Friday, July 31, 2009
Fatty-Fat Friday - Part 2
Posted by Boris at
7:17 AM
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Fatty-Fat Friday

Is this proof that Lady Gaga is a man?
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM

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Deeply disturbing video. Bet you can't watch the whole thing!
Posted by Boris at
5:32 AM
This video of singing babies is creepy enough. But then, half way through, it takes a freaky turn that I will need the whole weekend to recover from.
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tiffany Amber Theissen blows off Jimmy Fallon
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
Jimmy Fallon's big stunt has been trying to pull together a Saved By The Bell reunion. All of the kids from Bayside said they were in, except Kelly Kapowski. In this video, Tiffany Amber Thiessen explains that she's too busy to participate in the reunion.
Apparently, Tiffany wasn't too busy to be a part of the reunion for People magazine, which hits newsstands tomorrow. Tough break, Jimmy!!!
Apparently, Tiffany wasn't too busy to be a part of the reunion for People magazine, which hits newsstands tomorrow. Tough break, Jimmy!!!

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Sex doll for dogs
Posted by Boris at
5:32 AM

It's safe to wear linen pants again! Just be careful when you give Fido this rubber doll; you may never see him again. Here's the full article and a photo of the doll from the rear. And I thought cleaning out my cat's litter box was a nasty job!
Wrong answer, racist child!
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
This is why TV game shows have that disclaimer that says "portions of the broadcast not affecting the outcome of the game may have been edited out".
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Billy Mays just rolled over...
Posted by Boris at
8:19 AM
Did you see the new infomercial for Aspray? This is a real product. Yep, it's real.
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Update: Peter Pan is now married
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Busted! I did not go to Ireland.
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
Hector from Beacon has blown my cover. I was not in Europe on vacation last week, I was actually at Comic-Con. Here's the evidence:

Nice try, Hector... but my legs are much more hairy.
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Good Bye, Glitter Girl
Posted by Boris at
5:28 AM
Alexis Cohen, the freaky American Idol contestant that flipped off Simon Cowell, died in a NJ hit-and-run this weekend. 23-year-old Daniel Bark has been arrested and charged with reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident. Don't remember Glitter Girl? Here she is:
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Holy Crap
Posted by Boris at
5:21 AM
Some woman that sounds like the stripper from My Name Is Earl has found the Virgin Mary in a splatter of bird poop. Yep. Bird Poop.
So, lemme get this straight. It's blasphemous to create a photo of the Virgin Mary out of elephant poop, but bird poop Virgin Mary is a miracle? Let's see if Guiliani tries to impound this woman's truck.
(Too old of a reference? Look it up.)
So, lemme get this straight. It's blasphemous to create a photo of the Virgin Mary out of elephant poop, but bird poop Virgin Mary is a miracle? Let's see if Guiliani tries to impound this woman's truck.
(Too old of a reference? Look it up.)
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Wanna smell like Amy Winehouse?
Posted by Boris at
5:19 AM

I say save $90 and just roll around on the floor of your local bus station bathroom.
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New European trend: Smart Car Dunking
Posted by Boris at
5:17 AM

Click here for the full story.
I'm Back!
Posted by Boris at
4:58 AM
Thanks for coming back to the website after a week of no updates! I had the time of my life in Ireland... it was so much more than I ever expected. If you think Ireland is like your local Irish Bar on St. Patrick's Day, it's just so much more than that. The friendliest people, great food (really!) and some of the most amazing scenery in the world. There's no way any photos can capture just how beautiful this country is. Anyway, I'll fill you in on everything this morning on the air.
The true highlight of my week, however, was getting to see U2 in Dublin. Whenever I go to a show, I always have a list of songs I want to hear. For U2, this time it was Bad and 40. Bono must have read my mind, because towards the end of the show he worked the lyrics from 40 into Bad. There's a video below... hope you have tickets for the shows at Giants Stadium, it's a sick concert!
The true highlight of my week, however, was getting to see U2 in Dublin. Whenever I go to a show, I always have a list of songs I want to hear. For U2, this time it was Bad and 40. Bono must have read my mind, because towards the end of the show he worked the lyrics from 40 into Bad. There's a video below... hope you have tickets for the shows at Giants Stadium, it's a sick concert!
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Friday, July 17, 2009 is on vacation
Posted by Boris at
4:06 PM

