Today's the last day to get your group discount tickets for the WRRV Boo Ball online by clicking here or here or here. Tickets will still be available at the door for 10 bucks. Saturday night, Mid-Hudson Civic Center, doors open at 8... see you then!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Fatty-Fat Friday: WRRV Boo Ball edition
Posted by Boris at
5:18 AM
Just a reminder that not everyone should wear the Princess Leia slave costume:
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Zipper boat
Posted by Boris at
5:14 AM
A Japanese artist created a boat that looks like a zipper. When it cruises on the water the wake make it look like it's a functioning zipper.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Time traveler caught on film?
Posted by Boris at
9:11 AM
This is the video we were talking about this morning. People claim this footage from the 1920's shows a person talking on what appears to be a cellphone. Of course, that can only mean one thing: the person is a time traveler!
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WRRV Boo Ball costume idea #57
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
Here's a great group costume:

Got a group of friends with an awesome costume idea? It could earn you $1,000!!! Don't miss the WRRV Thousand Dollar Boo Ball this Saturday night at the Mid Hudson Civic Center. Doors open at 8, the party starts at 9. GROUP DISCOUNTS ARE STILL AVAILABLE THROUGH FRIDAY: click here to get them online right now.

Got a group of friends with an awesome costume idea? It could earn you $1,000!!! Don't miss the WRRV Thousand Dollar Boo Ball this Saturday night at the Mid Hudson Civic Center. Doors open at 8, the party starts at 9. GROUP DISCOUNTS ARE STILL AVAILABLE THROUGH FRIDAY: click here to get them online right now.
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The nerdiest nerd ever
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
Red shirt guy gets to ask the World Of Warcraft designers a burning question he's been dying to find an answer to:
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
5 minutes of people doing awesome things
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
This page usually focuses on the idiots of the world and the stupid things they do. Here's a video that celebrates some of the more amazing examples of our species:
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The Double Rainbow guy of car racing
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
You'd think this guy just saw a double rainbow all the way... Nope, just a five-car pile-up on the racetrack. And you say race fans don't watch just for the crashes!
**NSFW - The over enthusiastic hillbilly uses colorful language***
**NSFW - The over enthusiastic hillbilly uses colorful language***
Another example of why we're fat
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Everyone always wonders why people throughout history were never as fat as we are today. This could be one reason: That small beverage that you never buy used to be considered king-sized. Those kids from the past would have choked and died on a Big Gulp.

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Fatty-Fat Friday,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
WRRV Boo Ball costume idea #476
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
This is one of the coolest homemade costumes I've seen:
Think you've got a great costume? It could earn you $1,000!!! Don't miss the WRRV Thousand Dollar Boo Ball this Saturday night at the Mid Hudson Civic Center. Doors open at 8, the party starts at 9. Tickets will be available at the door, or you can get discount tickets online right now.
Think you've got a great costume? It could earn you $1,000!!! Don't miss the WRRV Thousand Dollar Boo Ball this Saturday night at the Mid Hudson Civic Center. Doors open at 8, the party starts at 9. Tickets will be available at the door, or you can get discount tickets online right now.
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Hiccup girl charged with murder!
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
Remember the girl from a few years back who went on all of the talk shows and told her story about how she couldn't stop hiccuping? Well, she was arrested this week and charged with murder!
The good news? She no longer has the hiccups. Here's her mug shot:

And here's video of Hiccup Girl before she was busy killing people:
The good news? She no longer has the hiccups. Here's her mug shot:

And here's video of Hiccup Girl before she was busy killing people:
Monday, October 25, 2010
Evil Clown prank is mean
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
This guy was pissed off at his (soon to be ex) girlfriend, so he decided to scare the crap out of her... If this were me, I'd STILL be running away.
Slip up during live debate
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
The Lt. Governor of New Mexico has a slip of the tongue and accuses her opponent of spending the state's money on big fat boners... nice.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
WRRV Boo Ball costume idea #22
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
The Lady Gaga meat dress sounds like a terrible idea:
On second thoguht, maybe catching a food-borne illness will earn you some cash. Best costume is getting $1,000! The party's Saturday, October 30th at the Mid Hudson Civic Center - Don't have your tickets for the WRRV Boo Ball yet? Get 'em NOW!
On second thoguht, maybe catching a food-borne illness will earn you some cash. Best costume is getting $1,000! The party's Saturday, October 30th at the Mid Hudson Civic Center - Don't have your tickets for the WRRV Boo Ball yet? Get 'em NOW!
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The 24 hour live Coco Cam is on
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
A live cam has been set up at The Conan O'Brien Show's new offices at TBS. So far you've missed a dancing taco, Labamba trying to solve a puzzle, Jazzercise and interns wrapping each other in toilet paper and cowboys with lassos. Oh yeah, Conan's been making some appearances too. Click the photo for the live feed and highlights of what's already aired (live feed ends later today).

Angry Birds "Halloween" Edition now for sale
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
99 cents paid... now don't disturb me for the rest of the week.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
WRRV Boo Ball costume idea #26
Posted by Boris at
6:00 AM

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The Rent Is Too Damn High (highlights)
Posted by Boris at
5:55 AM
Here are Jimmy McMillan's greatest hits from Monday night's debate:
If you've never heard of Jimmy McMilan, you MUST visit his website and learn more about our next Governor.
If you've never heard of Jimmy McMilan, you MUST visit his website and learn more about our next Governor.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Balloon travels from Newburgh to space!
Posted by Boris at
5:29 AM
This father and son team strapped an HD camera and iPhone to a balloon and launched it from Newburgh to see if they could capture video from outer space... they did!
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Monday, October 18, 2010
WRRV Boo Ball costume idea #57
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
The "Girls Gone Wild" costume!
Hey, "Sexiest Costume" is just one of the categories that could earn you cash. Best costume is getting $1,000! The party's Saturday, October 30th at the Mid Hudson Civic Center - Don't have your tickets for the WRRV Boo Ball yet? Get 'em NOW!
Philly fan throws up on field
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
This guy goes for a foul ball and pukes. Keep it classy, Philly!
Shia LaBeouf throws coffee at photographer
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
Brandi's creepy little boy crush, Shia, was sick of people taking pictures of him while drinking coffee so he chased down the obese photographer closest to him and let him have it... and then kept running.
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Friday, October 15, 2010
Mount Everest sucks
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM

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Funky church lady
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
And the church continues to receive tax-exempt status...
Japanese children battle a zombie
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
These kids are convinced that a real zombie is coming to kill them. Sure, they'll have emotional scars for the rest of their lives... but it does make for some funny TV!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Antoine Dodson on the BET Awards
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
I missed this year's BET Awards. Too bad, because it was the first ever live performance by Antoine Dodson! (Yeah, he's an Internet meme out of control, but there's something very likeable about this guy)
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Shot by shot remake of Back To The Future trailer
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
Hit play on these clips at the same time and sync them up. It's really well done. And yeah, this is another BTTF post... It's the 25th anniversary of the greatest movie of all time. If you don't like it go make your own website.
Here's the original:
And this is a shot-by-shot remake for Spike TV:
Here's the original:
And this is a shot-by-shot remake for Spike TV:
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Guy interrupts live show to use bathroom
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
A guy in the audience of this talk show really has to go... This is the weirdest thing I've seen from Holland, besides the Frikadel Speciaal.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Accident on the set of Transformers 3
Posted by Boris at
6:43 AM
Yesterday a D.C. police vehicle somehow made it's way onto a street that was closed for the filming of Transformers 3. Responding to a call, the cop ran through the barriers and got hit by Bumblebee. Here's the video:
Original Back To The Future footage to be released
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
Geeky fans of Back To The Future know that Eric Stoltz was the actor originally cast as Marty McFly. After realizing what a huge mistake that was, producers eventually talked Michael J. Fox into taking the role. The 25th anniversary Blu Ray of Back To The Future (25 years? FML!) will finally contain some of the 5 weeks of footage shot with Eric Stoltz. It's safe to say that the movie would have really sucked with Stoltz in the role.
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The old wooden spoon prank returns
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
You may have seen this before... but the foreign-speaking target of this prank makes it worth revisiting:
Napoleon Dynamite cartoon is coming!
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
Fox just ordered 6 episodes of an animated version of Napoleon Dynamite. The best news: It'll feature all of the original voices, including Jon Heder as Napoleon. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Boris and Brandi in the HV Business Journal
Posted by Boris at
9:15 AM
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The Banksy opening of The Simpsons
Posted by Boris at
6:02 AM
If you're wondering why Twitter was trending "Banksy" over the past couple of days, it's because British grafitti artist, Banksy, was behind the opening credits to this week's Simpsons episode. It was a very dark and sinister take on the evil empire that is 20th Century Fox and their practice of outsourcing animation to South Korea. Here it is if you missed it:
Background story on Community
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
Community's not a bad show... Not as good as Parks and Recreation (which NBC bumped to mid-season for that terrible Outsourced show), but the writing is pretty good and the very funny Joel McHale is actually one of the least-funniest actors on the show. Anyway, I have to start watching more closely because I totally missed an entire storyline on last Thursday's show. Check out the background. Now Shirley's conversation with Abed at the end of the episode makes much more sense:
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Monday, October 11, 2010
Jail cell high dive
Posted by Boris at
5:59 AM
I'm not sure, but this looks as if he was trying to escape jail by diving through the toilet:
Algebra teacher freaks on class
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
How do I reeeeech these kids? How about not throwing desks at them.
Insane Clown Posse come out as Christians
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM

Well, this explains why their music kind of sucks. Insane Clown Posse have now admited that they've secretly been a Christian rock band all along. That noise you hear is the screaming of thousands of confused Juggalos. Full article
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Photo of the week
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
So this is what it looks like to have Tiger's ball in your face! This photo was taken on Saturday at the Ryder cup... and yes, the ball did hit the photographer who snapped this photo (he's fine).
What makes this photo even better is the guy on the right with the cigar, moustache and turban! I think he yelled "You can do it!!!" right before the shot.

What makes this photo even better is the guy on the right with the cigar, moustache and turban! I think he yelled "You can do it!!!" right before the shot.

Show me.... penis!
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
Here's a shocking video taken from The Family Feud. I know I'm completely shocked... When did Steve Harvey start hosting?
Man drives horse to Drive-Thru
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM
Yeah, it's wacky that a man is riding his horse through a McDonald's drive-thru. But isn't it even more strange that a couple of drunk Brits are apparently hanging out in a McDonald's parking lot? I wish I could give these guys their own TV show.
NSFW - some saucy British language
NSFW - some saucy British language
Monday, October 4, 2010
Bees on the Pooooorch
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
Ever since the stories about The Leprechaun and The Linkin Park Rapist have become viral hits, local news has been trying a little too hard to find the next big thing... Although I think this one may have some staying power:
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Wow, Jersey Shore really IS fake (proof)!
Posted by Boris at
5:46 AM
Last year I posted a Funny Or Die clip featuring the cast of the Jersey Shore pretending to "fake" the show. Somehow, the post appeared as one of the very first results for anyone who Googled "Is Jersey Shore Fake". Since then, the comments section started getting some violent responses from fans of the show who didn't have the brain power to understand sarcasm and were pissed because their tanning-spray-polluted brains thought I was really saying the show was fake.(I eventually had to post a disclaimer at the bottom of the page because it was getting out of hand).
Anyway... I take it back. Here's proof that this week's fight was actually staged! (Jenni forgot to take her socks off for take 2).
Anyway... I take it back. Here's proof that this week's fight was actually staged! (Jenni forgot to take her socks off for take 2).

What your taxes paid for
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
Ever wonder where all those taxes go? Well, here's a breakdown for someone who earned $34,000 (You can adjust the numbers to your salary to see how much you spent on each item). Don't forget, the Walkway Over The Hudson is considered a National Park... go get your money's worth!

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Friday, October 1, 2010
The greatest metal band of all time
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
Sorry Goat Whore... This band from Sweeden is so metal that they can't contain the metal in their bodies and wind up puking it up all over the stage. Either that or they just ate some bad smoked salmon.
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