Family Guy will be releasing the sequel to their Star Wars Episode, "Blue Harvest" just in time for Christmas. The take-off of Empire Strikes Back is called "Something Something Something Darkside". Here's the trailer:
Monday, November 30, 2009
New photo of Tiger Woods' accident
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
Ooooh... he sliced it into the trees!

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Psycho girlfriend destroys dude's Xbox
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Here's a warning: Playing Call Of Duty all day and having a girlfriend doesn't mix. I wonder if this is what happened to Tiger Woods?
Let's check in with Susan Boyle
Posted by Boris at
5:34 AM
I wonder how she's doing these days... uh oh!

Just moments after finishing a note-perfect performance on live American television, Susan Boyle was seen on television breaking down in tears.
The 48-year-old had been enjoying lunch with fans at the Rock Centre cafe in New York's Rockefeller Centre.
But she appeared increasingly withdrawn and started to tremble and suck her thumb. Then, visibly overcome with emotion, she bowed her head and began to sob.
From The Daily Mail

Just moments after finishing a note-perfect performance on live American television, Susan Boyle was seen on television breaking down in tears.
The 48-year-old had been enjoying lunch with fans at the Rock Centre cafe in New York's Rockefeller Centre.
But she appeared increasingly withdrawn and started to tremble and suck her thumb. Then, visibly overcome with emotion, she bowed her head and began to sob.
From The Daily Mail
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Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Demi Moore Photoshop-gate continues
Posted by Boris at
9:11 AM
Remember last week when I pointed out the horrific Photoshop job that was done to Demi Moore's photo on the cover of W Magazine? If you look not-even-so-closely, you can clearly see that an entire chunk of her hip has disappeared:
Well, someone has found a photo of 26-year-old model, Angela Rubik, that looks amazingly like 49-year-old Demi Moore's body on the cover of W:
Here's what happens when you superimpose the photos on top of each other:
It's pretty clear that they popped Demi's head on someone else's body. I guess 49 is too old and saggy for the cover of a magazine. Now, if you're gonna put some old lady's head on top of a hot, young chick's body why would you even have to do more airbrushing? If they didn't do such a crapy job we probably wouldn't have ever noticed. Idiots.

It's pretty clear that they popped Demi's head on someone else's body. I guess 49 is too old and saggy for the cover of a magazine. Now, if you're gonna put some old lady's head on top of a hot, young chick's body why would you even have to do more airbrushing? If they didn't do such a crapy job we probably wouldn't have ever noticed. Idiots.
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The new Seinfeld finale
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
If you missed Curb Your Enthusiasm on Sunday (or don't get HBO), you missed out on the Seinfeld "reunion". Here's the last 7 minutes of the show, where we get to see the Seinfeld episode Larry was working on all season... complete with Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer. Man, I wish they would decide to just bring the show back, because watching this is way more entertaining than seeing Jay Leno make Paris Hilton jokes every night.
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Paula Dean hit in the face with a giant ham
Posted by Boris at
5:45 AM
Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all!
(I hate posting videos with commercials, but seeing Paula get smacked in the kisser with a ham is worth it, I guess.)
(I hate posting videos with commercials, but seeing Paula get smacked in the kisser with a ham is worth it, I guess.)
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Hockey fans are animals
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
Bad idea: Giving crazy hocky fans your hockey stick.
Reason it's a bad idea: You're handing them a weapon to fight over / with.
What to do after you realize it's a bad idea: Just stand there and stare.
Reason it's a bad idea: You're handing them a weapon to fight over / with.
What to do after you realize it's a bad idea: Just stand there and stare.
Parking Brake Fail
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
I don't know how this guy didn't see his truck roll away... wait for the money shot at the end of the video.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Fatty-Fat Friday!
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
The last Oprah Winfrey Show will air on September 9th, 2011.
Here's a special Fatty-Fat Farewell for our pal, Oprah...
Here's a special Fatty-Fat Farewell for our pal, Oprah...

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Fatty-Fat Friday

Kids Reenact the first Thanksgiving
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
With less than a week away from Thanksgiving, check out this quick history lesson of the holiday:
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Outtake from Sarah Palin's Oprah interview
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Now she's actually making some sense...
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Thursday, November 19, 2009 begins implosion of universe
Posted by Boris at
8:41 AM
Our website was recently featured on another website called So, I'm posting their post of my post on this post. All we need to do is have someone take this post about the post featuring my post and post it on and we can race the Hadron Collider to making the universe collapse into itself.