I'm on vacation and won't be updating the page until Tuesday 7/27.
There's probably loads of crap we've posted over the past year that you've missed, so check out the archive on the lower right hand side of the page until we start updating again.
I'll try to upload some photos from Ireland on my Facebook this week, so go "friend me" if you're into that sort of thing.
See you soon,
Photo of Michael Jackson's nasty legs
Posted by Boris at
6:20 AM

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Irish cinema describes Bruno movie honestly
Posted by Boris at
6:16 AM
I can't wait to be in Ireland next week for vacation. If their version of Mr. Moviephone is any indication, the Irish people are probably the most honest and polite people in the world...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Harry Potter midnight madness
Posted by Boris at
5:21 AM
I'm fascinated by those people who dress up like Harry Potter characters and wait in line at midnight for the movie to premiere in their town. I was scouring the Internet for videos and photos of people making a spectacle of themselves on Tuesday night and this one is, by far, my favorite. Some girl 30-year-old woman from a small town in Arizona documents the lonely hand full of people that show up at Midnight. I'm a total dork about lots of things, but don't have the balls to geek out in public like this about anything. Is it possible to feel sorry and be happy for someone at the same time?
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Geek Stuff,

How to properly open a banana
Posted by Boris at
5:03 AM
Leave it up to a sleepy guy wearing monkey pajamas to change my life forever... All these years I've been wasting my time opening bananas the wrong way!
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Never-before-seen-footage of Michael Jackson on fire
Posted by Boris at
4:59 AM
Remember when Michael Jackson burst into flames while filming that Pepsi commercial? Apparently, they were waiting to release the awesome footage of the accident until Michael died... so here you go:
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Jon and some Skank + 8 nasty photos
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
So, Jon and Kate from that stupid TLC show are seperated blah blah blah... Now it seems Jon is making up for all of that time being chained to his monster of a wife and 8 pain in the ass kids. Meet the future mother of Jon's next half-dozen kids: Hailey Glassman.
According to her Facebook, things are getting pretty serious with Jon:
According to her Facebook, things are getting pretty serious with Jon:
Oh yeah, then there's these photos that she hasn't deleted from her albums yet (my favorite is the one of her holding a bowl while posing with the douche twins):
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Purity Ring for your iPhone
Posted by Boris at
5:28 AM

Link to story
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Cool trick by Hooters girl
Posted by Boris at
6:32 AM
Brandi does this while she reads the news for you each morning:
If you're gonna cheat, clean your car
Posted by Boris at
6:20 AM
No honey, I just drove to the supermarket and back...

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Win Green Day tickets from us all week!
Posted by Boris at
6:09 AM

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Monday, July 13, 2009
We're sending you to Vegas!
Posted by Boris at
5:54 AM

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Was Barack looking at some crack?
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
After we posted this photo of Barack Obama last week, the best journalistic minds have been investigating whether or not Obama was staring at some woman's ass. Good Morning America found video of the incident and gave us the play by play. Watch, ladies and gentlemen, Obama's head goes back... and to the left. Back... and to the left. Where are Woodward and Burnstein when we need them?
OK, mystery solved... now see if you can explain this one:
OK, mystery solved... now see if you can explain this one:

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Friday, July 10, 2009
Seether covers Frank Sinatra
Posted by Boris at
7:03 AM
After making a hit with their own version of George Michael's "Careless Whisper" Seether have now decided to cover Frank Sinatra's "Under My Skin". Check it out:
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Tampon parachute drop
Posted by Boris at
5:45 AM
A tampon company decided to spread the word about their product by dropping hundreds of tampons from an airplane to unsuspecting beachgoers. I really wish I was in on some of these brainstorming sessions. Here's three problems I see with this promotion:
1 - Dolphins choking and dying on a tampon is NOT good publicity.
2 - Who in their right mind is going to shove a tampon up there that fell from the sky?
3 - Looks like most of them landed in the water... I know the ShamWow needs to be damp to work, is it the same thing for tampons?
1 - Dolphins choking and dying on a tampon is NOT good publicity.
2 - Who in their right mind is going to shove a tampon up there that fell from the sky?
3 - Looks like most of them landed in the water... I know the ShamWow needs to be damp to work, is it the same thing for tampons?
Crazy marriage proposal at Disney Land
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM
I see one small problem with their future marriage... can you guess what it is? (ok, he's obviously gay)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Car dealership busted for stealing people's coins
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
The first two times Jason brought his truck in to his local Toyota dealership for service, he noticed that someone had taken quarters from his change compartment. He complained both times, but was ignored. So the third time he brought his truck in, he placed a video camera on the passenger side. The dealership didn't ignore him this time. Here's what he caught on film:
Check out more video and the letter Jason sent the dealership here
Check out more video and the letter Jason sent the dealership here
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Emma Watson wardrobe malfunction at Harry Potter premiere
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
You're welcome, Sick Puppies!
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM

Actually, the thanks is probably for helping them with this awesome video we made when they were in the studio:
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World's strongest vagina
Posted by Boris at
5:41 AM

Full story and tips on your own "weight training" (slightly NSFW)
Corey Feldman shows up at the M.J. Memorial
Posted by Boris at
5:25 AM

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It's time to hit the N.J. boardwalk!
Posted by Boris at
10:40 AM
Want a glimpse into my high school memories of the Jersey Shore? Check out this clip from a 1994 documentary about Wildwood, NJ. I was probably staying at the Lotus Inn with my high school friends while this was being filmed. Now you know why I moved away and married a girl from Connecticut!
Thanks to Joseph for the video submission!
Thanks to Joseph for the video submission!
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Listener Submissions,

Megan Fox's new movie trailer: less toe-thumbs, more bubbies!
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
The trailer for "Jennifer's Body" will show before Bruno this weekend. It's a red-band trailer, which means that it's not censored. The movie was written by the chick that wrote "Juno" and I think it looks pretty good... although Megan Fox's bubbies keep distracting me from what's actually going on.
Do you see MJ's ghost?
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM
People are trying to say that Michael Jackson's ghost paid an appearance on Larry King over the weekend during a live shot of Neverland Ranch on CNN. What do you think?
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Monday, July 6, 2009
Hitler finds out that Michael Jackson has died
Posted by Boris at
5:32 AM
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Michael Jackson is alive
Posted by Boris at
5:26 AM
I think I've busted the Michael Jackson conspiracy theories wide open! I saw Michael Jackson on TV this weekend... and he is pissed! Don't ever try to repo his Delorean or else he'll start dancing like a lunatic and literally kick your ass!
Shooting fireworks out of your butt
Posted by Boris at
5:20 AM
How was your 4th of July?
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Joey Chestnut wins hot dog eating contest again!
Posted by Boris at
5:14 AM
This 4th of July, Joey Chestnut set another world record during the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. He had 68 dogs in 10 minutes! Joey won the title from Takeru Kobayashi three years ago and has kept the tropy back here in America ever since.
Billy Mays' Funeral
Posted by Boris at
5:11 AM

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Thursday, July 2, 2009
U2: Opening night in Barcelona
Posted by Boris at
10:44 AM
We were talking about the kickoff for U2's tour in Spain. Here's some great footage of the first night. I'll be at the Dublin show in just a couple weeks... looks like it's going to be pretty amazing.
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The youngest WRRV listener caught on film
Posted by Boris at
6:19 AM
One of our listeners, Julie, sent me this ultrasound photo. Julie listened to WRRV all during her pregnancy, and apparently her baby was rockin' out too! Check out the rock 'n roll devil horns little Bodhi was giving the camera while still in the womb!

