Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Boris at
11:08 AM
Brandi and I return on January 3rd. Thanks for a great year, we both hope you have an awesome holiday!

Brooklyn Brewery's Garrett Oliver calls in
Posted by Boris at
10:46 AM
Here's audio from this morning's interview with Brewmaster Garrett Oliver from Brooklyn Brewery. This is for my beer-geek friends out there... enjoy.
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Antoine Dodson "Chimney Intruder"
Posted by Boris at
5:57 AM
Hey, no one love Antoine more than I do... but I think the novelty expires in 2011. Enjoy your last few days of fame, dude.
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Rex Ryan foot fetish video
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
Everyone is going nuts over this foot fetish video allegedly made by Jets head coach Rex Ryan and his wife. I say GOOD FOR THEM! They've been married for 23 years... if her stinky feet still turns the old coach on then that's something to be celebrated, not ashamed of.
And the winner is...
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Is this Demi Lovato doing coke?
Posted by Boris at
6:00 AM
Some are claiming that this is Demi Lovato doing a huuuuuuuge line of coke. This may explain her behavior in those leaked photos from last week.
***UPDATE - the video was taken down by the host. Sorry.
***UPDATE - the video was taken down by the host. Sorry.
Witness the creation of an a-hole
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
I'm not even a parent yet, but I already know that laughing at this kid's ungratefulness has set him on course to douchebagville. Good job, parents!
Alf outtakes are dirty and racist
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
These outtakes never made it to the Alf DVD collection... If you enjoy hearing a puppet say dirty words and pretend to have Turrets so he can say the N-word you'll love this. If you're like me, a little part of your childhood dies today:
*NSFW - Language*
*NSFW - Language*
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Black Swan sex scene
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
Merry Christmas. Here's $12 you don't have to spend on Black Swan just to see Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman have sex. Click on the picture if you're over 18

Monday, December 20, 2010
I hate (love) our listeners!
Posted by Boris at
8:03 AM
Last year I ranted about how much I hate it when people send me "glitter bomb" Christmas cards. You know, those cards that explode with glitter all over your house when you take them out of the envelope? Well, Jenn in Chester couldn't resist sending me one this year... uh, thanks.

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Friday, December 17, 2010
Fatty-Fat Friday!
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
Congratulations to Patrick House, winner of NBC's Biggest Loser... He lost 181 pounds and no longer looks as big as his last name.

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Demi Lovato leaked photos
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
Well, it was bound to happen. Some not-so-innocent photos of Disney star Demi Lovato have leaked to the internet. This one is interesting because Demi is posing with the girl she allegedly punched out before going to rehab. Guess they weren't always enemies!

Kids Christmas concert I would actually watch
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
This is the time of year when parents are dragged out of their comfy houses to watch their untalented little kids sing off-key versions of annoying holiday songs. If only more schools were as cool as this one! Somehow the music teacher got all of her students (and parents) to sing the Trololo song:
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Disgruntled worker tells London to F-off
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
A disgruntled worker at Harrods in London got drunk and locked himself in a room that controls the holiday lights outside the world-famous department store. He re-arranged the lighting pattern to read "F*** OFF". The message lasted for an hour until he could be removed from the control room. Click for the full article and un-edited image.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hugh Jackman hurts himself on Oprah
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM
Here's video of that stunt we were talking about yesterday. Huge-Jack-Man decided to take a zipline onto Oprah's set but wound up crashing into a light and cutting his beautiful face. Side note: I kind of love the fact that Australians have an amazing sense of humor. They find a way to laugh at everything... listen to everyone on set laugh at Huge-Jack-Man as he busts his face open!
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Nicolas Cage is nuts in real life, too
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
Nic Cage was outisde a club in Romania when he was caught on camera losing his mind. He was caught yelling "I WILL F***ING DIE IN THE NAME OF HONOR! YOU WILL RESPECT HIM, LIKE YOU RESPECT ME!" and some other nonesense...
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Bus driver kills Frosty, loses his job
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
This bus driver in a Chicago suburb has quit his job after officials saw this video of him running over a snowman in the street.
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Guy goes nuts at school board meeting
Posted by Boris at
5:28 AM
Here's some crazy video of a man interrupting a school board meeting in Panama City, Fla., spray painting a red “V” on the wall, then shooting at the board members. He fortunately missed and no board members were harmed. The man, Clay Duke, later shot himself. (This video does not contain footage of his suicide)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Metrodome collapses
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
And in nine months the Metrodome will give birth to a little baby Metrodome:
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Friday, December 10, 2010
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
Here's some more sledding stupidity. These guys combine a sled, bungee cord and an old abandoned building:
Reason 38 why I don't do cruises
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
Here's video of the latest high-seas disaster. From "Russia Today": "A US-operated Antarctic cruise ship with 160 people aboard has lost an engine in high seas, but is limping safely to its scheduled port. The Argentine Navy said the Clelia II declared an emergency on Tuesday, reporting it had lost an engine amid heavy seas and 55 miles per hour (90 km per hour) winds. The ship, operated by Polar Cruises of Bend, Oregon, has 100 passengers and 60 crew members aboard.”
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
3D building projections are getting awesome
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
In all of the big cities 3D building projections are now a pretty common way to promote a business or new movie... this one from Dallas is pretty amazing, though.
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Brad Pitt grabs Angelina's ass on the red carpet
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
Everyone is up in arms about Brad Pitt's wandering hand on the red carpet the other day. Uh... why WOULDN'T you do this every chance you got?

