Friday, January 29, 2010
Warning: The Who is coming to town
Posted by Boris at
5:05 AM
The Who will be playing the half-time show at this year's Superbowl. You may remember that Pete Townshend was investigated for possessing child pornography a few years back. For that reason, 1,500 homes and schools in the Miami area received this warning yesterday:

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Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lost: Season 6 begins in 5 days!
Posted by Boris at
10:44 AM
I've been resisting the temptation to post all sorts of Lost stuff over the past few months... It's one thing to be obsessed with a show when it's on the air, but during hiatus? That's a little embarrassing. But now that we're under a week away from the final season premiere I just have to geek-out for at least one post.
OK, did anyone see the "commercials" that were released over the summer at Comic-Con? They tend to make me think that the bomb that was set off actually worked... But then again, nothing's ever that simple on Lost. Watch the video below and let me know what you think:
OK, did anyone see the "commercials" that were released over the summer at Comic-Con? They tend to make me think that the bomb that was set off actually worked... But then again, nothing's ever that simple on Lost. Watch the video below and let me know what you think:
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Serena Williams exposed
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
What's up with these Williams sisters? Earlier in the week we were shocked by Venus seemingly not wearing underwear on the court; Now it's Serena who's stripping down for Jane magazine:

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Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
It was bound to happen. General Larry Platt has been exposed as a fraud. Below is a video from 1998 of The Green Brothers' song "Back Pockets On The Floor". Listen and judge for yourself.
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Superbowl prediction via forgotten TV show
Posted by Boris at
5:23 AM
Do you remember the TV show "Smart Guy"? Neither do I... but someone posted this undoctored clip of the show from 1998 that depicts the Saints beating the Colts 54-3 in the Superbowl.
Insane Clown Posse movie to dethrone Avatar!
Posted by Boris at
5:05 AM
If the Juggalos out there have anything to say about it, this highly anticipated(?) film debut by the Insane Clown Posse is going to be box office gold.
I mean, come on! The band is still wearing their makeup (so what if it's not 1994 anymore) and they're in the old West (why not?). Sure, Violent J looks like a walking heart attack and there doesn't seem to be any discernible plot... but it's the Insane Clown Posse!
(NSFW - As you might expect, there's some very explicit language in the trailer!)
I mean, come on! The band is still wearing their makeup (so what if it's not 1994 anymore) and they're in the old West (why not?). Sure, Violent J looks like a walking heart attack and there doesn't seem to be any discernible plot... but it's the Insane Clown Posse!
(NSFW - As you might expect, there's some very explicit language in the trailer!)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
First Person Tetris
Posted by Boris at
5:59 AM
First Person Tetris is my newest obsession! Instead of rotating the blocks, you rotate the entire screen. Click the photo below to start playing! Enjoy...
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Prank gone horribly right
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
These guys decided to recreate the famous Half Court Shot Prank that I posted here about a year ago. The only problem is that they didn't have a plan for what would happen if their victim ACTUALLY MADE THE BASKET!

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Monday, January 25, 2010
Best "Save The Date" Announcement... Ever!
Posted by Boris at
5:19 AM
This couple sent out a video for their friends and family to save their wedding date. If they spend as much money on the reception as they did on this video, there's bound to be more than enough pizza bagels to go around!
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David Blane explaines how he's a douchebag
Posted by Boris at
5:17 AM
Actually, it's a pretty interesting explanation on how David Blane held his breath for over 16 minutes. That is, if you can stay awake during his oh-so-exuberant delivery.
Sex, explained by pens
Posted by Boris at
5:14 AM

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Venus Williams goes commando on the court?
Posted by Boris at
5:11 AM
This photo is an unfortunate rear view of Venus Williams at the Australian Open. That's a pretty short dress to apparently not wear anything under. All together now: "Ewwwwwwwww!"

UPDATE: After receiving a ton of emails from her fans, Venus has released a statement saying that she was wering flesh-colored underpants. See for yourself below:

UPDATE: After receiving a ton of emails from her fans, Venus has released a statement saying that she was wering flesh-colored underpants. See for yourself below:

The Vikings' secret weapon
Posted by Boris at
5:06 AM
Yesterday's Vikings loss could be the result of Brett Farve's American Idol obsession... Brett invited the "Pants On The Ground" guy to give the team some inspiration before yesterday's game. Believe it or not, this dude's 15 minutes aren't up yet (I'm talking about the pants guy, not Farve).
Friday, January 15, 2010
Music All Morning is on vacation
Posted by Boris at
10:00 AM
The Snuggler will save you!
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
Zach Galifianakis will snuggle you back to life if you ever get hurt.
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Fatty-Fat Friday!
Posted by Boris at
5:27 AM

