This is either very lucky or someone's using a loaded bat.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
People violently arrested for dancing
Posted by Boris at
5:57 AM
Is this America or a terrible remake of Footloose? These people were dancing at the Jefferson Memorial to protest a stupid new law that bans dancing at the Jefferson Memorial. You can guess what happens next.
Friday, May 27, 2011
The official Music All Morning plank
Posted by Boris at
9:21 AM
OK, before "Planking" becomes even more lame thank it already is, I've officiallly submitted my own contribution to this stupid craze:
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George Lucas continues to ruin Star Wars
Posted by Boris at
6:01 AM
I can't believe George Lucas signed off on this. It's the yearly Star Wars celebration in Disney World. Just watch as the greatest movie franchise is ruined right before your very eyes. This may even be worse than the Star Wars Holiday Special.
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Geek Stuff,

Flava Flav Planking
Posted by Boris at
5:59 AM
We told you about the planking craze a few weeks ago. Since then, it's been all over the news... and Flava Flav has even gotten into the act:
Controversial Glee PSA is ret.. uuuuh, stupid
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
This Public Service Announcement ran during last night's episode of Glee. It compares saying "retarded" to using the N-word and other racial and sexual slurs. So how do you feel about this? Is the word "retarded" really offensive? Does this PSA go a little too far?
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
New Call Of Duty is coming in November
Posted by Boris at
6:04 AM
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Geek Stuff,

More terrible old video footage
Posted by Boris at
6:03 AM
If this doesn't make you cringe, I don't know what will. It's awesome how terrible this is.
The Muppets are back
Posted by Boris at
6:01 AM
It's the first official trailer for the new Muppet movie. So what do you think, should the Muppets come out of retirement?
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Obama's car get's stuck in Ireland
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
Bulletproof, fireproof, nuclear-blastproof...
Monday, May 23, 2011
Religious follower interviewed after non-rapture
Posted by Boris at
6:00 AM
I kind of feel bad for this guy. Not only didn't he get beamed up into heaven, but now he has to stand in Times Square and get yelled at by a guy with an iPhone.
Friday, May 20, 2011
It's been a good run...
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
I don't know about you, but I'll be spending Saturday frantically reading the endings to all of those books I've been putting off reading. That way I'll have plenty of time for post-rapture looting at the Galleria. See all the rest of you sinners on Sunday!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
40 things that will make you feel old
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
Check out this list of things that will make you feel really old. Enjoy!
Seth McFarlane to reboot The Flintstones
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
It was announced yesterday that the creator of Family Guy will be bringing back The Flintstones. It'll be interesting to see what he can do to ruin one of the greatest cartoons ever. It can't be anything worse than what John Goodman and Rosie O'Donnell did back in 1994.
Here's an older Seth McFarlane cartoon that may give some clues as to what he's got planned:
Here's an older Seth McFarlane cartoon that may give some clues as to what he's got planned:
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Monday, May 16, 2011
Planking craze sweeps Australia
Posted by Boris at
6:02 AM
First Crocodile Dundee, and now this? Thank you, Australia! By the way, if you decide that planking is for you, be careful... someone died this weekend. What an embarrassing way to go.
Fatty-Fat Friday!
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
I was very upset that I was unable to update the website on Friday. For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook or Twitter, here's the video that had me laughing all weekend:
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Fatty-Fat Friday,

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Crazy naked subway guy
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
This ain't the Naked Cowboy. Some guy (I'm guessing courtesy of Crystal Meth) started yelling racist comments on the 6 train and then stripped down naked. The whole time, an MTA police officer just seemed to watch. Seems to me that this would have been a great time to use a taser. After attacking a woman, the MTA officer, with the help of some bystanders, took the dude down. The unedited video is here, but it's completely not safe for work. An edited version is below.
Pippa Middleton side boob
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
You knew it was going to happen. Apparently, the siblings of Princess Kate love to be naked. First, photos of her naked brother hit the web. Then pictures of Pippa a bra leaked. Now we have some actual side boob of Pippa. Someone's sitting on some great Kate photos, I just know it...
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011
S#!* My Students Write
Posted by Boris at
6:03 AM
Did you ever wonder if teachers make fun of their more unintelligent students behind closed doors? Well, they do. And now they've started posting it online.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Jimmy Fallon's Jersey Floor
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
I still don't think Jimmy Fallon is funny... but this is worth it just for Rachel Dratch's dead-on Snookie character.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Fatty-Fat Friday!
Posted by Boris at
6:01 AM
For some reason, Larry the Cable Guy was in Times Square with the Naked Cowboy this week. Come on, Bloomberg! Can't you do something to clean this mess up?
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Fatty-Fat Friday

Christiane Amanpour knew where Bin Laden was
Posted by Boris at
5:59 AM
This is from 2008... Someone should have listened to her "very knowlegable" friend.
Now it's Pippa that's taking it all off
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
Those crazy Middleton kids! Yesterday we brought you pictures of Kate's naked brother. Well, it gets better... here's her sister, Pippa, doing some sort of topless dance. You just know there's some Kate photos floating around out there somewhere. Come on, Internet!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Funny slip of the tongue
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
Props to "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" for not editing this out:
Royal scandal
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
When I saw there was a nude photo scandal around the new Princess I had high hopes. Sadly, it's Kate Middleton's brother. Bummer.
Man head-butts car
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the perfect boyfriend. I love how his friend has to tell him "That's enough" so he doesn't pass out.
**NSFW - Strong language**
**NSFW - Strong language**
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Obama's Correspondents Dinner Speech
Posted by Boris at
7:12 AM
Putting all politics aside... Obama is actually pretty damn funny.
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Osama is dead
Posted by Boris at
6:00 AM
Celebration at Ground Zero:
The celebration in Washington DC:
And Times Square...
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