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Drunk Santa caught on Surveillance Cam
Posted by Boris at
6:44 AM
I'm calling "fake" on this one... but still, pretty entertaining to watch!
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Listener Submission: The Cup Size Choir
Posted by Boris at
6:40 AM
Thanks to listener, Rocco, for sending this one in. It's a virtual keyboard that you can play on your computer... The cool part? Each key is a different lovely lady dressed in lingere singing each note.

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Inception in real time
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
Our DVD of the week is Inception, which is out in stores today. For those of you who've seen it, here's a pretty cool video of the dream sequences in real time... Helps make a little more sense of the movie if you were confused before. (Spoilers if you didn't see it yet)
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New Beer Of The Week!
Posted by Boris at
5:45 AM
This week's beer is Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout - one of my favorite stouts of all time! You can get it for half price all this week at Half Time. To find out more about this beer and the Boris Beer Of The Week promotion, just click the banner below!

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Monday, December 6, 2010
Crazy hand model lady
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
This lady is nuts. SNL has got to get Kristin Wig to do this character...
Guy almost dies on German game show.
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
This clip is all over the place today... a guy attempts to jump over a car using special "Kangaroo Shoes" but suffers a near-fatal face plant. Justin Bieber was supposed to perform on this very show, but his appearance was quickly cancelled after this incident shut down production.
This is not Photoshopped
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
This woman showed up to the gathering of santas in makeup and a specially designed costume so she would stand out... by not standing out. Pretty cool!

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Friday, December 3, 2010
Flurries on Sunday? Be prepared!
Posted by Boris at
5:55 AM
The forecast is calling for possible flurries on Sunday. Time to get into the snow mindframe...
Here's a good question to ponder: When you see everyone falling on a slippery patch of ice on the sidewalk do you go downstairs and put up a sign warning people so they don't get seriously hurt or do you just grab your camera and start filming? Luckily, these folks chose the latter.
Here's a good question to ponder: When you see everyone falling on a slippery patch of ice on the sidewalk do you go downstairs and put up a sign warning people so they don't get seriously hurt or do you just grab your camera and start filming? Luckily, these folks chose the latter.
Fatty-Fat Friday!
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
A company that specializes in extremely large panties for obese women has made its largest size yet–a whopper size 74 for 105 inch waistlines. It’s the largest size ever sold! Size XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL fits 8.75 ft. around for women who weigh at least 630 pounds. Link