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Stuffed animal talk show cancelled
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
If every episode ended like this, I would watch the Channing Show every day.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Photoshop Fail: Demi's missing hip
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM

Hey W magazine, when you chop of someone's fat hip make sure it matches the other hip... and it lines up with her leg. Especially if it's on the COVER of your magazine.
Check in to the Hamster Hotel
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
A hotel in France (where else?) is offering guests the chance to spend a night like a hamster. The room comes complete with a giant wheel, hamster costumes and even a pile of hay to sleep in. Thanks, but I'll stick with the Heavenly Bed over at the Westin.
Pizza Hut with the best view in the world
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM
This is either really cool... or very sad.
Anti-Immigration protest is 'punked
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM
Minnesota anti-immigration Teagbaggers welcomed a guest speaker to their rally. Robert Erickson talks to the crowd about the evils of… European immigrants. You know, the people who came to this country and totally ruined it. The crowd doesn't get it and even joins him in a chant of "Columbus Go Home!" Priceless.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Drunk Dude: the video game
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
Someone took video surveillance footage of the drunkest guy ever and turned it into a video game. Funny stuff.
Domino World Record
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
On Saturday a new world's record was set in the Netherlands. During a 2-hour TV broadcast, more than 4 million dominoes were knocked down. Imagine spending 2-hours watching dominoes fall on National TV! Here in the U.S. we reserve 2-hour specials for more important things, like when Kardashians get married.
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Geek Stuff,

Feed the turtles
Posted by Boris at
5:26 AM
Here's your diversion for today: Click the mouse to feed the turtles. They will follow you around until you do.
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Monday, November 16, 2009
Idiot drives his car into a lake
Posted by Boris at
6:21 AM
Watch what happens:
According to a local paper, the man, who refused to give his name, was looking at real estate in Galveston, Texas. About 3 p.m. a low-flying pelican distracted him as he traveled north on Interstate 45 just south of the hurricane levee near Omega Bay. The man jerked the wheel, dropped his cell phone, and the car's front tire left the frontage road and entered a muddy patch, which foiled his attempt to maneuver away from the lagoon.
According to a local paper, the man, who refused to give his name, was looking at real estate in Galveston, Texas. About 3 p.m. a low-flying pelican distracted him as he traveled north on Interstate 45 just south of the hurricane levee near Omega Bay. The man jerked the wheel, dropped his cell phone, and the car's front tire left the frontage road and entered a muddy patch, which foiled his attempt to maneuver away from the lagoon.
Black actors airbrushed out of "Couples Retreat" poster
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
Posters for "Couples Retreat" got the Photoshop treatment when the movie was premiered in the U.K. On the left is the version that was used in the U.S. and to the right is the one being used around London. Notice which two actors have now suddenly disappeared?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Google Maps gets U2
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
Even Google Maps knows that there are only two members of U2 that really matter. The technology that protects the identity of crack dealers all over the country decided that Larry Mullen Jr. and Adam Clayton were private citizens requiring anonymity... but Bono and The Edge were celebrities that didn't need to be blurred out.

Making a crack-head chase a laser pointer
Posted by Boris at
5:46 AM
To see if a crack-head hanging around outside of your apartment will chase a laser pointer just like a house cat.
To see if a crack-head hanging around outside of your apartment will chase a laser pointer just like a house cat.
Two little girls sing "Help"
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
When I first saw this video I thought "Crap, Hanson's back?" Actually, this is a video of two young girls doing a spot-on version of the Beatles' "Help". Watching the video I can only wonder how many hours the girls' Beatles-obsessed father made them sit and learn songs by the fab four. Do you think the fact that they chose "Help" is a signal to the internet community? Are they begging to be saved from a hellish life of having to listen to "Lady Madonna" over and over until they nail the ba-ba-ba-ba's?
They are talented, though.
They are talented, though.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Risky Business FAIL
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
These two hot chicks had a great idea... but probably should have used a little less Murphy's Oil.
Jon Gosselin... funny? Who knew?
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM
Yeah, everyone hates this douche... but the ability to make fun of yourself is high on my list of admirable qualities. I'm so conflicted!
Woman who's face got chewed off by chimp on Oprah
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM
Remember Charla Nash? She's the woman who's face got chewed off by that crazy monkey. She decided to reveal her disfigured face on Oprah yesterday... I don't think you're ready to see this:
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
What do you get when you cross a Metallica tribute band with a prop comic that smashes watermellons? Metallagher! I've never been more inspired to buy a raincoat and hop a flight to Texas.
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Finally, a reason to watch MTV again
Posted by Boris at
5:25 AM
Born and raised in New Jersey, I spent a good portion of my life at the Jersey Shore. I can't wait for this beautifully crafted documentary:
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Woman falls on subway track and barely misses train
Posted by Boris at
6:45 AM
Thank goodness this happened in Boston, where they have those tiny little Mr. Rodgers trains. If this was in NYC the drunkard would have been mashed potatoes.
Banana Man!
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
Did I mention how much I love Japanese commercials?
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Worst preacher ever
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
If I were these people I would reach into the collection basket and get my money back. This preacher seems to think that the corruption of our society is somehow linked to... wait for it... men who sit down when they pee.
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Weezer jams with Kenny G
Posted by Boris at
5:34 AM
Yep, it's not a misprint.
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Roomba Pac-Man
Posted by Boris at
5:58 AM
These students created a real-life Pac-Man game using a few Roombas and some custom made guidance software. Nerd-tastic!
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Geek Stuff,

