Friday, October 16, 2009

The Balloon Boy throws up on the Today show

This video is from The Today Show just a short time ago. It seems to me that Balloon Boy is so stressed out about his dad making him lie about the hoax that he actually throws up on live TV. Poor Merideth Viera keeps going even though this kid is spewing all over the place.

Forward to 6:00 to see the poor kid puke:


  1. LOL Thought Daddy was going to puke for a minute there...... I think he's up for Daddy of the Year... Why not?? I mean Mr. Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize!

  2. I agree that the father is a complete idiot. He is fumbling over his words and avoiding the questions half the time. This was clearly a hoax and I hope the police figure that out and make the family pay all the expenses for this unnecessary rescue.

  3. They should send the dad the gas bill for those helicopters that went after a stupid balloon, then he'll probably puke!

    Its so funny that I watched the live newscast and said to my father "wouldnt it be funny if the kid let it go and ran and hid somewhere?"

  4. Oh my God...take the kid off the set for crying out loud. The poor kid. I'm sure this attention is doing wonders for him.

  5. I am amazed at the polite comments I have seen posted above. The "dad", and I use that term loosely, is a lying sack of S--T; a prime example of why stupid, self-absorbed, narcissistic people should not be allowed to procreate. For God's sake they make you take classes and get a license to get married, there should be pre-requisites to have kids too. Lord save me from stupidity!!!!


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