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Auto Tune isn't new... suck it, T-Pain
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
This old film shows the miracle of electronic singing. The Sonovox was created way back in 1940...
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Susan Boyle messes up on live TV
Posted by Boris at
6:46 AM
This is from The View. Susan Boyle blamed a frog in her throat for having to stop her live performance. It was probably a whole Turkey with gravey, not a frog.
Guy almost dies because of BTO
Posted by Boris at
5:25 AM
This worker is minding his own business, rocking out to Bachman Turner Overdrive's rehearsal when the gods of rock and roll take notice of his terrible taste in music and strike him down for being a douche. If you don't want to be tortured by BTO, forward to 1:17 for the incident.
Woman blows turkey gobbler
Posted by Boris at
5:23 AM
This is what it looks like when natural instinct kicks in:
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Public Service Announcement...
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
Don't do drugs before heading off to the pool:
The biggest fails of November
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
Here they are... all in one place!
**NSFW because of a few bad words... what else are you going to say when you're hit in the crotch with a Coke can?**
**NSFW because of a few bad words... what else are you going to say when you're hit in the crotch with a Coke can?**
Monday, November 29, 2010
"Suspected" drunk driver caught on tape
Posted by Boris at
5:45 AM
A couple of weeks ago I posted a video showing an interview with a woman who was allegedly drunk after she hit a school bus full of kids. This guy is probably just as innocent:
RIP Leslie Nielsen
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
Yesterday afternoon everyone was mourning the loss of Leslie Nielsen... here's a look at some of his best moments:
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Boris at
8:15 AM
Brandi and I both wish you and your families a great Thanksgiving! Don't forget to tune in on Black Friday to hear our yearly live broadcast from Best Buy in the Poughkeepsie Galleria... and if you're out shopping, make sure to stop by and say hi!

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Pregnant Turkey!
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
This husband pranked his wife by sticking a cornish game hen inside the Thanksgiving turkey... Unfortunately, the wife is too stupid to know that Turkeys lay eggs.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Official Green Lantern trailer
Posted by Boris at
5:59 AM
Am I the only one who thinks this looks really good?
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Metallica hates children
Posted by Boris at
5:57 AM
I don't know what's less "Rock and Roll": Kicking balls into the audience or almost killing your child that you brought to watch you kick balls into the audience.
Bristol Palin and The Situation in a confusing PSA
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
This is the most confusing PSA for abstinence ever made...
1 - Why is The Situation hitting on what is obviously a grenade?
2 - Bristol Palin is sanctimonious about not having sex until marriage, but she's got a little kid at home and The Situation doesn't.
3 - The Situation just keeps saying the word "situation" for no apparent reason.
4 - It's an abstinence PSA that promotes condom use????
5 - If condoms are so important, why doesn't Bristol take one just in case? It probably would have prevented that little mistake she had a few years ago...
Feel free to add your own questions below after watching... this video will be studied for ages.
1 - Why is The Situation hitting on what is obviously a grenade?
2 - Bristol Palin is sanctimonious about not having sex until marriage, but she's got a little kid at home and The Situation doesn't.
3 - The Situation just keeps saying the word "situation" for no apparent reason.
4 - It's an abstinence PSA that promotes condom use????
5 - If condoms are so important, why doesn't Bristol take one just in case? It probably would have prevented that little mistake she had a few years ago...
Feel free to add your own questions below after watching... this video will be studied for ages.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Woman hits school bus and does interview
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
This woman hit a school bus with her car (no one got hurt). There is a suspicion that she may have been drunk at the time... you decide:
The world's youngest fashion designer is slightly annoying
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
Slightly may be an understatement. I am so happy we're having a boy:
Lou Holtz makes an intern cry
Posted by Boris at
5:34 AM
Lou Holtz was doing an interview when he was the Gamecocks head coach. Apparently, he wasn't happy that his intern brought him over for the interview. Dude, she's an INTERN... It's bad enough you're making her hold your microphone pack, don't berate her in front of everyone! What a Gamecock. (You can her her break down and cry at the end).
Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Fatty-Fat Friday: Breaking News!
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
This is a real news story:
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Star Wars spoiler from 1978
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
Thank God there was no Internet in 1978... otherwise this article that ran in a local newspaper would have gone viral and completely ruined The Empire Strikes Back for millions of fans! It's amazing that this spoiler never spread in the 2 years before the sequel was released.

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Angelina from The Jersey Shore has a new rap single
Posted by Boris at
5:27 AM
As if Angelina wasn't hated enough...
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Thursday, November 11, 2010
Robert Downey Jr. is Mr. Peanut
Posted by Boris at
9:12 AM
Here's a first look at the new Mr. Peanut commercial featuring a stop-motion animated peanut with the voice of Robert Downey Jr.
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New cigarette warnings may hit packages soon
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
Federal health officials are considering putting more graphic warnings on packages of cigarettes. Below are a few examples. What do you think? Good idea or too graphic?

