If you don't watch "Wife Swap" you're missing out on my idea of a rockin' Friday night. Grab a couple of cold ones, prop yourself up on the couch and bask in the glory of the most awesome kid in the world. Just don't tell him you're stealing his bacon... or else he's hittin' the road!
Monday, August 31, 2009
The most boring town in the country
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
Everyone is coming out to see the amazing standing broom! It's called "balance", idiots!
Caption Contest!
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
Jon Gosselin held a pool party this weekend for a few thousand of his closest friends:
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Caption Contest,

Friday, August 28, 2009
Hot lemon on lime action
Posted by Boris at
6:24 AM

Simon Simpkins from England wrote to outline his disgust about the packaging, claiming the lemon and lime looked like they were "locked in a carnal encounter".
So what do you think? Are the fruits doing it on the wrapper?
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Fatty-Fat Friday!
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
Who wants to watch a bull ride?
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Fatty-Fat Friday

People of Wal-Mart
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM

Don't forget your camera when you go shopping this weekend! peopleofwalmart.com
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The Seinfeld Reunion is coming!
Posted by Boris at
5:45 AM

The full article is here
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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Camera crew doing story about ho attacked by hoe
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
This Florida news team was doing a story about a 15 year old girl who was working at a local strip club. When they confronted the girl's mother, she ironically attacked them with a "hoe". Check it out!
Microsoft PhotoShops black guy out of it's ad
Posted by Boris at
5:26 AM
Microsoft had the original image of this ad on the U.S. version of its site, but PhotoShopped out the black guy (and not too well, I might add) for their Polish site.
While they had PhotoShop open,Microsoft should have fixed some other things in the photo before chopping off the heads of minorities... like connecting the monitor to the computer with some sort of cord and erasing the rival Macbook in the middle of the table.
Obviously, Microsoft is apologizing all over the place.
While they had PhotoShop open,Microsoft should have fixed some other things in the photo before chopping off the heads of minorities... like connecting the monitor to the computer with some sort of cord and erasing the rival Macbook in the middle of the table.
Obviously, Microsoft is apologizing all over the place.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ben Stiller begs Ryan Seacrest to Tweet about him
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
I'm closing in on 2,000 Facebook friends... but as of this morning I only have 245 followers on Twitter. Next to Ryan Seacrest's 1.9 million, that seems very sad. What-up, Hudson Valley? You don't Tweet? Maybe I should ask Ryan Seacrest to help me out. It seemed to work real well for Ben Stiller:
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Geek Stuff

Kid is awesome at parallel parking
Posted by Boris at
5:34 AM
Congratulations, by uploading this to YouTube instead of sending it to America's Funniest Home Videos you have cheated yourself out of $10,000. Good going.
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Teen buried alive at a Rhode Island beach
Posted by Boris at
5:29 AM
Click here for the full story
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tono Tono Tono Tono Tono
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
This poor man has Broca's Aphasia, which is a brain disorder that impedes speech. This case is so bad that he can only make one noise: "tono". Before you feel too bad, patients can usually have full recovery from this.
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Drunk dude tries to put on his flip-flop
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM
We've all been there: too drunk to put on a flip-flop at a music festival. I could watch this guy all day long.
Curb Your Enthusiasm sneak peek
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
I'm so excited! The new season starts on September 20th with a storyline featuring all of the original cast members from Seinfeld. But the main reason I'll be tuning in is for Larry:
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Tasteless doesn't even begin to describe this ad
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
They say there's no such thing as bad publicity. Humo magazine is putting that to the test with this ad. Their tagline is "Reading Humo Magazine can have serious consequences". Uh, real classy... and great timing, too.

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Monday, August 24, 2009
I missed the peep show!
Posted by Boris at
8:42 AM

Here's the story from today's NY Post.
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Michael Moore's new film "Capitalism, A Love Story"
Posted by Boris at
5:59 AM
The economic mess couldn't be better for Michael Moore. Everyone's ready to get mad at the man and who better to put him in his place than Michael Moore. Sure, his films aren't the most accurate... but who wants to let all of those "facts" get in the way when we're so angry!
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30 Rock: The Porn
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
Check out the trailer to the latest Porn Parody. This time they're doing a spot-on 30 Rock rip-off. The actors are actually pretty good at mimicing the characters, considering that this is porn. (Yes, there's a lame Tracy Jordan Cribs sketch in the beginning, the funny stuff starts at 2:09)
Best juggler ever of the week today
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
This guy juggles hammers into a nail... well, you just really have to see this to believe it.
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Friday, August 21, 2009
Cops: don't let hot chicks hold your big guns
Posted by Boris at
7:39 AM