Create a fake Facebook conversation
Posted by Boris at
5:54 AM
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New zoo exhibit makes guest soil themselves
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
The Werribee Open Range Zoo in Melbourne has introduced a new exhibit that essentially simulates a lion attack:

The Jeep is cut in half by a giant glass window, giving the illusion of being on safari. I don't know if this is more disturbing for the people in the Jeep or the poor lion who think's he's getting a snack.

The Jeep is cut in half by a giant glass window, giving the illusion of being on safari. I don't know if this is more disturbing for the people in the Jeep or the poor lion who think's he's getting a snack.

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Email scandal at Cornell
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM

Have you ever sent a very embarrasing private email to an entire college campus by mistake? Click the link below to find out what email could have generated this apology from Cornell University:
From: (Redacted) >
Date: November 7, 2009 12:53:52 AM GMT+01:00
To: ~~EVERYBODY >Subject: Note to Community regarding inappropriate email
To the Johnson School Community,
Some of you received an inappropriate email this afternoon that was accidentally sent to one of our listserves. On behalf of the School, I would like to apologize for this error and ask you to discard this email.
Some of you may be understandably upset about the content of the email and the context in which it was sent. If you need to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to contact (redacted)
Human Resources ManagerThe Johnson School at Cornell University
Date: November 7, 2009 12:53:52 AM GMT+01:00
To: ~~EVERYBODY >Subject: Note to Community regarding inappropriate email
To the Johnson School Community,
Some of you received an inappropriate email this afternoon that was accidentally sent to one of our listserves. On behalf of the School, I would like to apologize for this error and ask you to discard this email.
Some of you may be understandably upset about the content of the email and the context in which it was sent. If you need to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to contact (redacted)
Human Resources ManagerThe Johnson School at Cornell University
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Monday, November 9, 2009
Marlee Matlin vs Seth McFarlane
Posted by Boris at
8:08 AM
If you missed Seth and Alex's Semi Live Comedy Show last night on Fox you missed this bit poking fun at Marlee Matlin. Just as you really start to feel guilty about laughing, Marlee makes a surprise appearance and makes it all ok. Apparently, she's a big Family Guy fan and wants them to start using her own voice in the show.
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Drunk David Hasselhoff at the Euro MTV Awards?
Posted by Boris at
5:57 AM
Oh, David... You're in the only country where people actually think you're a good singer. Did you really need to down that bottle of Jack?
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Is Sammy Sosa turning white?
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
Baseball playing person, Sammy Sosa, seems to be going under a transformation. Take a look at these photos. The one on the left is from a few years ago and the one on the right was recently taken in Vegas.
There's been speculation that the skin lightening is from steroid use, however an acquaintance of Sosa told the Chicago Tribune this weekend that "he is going through a rejuvenation process for his skin." Let's keep our eye on this... let me know if he starts wearing a sequined glove.