Disney World surprise FAIL
Posted by Boris at
5:45 AM
You've seen those commercials where the parents surprise their kids with the news that they're going to Disney World. The kids scream with excitement and give Mom and Dad a big hug... Yeah, that didn't happen here. Apparently Dick's house is WAY more fun than Disney World.
Time Lapse video of the NYC Marathon
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
Thousands of nipples bleeding in slow motion:
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Barbara Bush's fetus filled jar
Posted by Boris at
6:33 AM
For those of you who didn't get the joke I posted on Twitter yesterday, here's the backstory:
Lucky penalty kick
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
Lesson learned: Goalies should not celebrate so quickly.
Listener submission: Inappropriate pop-up book
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
From Nicole in Stormville:
Hey Boris!
You better watch out what reading material you buy for your kid. I'd stay away from this pop-up book about elephants, I think something strange is going on here!
Hey Boris!
You better watch out what reading material you buy for your kid. I'd stay away from this pop-up book about elephants, I think something strange is going on here!

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Dunkin' Donuts selling meat munchkins
Posted by Boris at
5:34 AM

My first thought was "Are these made from ACTUAL Munchkins?" Thankfully, the answer is no. Here's the actual description from DD:
Everyone loves a traditional pancake and sausage breakfast, but in our typical busy day it’s almost impossible to find the time it takes to sit down and enjoy it. With our new Pancake Bites, we’ve put the traditional taste of pancakes and sausage into a portable, poppable snack that you can take with you on the go, in the car, at work or any time day or night.
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Fatty-Fat Friday,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Middle School football trick play.
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
The QB pretends to be awarded extra yards and walks right past the defense. Dirty trick, and they wound up losing anyway.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Miley Cyrus caught drinking a beer
Posted by Boris at
6:15 AM
Perhaps it was to help her cope with her parents splitting up (and her mom having an affair with Brett Michaels), but Miley Cyrus was caught in Madrid drinking a beer. The drinking age in Spain is 18 and Miley is currently only 17, but according to local authorities underage drinking isn't a big deal and not usually dealt with by law enforcement. So, what do you think... is this a huge scandal or not?

Awesome beer cooler!
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
Introducing the Shoot-A-Brew. Yes, it's a real product... and yes, I want one for Christmas!
Wheel Of Fortune WIN!
Posted by Boris at
5:55 AM
I'll admit, I don't watch much Wheel. I always thought it was one of those game shows for people too stupid to watch Jeopardy... until I saw this contestant:
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Distracted driver of the year
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
This guy is driving while reading a book... and a Kindle... and talking on the phone.
*NSFW - strong language*
*NSFW - strong language*
Nirvana mashed up with The Final Countdown
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Genius or fail?
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Weatherman throws his mic at polar bears
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Clumsy weatherman will never live this moment down:
Mark Zuckerberg's house on Halloween
Posted by Boris at
5:29 AM
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Monday, November 1, 2010
Photos from the WRRV Boo Ball
Posted by Boris at
5:57 AM
WOW! What an amazing night at the Mid Hudson Civic Center. If you weren't there, these 350 or so pictures don't even begin to do it justice. See you next year!

Friday, October 29, 2010
Fatty-Fat Friday: WRRV Boo Ball edition
Posted by Boris at
5:18 AM
Just a reminder that not everyone should wear the Princess Leia slave costume:
Today's the last day to get your group discount tickets for the WRRV Boo Ball online by clicking here or here or here. Tickets will still be available at the door for 10 bucks. Saturday night, Mid-Hudson Civic Center, doors open at 8... see you then!
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Zipper boat
Posted by Boris at
5:14 AM
A Japanese artist created a boat that looks like a zipper. When it cruises on the water the wake make it look like it's a functioning zipper.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Time traveler caught on film?
Posted by Boris at
9:11 AM
This is the video we were talking about this morning. People claim this footage from the 1920's shows a person talking on what appears to be a cellphone. Of course, that can only mean one thing: the person is a time traveler!
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WRRV Boo Ball costume idea #57
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
Here's a great group costume:

Got a group of friends with an awesome costume idea? It could earn you $1,000!!! Don't miss the WRRV Thousand Dollar Boo Ball this Saturday night at the Mid Hudson Civic Center. Doors open at 8, the party starts at 9. GROUP DISCOUNTS ARE STILL AVAILABLE THROUGH FRIDAY: click here to get them online right now.