The participants said they were gathered at the Vaxjo clinic Wednesday night to measure the amount of weight they had lost with the help of the program when they heard a loud noise shortly followed by the collapse of the floor, Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyra reported Thursday.
"We suddenly heard a huge thud; we almost thought it was an earthquake and everything flew up in the air. The floor collapsed in one corner of the room and along the walls," one of the members said.
The group said the floor then gave out in other parts of the room and the smell of sewage spread throughout the area.
"We're going to have to find a replacement premises," Weight Watchers consultant Therese Levin said.
The participants, who were not injured, said they finished weighing one another in a nearby hallway.
Weight Watchers said the cause of the collapse is being investigated.
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Fatty-Fat Friday

Pants On The Ground - The Remixes
Posted by Boris at
5:17 AM
Can't get enough of General Larry Platt's "Pants On The Ground" song from American Idol? Click on the photo of the general for a collection of YouTube remixes that will make you want to throw some gold in your mouth and put your hat on sideways!

Reporter breaks unbreakable phone on live TV
Posted by Boris at
5:15 AM
The BBC was reporting on the "Unbreakable Phone" that debuted at the CES last week. According to the manufacturer, you can drop this phone from a 10 story building, plunge it 20 feet under water, use it to hammer a nail... just don't hit it on the corner of an aquarium 4 times in a row.
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Geek Stuff,

Gotcha media gets Sarah Palin again
Posted by Boris at
5:14 AM
I'm sick of the Liberal Media always trying to trap Sarah Palin into sounding stupid... Wait... is that Glenn Beck on Fox News? Oh boy, this chick really is stupid.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dog senses California earthquake before it happens
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
I've heard about animals being able to predict natural disasters... and this is pretty amazing footage that proves it. Check out how the dog races to find it's owner seconds before the earthquake actually hits.
We're on Team Conan!
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
Conan O'Brien continues to address how he's getting screwed by NBC
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The French ruin Star Wars for the world
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
Check out this Star Wars disco from some French variety show. It's so terrible... almost as bad as Episodes 1-3.
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Geek Stuff,

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Customers who bought communion wafers also bought...
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
It's funny what you can find when searching for random items on the internet. OK, it's weird enough you can by communion wafers on Amazon... But look at what other customers of communion wafers have also purchased!

Graduation band butchers Journey
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
I stopped believing in their musical talent :20 seconds in. How long can you last?
Interview with a Facebook employee
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM

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Geek Stuff

Monday, January 11, 2010
Snookie does the wedduh on channel 11
Posted by Boris at
6:54 AM
We've got a fist to my jaw coming in from the West with a 70% chance of spray tan...
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F-Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! The A-Team movie trailer is here!
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
I don't know if you're as excited as I am about this movie. The A-Team was a huge part of my life growing up, so maybe not. I spent much of my childhood reciting the opening lines to The A-Team and was slightly disappointed that they chose to mess with it. For those of you who grew up in the 80's and are confused about the plot of the movie, I created a translation guide for you below:
elite commando unit = crack commando unit
facility = stockade
soldiers for hire = soldiers of fortune
sucks to be you, homey = I pity the fool
Iraq = Vietnam
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SNL Booty Call skit
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM
Since the game went long on Saturday night, your DVR probably missed this Digital Short featuring Alicia Keys. I've also went through and picked out all of the funny Charles Barkley skits* that you may have missed and posted them just below.
*There were no funny Charles Barkley skits
*There were no funny Charles Barkley skits
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Pantsless day on the subway
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM
If you happened bring your mom to see Lion King yesterday and wound up riding the subway with hundreds of pantsless hipsters, this is why:
Friday, January 8, 2010
Peter Pan fiasco
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
This high school production of Peter Pan goes horribly awry. First, Peter enters and knocks down a hugie piece of the set. But then things turn worse when someone pulls on the wrong rope and instead of Peter flying through the window... well, just watch.
PC vs Mac throwdown
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
You know that adorable little PC user that posts a photo of her fish, Dorothy, for her family to see? Well, she's not that nice when confronted with a super cool Mac user.
(LANGUAGE NSFW - It gets a bit heated at the end!)
(LANGUAGE NSFW - It gets a bit heated at the end!)
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Geek Stuff,

Smallest toilet in the world
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM
This teeny-tiny door leads to a real bathroom in a Japanese pub... of course, we couldn't have a toilet (or a hallway) that small in the USA because we would never be able to fit our fatty fat asses inside the door!

