – Taylor Swift
Best Male Country Vocal Performance: “Sweet Thing” – Keith Urban
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: “Michael Buble Meets Madison Square Garden” – Michael Buble
Best Metal Performance: “Dissident Aggressor” – Judas Priest
Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals: “I Run to You” – Lady Antebellum
Best Country Collaboration With Vocals: “I Told You So” – Carrie Underwood & Randy Travis
Best Country Song: “White Horse” – Liz Rose & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Taylor Swift)
Best Short Form Music Video: “Boom Boom Pow” – The Black Eyed Peas
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Latest banned Superbowl Ad
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
The Superbowl is this Sunday, and that means it's time for the NFL to start banning commercials. The latest comes from Go Daddy. It depicts a gay ex-football player. They also banned a gay dating website ad last week. Seems like anything "gay" is getting banned this year. Because, really, no one wants to ruin hours of watching big beefy guys pound each other over and over again while chest bumping your friends and eating h'orderves with something gay.
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