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Video ads in Entertainment Weekly magazine
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM
Well, we've finally lived long enough to see some of the stuff in Back To The Future 2 turn into reality. These video ads will start popping up in select issues of Entertainment Weekly next month. I would love to know how much this cost Pepsi and CBS!
Can hoverboards and self-lacing Nikes be too far off?
Can hoverboards and self-lacing Nikes be too far off?
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Aircheck: Put Pockets (With Video)
Posted by Boris at
5:23 AM
Yesterday Brandi was telling us about "Put Pockets" in London that are reaching into unsuspecting people's pockets and leaving them money. Brandi loved the idea, but I thought it was a little creepy:
One of our listeners sent us this video of the "Put Pockets" in action. Watch and let us know if you think this is an awesome idea, or a little creepy:
One of our listeners sent us this video of the "Put Pockets" in action. Watch and let us know if you think this is an awesome idea, or a little creepy:
Thursday, August 20, 2009
And the award for best film about killer poop goes to...
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
I found this short film on Youtube and was blown away! This is a story about a young Asian boy who's poop tries to kill him. Really. Why isn't there an Academy Award category for killer poop films? (I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere about the Caan Film Festival, but I'm still recovering from the movie)
Just a warning... its really gross, so watch it at your own risk.
Just a warning... its really gross, so watch it at your own risk.
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New "Winker" Jeans are freaky!
Posted by Boris at
5:29 AM
Tired of the same old jeans that don't draw enough attention to your fat ass? Try Winkers! These jeans use the motion of your legs to create an animated view for the poor person who has to walk behind you. Their tag line should be: "If you hear people laughing hysterically behind you, you must be wearing Winkers!"
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Greatest day at the ballpark for one kid
Posted by Boris at
5:25 AM
This kid catches not one... but two foul balls at the same game! And gets a standing "o".
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
They said it couldn't be done!
Posted by Boris at
5:55 AM
Remember last year how I told you the company that created those New Year's Eve glasses was going out of business? Well, it looks like another company has stepped in and preserved the tradition of looking like a douche for the big ball drop. That's right, may I present for the first time ever, the new 2010 glasses:

Sure, the ones on the left were a no-brainer... but take a look at the ingenuity of the ones on the right. Whoo Boy! We're good to go through 2019, suckas!!!!

Sure, the ones on the left were a no-brainer... but take a look at the ingenuity of the ones on the right. Whoo Boy! We're good to go through 2019, suckas!!!!
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Awkward Jamie-Lynn Sigler interview
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
This ABC reporter decided to interview Jamie-Lynn Sigler about her Entourage plotline (in which she dates Turtle, the “fat” guy). Apparently, the reporter did very little research before the interview and didn't know that Jamie-Lynn is actually dating Jerry Ferrara (who plays Turtle) in real life!
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Awesome Homeless Guy Signs
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM

Check out this list of the top 25 homeless guy signs.
The dude under the Newburgh/Beacon Bridge should give this a try... I think it would work much better (and be less creepy) than just standing there and staring at people.
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You've got to be S#!&*% me!
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
When Brett Favre retired (again) last season I predicted that he would be back (again). My sports-fan friends said "No! This time it's for real".
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Motorcyclist forgets he's on a motorcycle
Posted by Boris at
5:46 AM
Texting while driving = dangerous
Reclining while riding a motorcycle = extremely dangerous
Doing both at the same time = The coolest guy in India
Reclining while riding a motorcycle = extremely dangerous
Doing both at the same time = The coolest guy in India
Woman gets stuck on drawbridge as it opens
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM

When officials noticed the vehicle, it was lowered, and the woman was able to leave after questioning.
Man, she should have just stepped on the gas Blues Brothers style and made the jump!
Prank your hot friends with the dissolving bikini
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM

Monday, August 17, 2009
This morning's "Waffle-Off"
Posted by Boris at
11:28 AM

Mike from Simply Gourmet stopped in this morning to accept Brandi's waffle challenge. While on the WRRV Cruise-A-Palooza this weekend, Brandi boasted that she could out-waffle Mike.
While Brandi's waffles are amazing... there's just no way she can compete with a CIA trained chef of Mike's status. Freshly w

I mean come on!!!
After carefully tasting both waffles I decided hands-down that Mike was the winner. The best part is that Brandi is so competitive that she'll be baking for months now to make up for this defeat. Hey, any time Brandi and Mike want to battle it out I'll be more than happy to be the taste tester!
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Do we really need Jamie Fox nude photos?
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
This weekend nude photos of Jamie Fox surfaced on the web. I debated whether or not to post this, but figured the ladies deserve at least one celebrity wiener to make up for all of the celebrity boobs we've seen over the past few years. Enjoy (you'll have to search for the unedited photo yourself, just be careful - make sure to sit far from the screen so you don't poke your eye out).