Got a group of friends with an awesome costume idea? It could earn you $1,000!!! Don't miss the WRRV Thousand Dollar Boo Ball this Saturday night at the Mid Hudson Civic Center. Doors open at 8, the party starts at 9. GROUP DISCOUNTS ARE STILL AVAILABLE THROUGH FRIDAY: click here to get them online right now.
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The nerdiest nerd ever
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
Red shirt guy gets to ask the World Of Warcraft designers a burning question he's been dying to find an answer to:
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
5 minutes of people doing awesome things
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
This page usually focuses on the idiots of the world and the stupid things they do. Here's a video that celebrates some of the more amazing examples of our species:
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The Double Rainbow guy of car racing
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
You'd think this guy just saw a double rainbow all the way... Nope, just a five-car pile-up on the racetrack. And you say race fans don't watch just for the crashes!
**NSFW - The over enthusiastic hillbilly uses colorful language***
**NSFW - The over enthusiastic hillbilly uses colorful language***
Another example of why we're fat
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Everyone always wonders why people throughout history were never as fat as we are today. This could be one reason: That small beverage that you never buy used to be considered king-sized. Those kids from the past would have choked and died on a Big Gulp.

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Fatty-Fat Friday,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
WRRV Boo Ball costume idea #476
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
This is one of the coolest homemade costumes I've seen:
Think you've got a great costume? It could earn you $1,000!!! Don't miss the WRRV Thousand Dollar Boo Ball this Saturday night at the Mid Hudson Civic Center. Doors open at 8, the party starts at 9. Tickets will be available at the door, or you can get discount tickets online right now.
Think you've got a great costume? It could earn you $1,000!!! Don't miss the WRRV Thousand Dollar Boo Ball this Saturday night at the Mid Hudson Civic Center. Doors open at 8, the party starts at 9. Tickets will be available at the door, or you can get discount tickets online right now.
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Hiccup girl charged with murder!
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
Remember the girl from a few years back who went on all of the talk shows and told her story about how she couldn't stop hiccuping? Well, she was arrested this week and charged with murder!
The good news? She no longer has the hiccups. Here's her mug shot:

And here's video of Hiccup Girl before she was busy killing people:
The good news? She no longer has the hiccups. Here's her mug shot:

And here's video of Hiccup Girl before she was busy killing people:
Monday, October 25, 2010
Evil Clown prank is mean
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
This guy was pissed off at his (soon to be ex) girlfriend, so he decided to scare the crap out of her... If this were me, I'd STILL be running away.
Slip up during live debate
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
The Lt. Governor of New Mexico has a slip of the tongue and accuses her opponent of spending the state's money on big fat boners... nice.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
WRRV Boo Ball costume idea #22
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
The Lady Gaga meat dress sounds like a terrible idea:
On second thoguht, maybe catching a food-borne illness will earn you some cash. Best costume is getting $1,000! The party's Saturday, October 30th at the Mid Hudson Civic Center - Don't have your tickets for the WRRV Boo Ball yet? Get 'em NOW!
On second thoguht, maybe catching a food-borne illness will earn you some cash. Best costume is getting $1,000! The party's Saturday, October 30th at the Mid Hudson Civic Center - Don't have your tickets for the WRRV Boo Ball yet? Get 'em NOW!
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The 24 hour live Coco Cam is on
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
A live cam has been set up at The Conan O'Brien Show's new offices at TBS. So far you've missed a dancing taco, Labamba trying to solve a puzzle, Jazzercise and interns wrapping each other in toilet paper and cowboys with lassos. Oh yeah, Conan's been making some appearances too. Click the photo for the live feed and highlights of what's already aired (live feed ends later today).

Angry Birds "Halloween" Edition now for sale
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
99 cents paid... now don't disturb me for the rest of the week.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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