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Thursday, January 7, 2010
Detroit students: "What, too soon?"
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM

The shirt (left) depicts the number 11 as the Twin Towers with a plane heading towards it. Underneath are the words "You can't bring us down".
Dearborn Public Schools spokesman David Mustonen has told The Detroit Free Press that the shirts are "offensive" and in "poor taste." Yeah, you could say that.
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Most painful 2 minutes of Wheel Of Fortune... Ever!
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
Yesterday we brought you the worst guess in Wheel Of Fortune history (Self Potato?!?!). It must be a really bad week of contestants, because today we bring you the most painful 2 minutes you will ever spend watching Wheel Of Fortune:
Let's see what Michael Jordan is Twittering about:
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
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Bear Grylls gives himself an enema
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Next week on Man Vs Wild, Bear staves off dehydration by giving himself an enema. Why he just didn't ask the nice camera man for some of his water, I'll never know.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Really, KFC? Are you serious?
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
KFC, you thought it was a good idea to release this commercial? A white guy is in an "awkward situation" at a cricket match because he is completely surrounded by dancing black people? And the only way he can calm them down is by passing out fried chicken? To black people? And when they all quiet down the white dude says "Too easy"? Seriously?
And you released this? To the public? Knowing that people would see it? WTF were you thinking, KFC?
Now, to be fair the ad is from Austrailia. And the black people are fans of the rival West Indies cricket team. Also, there is no stereotype in Austrailia about black people liking fried chicken. So, you see... Austrailians aren't racist at all. Phew... I feel so much better.
And you released this? To the public? Knowing that people would see it? WTF were you thinking, KFC?
Now, to be fair the ad is from Austrailia. And the black people are fans of the rival West Indies cricket team. Also, there is no stereotype in Austrailia about black people liking fried chicken. So, you see... Austrailians aren't racist at all. Phew... I feel so much better.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Hayden Panettiere, spoon licker
Posted by Boris at
5:46 AM
It's 20 degrees outside... Enjoy this photo of Hayden Panettiere on vacation in Miami having some lunch.

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Take a bad day... and make it badder
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
What's worse than getting stuck in a security lockdown at Newark airport after New Year's? Getting stuck next to an idiot with a guitar.
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Link of the day: "There, I Fixed It!"
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM

Link: thereifixedit.com
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More cowbell at the Fiesta Bowl!
Posted by Boris at
5:25 AM
I love watching Bowl games to check out the awkwardness that is the Marching Band. Let's face it, not every college is full of musical genuises or even people that can walk in a straight line. Check out cowbell girl from the Fiesta Bowl... She could use a few pointers on enthusiasm from Will Ferrell.
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Monday, January 4, 2010
2010 Death Pool
Posted by Boris at
10:51 AM

Link: Official Music All Morning Celebrity Death Pool
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Warning: Airport security is a bit jumpy this week.
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM
This was the scene at Newark Airport yesterday:

Some idiot walked out of the TSA screening area the wrong way, so the whole airport had to be evacuated. Get used to it, folks... until we get those machines that can look at your genitals this scene is going to keep happening.

Some idiot walked out of the TSA screening area the wrong way, so the whole airport had to be evacuated. Get used to it, folks... until we get those machines that can look at your genitals this scene is going to keep happening.
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Kathy Griffin is in trouble with CNN... again.
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
If you weren't watching Dick Clark screw up the countdown this year, perhaps you tuned in to CNN to see Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin live in Times Square for New Year's Eve.
Last year, Kathy got in trouble because she told a heckler live on the air to leave her alone because she doesn't "go down to your job and knock the d*** out of your mouth". This year, she kicked it up a notch and went with the F-Word:
Last year, Kathy got in trouble because she told a heckler live on the air to leave her alone because she doesn't "go down to your job and knock the d*** out of your mouth". This year, she kicked it up a notch and went with the F-Word:
Dick Clark screws up the 2010 countdown
Posted by Boris at
5:23 AM
I've talked about this on the air before, but now here's more proof that Dick Clark is an ass. Yes, it's sad that he had a stroke and I'm deeply impressed at his amazing career and his contributons to the world of broadcasting. However... what kind of narcissistic ego-maniac decides that he's soooo important that people want to hear him grunting through the New Year's Eve countdown like Frankenstein's monster each year? Listen, I'm in broadcasting and if I have a stroke that impairs my speech I'm not going to subject radio listeners to that every morning. No one wants to hear that more than we want to watch the elephant man deliver the news. Yeah, it sucks... but that's the way broadcasting works. If a sportscaster goes blind, he's not gonna call play-by-play anymore! It's not like Dick Clark is imparting some great knowledge or insight that only he can deliver... he's counting down freakin' numbers! I think Ryan Seacrest or some other boob can handle that without screwing it up like Dick did this year. Seriously, Dick Clark, just because you own the production company doesn't mean you can sit there and ruin New Year's for us losers who sit at home and watch the stupid ball drop every year. Screw you. Take your millions of dollars and retire. If you need to remain in the spotlight go on Twitter or find some other way to contribute.
Posted by Boris at
5:20 AM
This girl shows how to apply makeup to look just like one of the Navi from Avatar. Something tells me that she's going to have a tough time finding one of those flying dragons that will agree to transport her all over Pandora.
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Fatty-Fat Friday,

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