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Dude can catch a laptop with his butt crack
Posted by Boris at
5:28 AM
So... this has to be fake. But still, pretty entertaining.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The WRRV Cruise-A-Palooza
Posted by Boris at
8:31 AM
We've been hosting the WRRV Cruise-A-Palooza for over 10 years now... and every year there always seems to be that one special person on board that makes the event just that more memorable. Last year it was the dancing fat guy... this year it was "beer can man".
Here's the video in case you weren't lucky enough to win your way aboard:
For more photos and video of the cruise, click here
Here's the video in case you weren't lucky enough to win your way aboard:
For more photos and video of the cruise, click here
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Friday, August 14, 2009
Aircheck: Brandi says B**** and loses a listener
Posted by Boris at
10:29 AM
I am very upset with Brandi and her potty mouth this morning. So is this very nice listener who was deeply oh-fended.
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Never-To-Be-Aired Family Guy Episode
Posted by Boris at
6:31 AM
The 'Family Guy' cast performed a live read of their never-to-be-aired Abortion episode for members of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
The episode, which is entitled 'Partial Terms of Endearment,' deals with Lois deciding (against Peter’s wishes) to be a surrogate mother for an infertile friend. When the friend dies in a car crash, the decision of what to do about the pregnancy must be dealt with.
Before the reading began, Chris Alexander, 20th Century Fox Television spokesman stated “this episode has never aired, and quite frankly never will air, but it will probably be on DVD at some point." Take a listen to a few scenes and judge for yourself if it should have aired on TV:
The episode, which is entitled 'Partial Terms of Endearment,' deals with Lois deciding (against Peter’s wishes) to be a surrogate mother for an infertile friend. When the friend dies in a car crash, the decision of what to do about the pregnancy must be dealt with.
Before the reading began, Chris Alexander, 20th Century Fox Television spokesman stated “this episode has never aired, and quite frankly never will air, but it will probably be on DVD at some point." Take a listen to a few scenes and judge for yourself if it should have aired on TV:
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Jamie Pressley pees in public
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
Jamie Pressley, the blonde chick from My Name Is Earl, was out at a popular gay bar in West Hollywood. She stumbled to the front of the busy patio, squatted and appeared to urinate on the sidewalk. Don't believe me? Here's a photo:
Still don't believe me? Here's a video:
According to Jamie, this was part of an elaborate game she was playing for a bachelorette party and she was only pretending to pee... uh, ok.

According to Jamie, this was part of an elaborate game she was playing for a bachelorette party and she was only pretending to pee... uh, ok.
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Dog adoption segment goes to... well, them.
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
Ginger LOVES this news anchor...
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Two idiots try to convert their Hindu friend
Posted by Boris at
5:16 AM
I am really hoping that this is a fake video. It's really underscores the reason why other countries hate us... because we're collectively viewed as a bunch of ignorant morons that regurgitate information that people feed us without thinking about what it means or even attempting to learn other people's cultures or points of view. Sarah Palin should be so proud of these two.
If it IS fake, then hats off... sign these kids up for the next season of The Office immediately!
By the way, I converted to Hinduism 5:14 minutes into the video.
If it IS fake, then hats off... sign these kids up for the next season of The Office immediately!
By the way, I converted to Hinduism 5:14 minutes into the video.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Watch the Teen Choice Awards last night?
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM

Watch the video and judge for yourself if it was an actual pole dance... Trust me, I know one when I see one and I don't know if this qualifies: (You may want to turn the sound off)
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Most disturbing video of the week: Candy Bra
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Warning - once you watch this you can't un-see it.
Tone Loc ripped himself off!
Posted by Boris at
5:25 AM