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Introducing the circle board
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
If you ride around NYC knocking into people on something called a circle board, does that make you a circle jerk?
I need to start watching women's soccer
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM
I never realized how physical women's soccer games can get. Hot chicks in short shorts pulling each other's ponytails until they pass out?!? Why are you watching NASCAR when this is on TV?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Nerd pr0n
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM

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Awesome beer commercial
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM
I don't know what it is about beer commercials, but lots of times I find them to be the most entertaining thing on TV. Here's a commercial for Tiger Beer with some pretty neat effects. As for the beer, Tiger is pretty good. It's my go-to beer when I'm at a Japanese restaurant or sushi place. I usually prefer it over Kirin Ichiban or Sapporo. Warning: they go down smoothly, so make sure there's no Karaoke going on before you start pounding them (please don't ask me how I know this).
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Ironic arrest of the day
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
From the Associated Press:
James P. Miller, 20, is shown Saturday, Oct. 31, 2009, in a police photo provided by the Oxford Ohio police department wearing a Halloween breathalyzer costume. Miller was arrested and charged with driving a vehicle while intoxicated after blowing a 0.158 on a breathalyzer test when he was stopped by Oxford police driving the wrong way on a one way street Halloween night
Thursday, November 5, 2009
LIttle girl's dad surprises her at school
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
I'm always blown away at the sacrifices the men and women in our millitary choose make on a daily basis... but sometimes it's easy to forget that their families are also sharing the burden. The look on this little girl's face makes that abundantly clear.
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What do you call different Lego pieces?
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM

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question of the day

Pearl Jam dresses (and performs) like Devo for Halloween
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
Pearl Jam performed at The Spectrum in Philadelphia on Halloween night. Here's some video of the band dressed in costume, performing Whip-It.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Reason #967 not to friend your Mom on Facebook.
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM
Hey Boris,
My buddy John is friends with his mother on Facebook. Please let your listeners know that this is NOT a good idea! Here's a picture I took of his wall.
- Caleb

I'm assuming Mom thinks MILFs are "Moms I Like On Facebook".
My buddy John is friends with his mother on Facebook. Please let your listeners know that this is NOT a good idea! Here's a picture I took of his wall.
- Caleb

I'm assuming Mom thinks MILFs are "Moms I Like On Facebook".
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Listener Submissions

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
This drunk dude uses an old homeless person trick to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. And, yes, I know they're French, deal with it.
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Cow caught drinking its own milk
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
Cow #1: Hey, look at that.
Cow #2: If I could drink my own milk, I'd never leave the pasture.
Cow #2: If I could drink my own milk, I'd never leave the pasture.
Link of the day: Hot Chicks With Fists In Their Mouths
Posted by Boris at
5:28 AM

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Weezer wins best album promotion... ever!
Posted by Boris at
6:45 AM
Weezer has just launched a new marketing campaign for their new album "Raditude". The band has partnered with the makers of Snuggie to produce an infomercial for a Weezer Snuggie that is being sold along with a copy of their new CD. The band started buying late night airtime this week. If you're not an insomniac, you can watch it below:
Listener Submission: Star Wars Stroller
Posted by Boris at
5:56 AM
Hey Boris, I saw this woman pushing a stroller at the halloween parade over the weekend and I thought of you. Love the show! Tell Brandi what's up.

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Listener Submissions

The weather according to Obama
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM

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Bus-Stop Dancer
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
What do you do when you see the same guy dancing like Michael Jackson outside your window waiting for the bus every day? You pick up your camera and record him, of course! Man, I wish I was as high self-confident as this guy!
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Monday, November 2, 2009
Thanks for a great WRRV Boo Ball *UPDATE
Posted by Boris at
9:00 AM

There's not much I can say that will do justice to how much fun we all had last night at The WRRV Boo Ball... so you should probably just take a look at the hundreds of photos and see for yourself.
And I can't forget to send out a special congratulations to Ryan and Olivia for their on-stage engagement! Thank goodness she said yes. Otherwise that could have been a disaster in front of 1,000 people!
There were so many great costumes at the party last night that you probably missed some of the more outrageous ones, here's a just a few for you to check out.
Thanks again to everyone for a great night, Nuts in a Blender rocked, the Mid Hudson Civic Center was the venue we've been looking for all these years and we can't wait see you all back there on Halloween 2010!
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Show Conversation,

Dakota Fanning voted Homecoming Queen
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
This is not from a movie shoot and it's not a Halloween costume. Dakota Fanning was voted real-life homecoming Queen at her High School. You'd think the class would give a normal girl a chance and vote for someone who wasn't ALREADY A MOVIE STAR! Jeeez.

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Drunk Ewoks invade The Today Show
Posted by Boris at
5:32 AM
Who thought it was a good idea to hire two drunk little people to dress up as Ewoks for the Halloween edition of The Today Show? Make sure to watch until the end when one of the Ewoks gets very friendly with Al Roker's leg...
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