Still don't believe it? Check out Tone Loc at the Mid Hudson Civic Center on September 12th and find out for yourself.
Link to audio
For no reason: Rod Blagojevich and Fabio
Posted by Boris at
5:13 AM
I don't know where this video is from... But Rod Blagojevich and Fabio are hanging out in some sort of garage (?) singing Karaoke. WTF, indeed.
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Monday, August 10, 2009
Alternate intro to Full House
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
What if they never made it over that bridge to San Francisco? Poor Kimmy Gibler would have no friends.
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Facebook Fail #2: Don't talk about your vag on your wall
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
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Microphone catches sportscaster peeing
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM
Didn' they do this on Naked Gun first?
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Saturday, August 8, 2009
Honest, officer, it's just kitty porn
Posted by Boris at
9:34 AM
Found this article online this morning:
Man blames cat for 1,000 child-porn downloads
Florida investigators say a man accused of downloading child pornography is blaming his cat.
Keith Griffin of Jensen Beach is charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography after detectives found more than 1,000 images on his home computer.
According to a sheriff's report Friday, Griffin told investigators that his cat jumped on the computer keyboard while he was downloading music. He said he had left the room and found "strange things" on his computer when he returned.
Griffin is being held on $250,000 bond in the Martin County jail. It is unclear if he has an attorney.
Man blames cat for 1,000 child-porn downloads
Florida investigators say a man accused of downloading child pornography is blaming his cat.
Keith Griffin of Jensen Beach is charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography after detectives found more than 1,000 images on his home computer.
According to a sheriff's report Friday, Griffin told investigators that his cat jumped on the computer keyboard while he was downloading music. He said he had left the room and found "strange things" on his computer when he returned.
Griffin is being held on $250,000 bond in the Martin County jail. It is unclear if he has an attorney.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Man watches every episode of Friends in one sitting
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
Check out Steven's website and blog for a deeper look into the mind of this madman.
UPDATE: Video of Steven Tyler's Tumble
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Here's the video we were waiting for. Yesterday we told you that Steven Tyler fell of the stage while dancing during a concert. It seems as though he hit his head and back and broke his shoulder. There was no concussion, and Tyler's back in Boston getting checked out by his own doctor. Tour dates for this week have all been cancelled - no word on whether the tour will continue.
Now that we know he's not dead, I have to admit that it's pretty funny to watch a 61-year-old dance and fall off of the stage... it happens at :55
Now that we know he's not dead, I have to admit that it's pretty funny to watch a 61-year-old dance and fall off of the stage... it happens at :55
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Thursday, August 6, 2009
Breaking News: Steven Tyler falls off stage
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM

Tyler fell while entertaing the crowd by dancing around after the sound system failed during the song "Love In an Elevator." He was on the stage's catwalk, tottered backward and fell,. Security rushed to help him and the crowd cheered when Tyler got back up. Later, Tyler was taken backstage and Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry came out to tell the audience that he was being taken to the hospital and that the show would not go on. We're looking for video of the incident and will keep you posted during the show this morning.
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Can I tap that?
Posted by Boris at
5:15 AM
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Save the earth: pee in the shower
Posted by Boris at
5:07 AM
This Brazilian commercial is trying to conserve water by getting kids to pee in the shower. Is this something you do, or do you find it completely disgusting?
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009
WRRV Bowl-A-Thon
Posted by Boris at
9:07 PM
Thanks to everyone who came out the the WRRV Bowl-A-Thon tonight. Here's a video for those of you who missed it:
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Posted by Boris at
6:06 AM

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It's not too soon to start planning for the WRRV Boo Ball
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
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Paula Abdul "quits" American Idol
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM

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Tell your grandpa to stop posting videos!
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
This is disturbing. Some old dude is apparently into domination and has been instructed to make a video of himself in a diaper, wearing a pink Mickey Mouse shirt and sucking his thumb. What are the chances that "Mistress Rachel" is really the kid next door who grandpa keeps yelling at to stay off of his lawn?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tiger Woods farts
Posted by Boris at
7:36 AM

Those high-powered microphones that are supposed to pick up the swoosh of the golf club mistakenly picked up Tiger Woods letting one loose. Don't believe us? Check out the video and watch Tiger's reaction for yourself.
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Demolition oops!
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM
This demolition of a building in Turkey didn't go as expected...
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Hidden messages in Popeye
Posted by Boris at
5:27 AM
Someone recently discovered that there was a hidden audio message in an old Popeye cartoon. The voice of the small mouse was actually a sped up recording of an outtake, including a G** D***... which, at the time, was like saying five F-words!
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Monday, August 3, 2009
Giant vortex cannon
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM
See if this huge air cannon can blow down a house made of bricks.
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Geek Stuff

Mother drags her kid through a store
Posted by Boris at
5:25 AM
Note: if you're going to drag your kid around on a leash like some sort of animal, don't do it in a store with 350 cellphones ready to record your every move!
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