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Are you following me on Facebook and Twitter?
Posted by Boris at
5:55 AM
Make sure you're following my Facebook and Twitter accounts! Brandi and I are taking tomorrow off and doing a pub crawl in NYC. I'll be uploading embarrassing photos all day long...
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Have a happy Fatty-Fat Fourth of July!
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM

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Fatty-Fat Friday

Italian swimmer disqualified after bathing suit bursts at seams
Posted by Boris at
5:29 AM
We don't usually cover sports on, but this time we'll make an exception. Olympic swimmer Flavia Zoccari from Italy was disqualified from her competition yesterday because her bathing suit split in a very unfortunate location. We're not sure how this happened, but as a precaution I urge all of you swimmers out there to eat anything but Mexican food before the next big race!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Birdfeeder 3.5 - Raccoon Proof!
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
Yesterday I spent some time adding extra raccoon security to my already deer and squirrel-proof bird feeder. There were lots of suggestions from the listeners, and a few messages of concern whether I was going to take the animals' welfare into account. I don't want to actually harm any animals so I researched safe and effective ways to keep Raccoons away.
Apparently, putting Vaseline or grease on the pole was the number one suggestion of humane ways to keep the raccoons away. However, I learned that this is actually the most dangerous thing you can do. Birds, squirrels and raccoons that get grease on their fur or feathers can succumb to infection. This can cause them to be weakened so much that they actually get preyed on by other animals. The following methods were all suggested by the animal control divisions of various states.

1: Make it hard to climb
The first 4 feet is now covered with metal flashing. Raccoons supposedly can't climb if they don't have anything to dig their claws into. This is the suggested method for thwarting a raccoon from making his way up the feeder pole.

2: Make climbing uncomfortable
Now, if the slippery metal doesn't stop the Raccoon, the top of the post is covered in carpeting tack strips. They have tiny tacks sticking out that will poke the raccoon and scare him away. This mimics what a cactus or rose bush would do.
3: Added security for flying raccoons
Finally, the top two corners of the feeder pole are now also covered with tack strips. This is just in case any animals decide to take the long leap from the trees onto the pole. I left the top of the pole clear so the birds are still able to perch there.
So far so good, no raccoons last night!
Apparently, putting Vaseline or grease on the pole was the number one suggestion of humane ways to keep the raccoons away. However, I learned that this is actually the most dangerous thing you can do. Birds, squirrels and raccoons that get grease on their fur or feathers can succumb to infection. This can cause them to be weakened so much that they actually get preyed on by other animals. The following methods were all suggested by the animal control divisions of various states.
1: Make it hard to climb
The first 4 feet is now covered with metal flashing. Raccoons supposedly can't climb if they don't have anything to dig their claws into. This is the suggested method for thwarting a raccoon from making his way up the feeder pole.
2: Make climbing uncomfortable
Now, if the slippery metal doesn't stop the Raccoon, the top of the post is covered in carpeting tack strips. They have tiny tacks sticking out that will poke the raccoon and scare him away. This mimics what a cactus or rose bush would do.
Finally, the top two corners of the feeder pole are now also covered with tack strips. This is just in case any animals decide to take the long leap from the trees onto the pole. I left the top of the pole clear so the birds are still able to perch there.
So far so good, no raccoons last night!
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Polish nerds turn a dorm into a computer monitor
Posted by Boris at
5:32 AM
This should stop you from making Polish jokes for a while... Students at the Wroclow University of Technology figured out how to take control of the lights in each room of a dorm, creating an amazing light show! Bonus points for doing it all to the Knight Rider theme song.
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Geek Stuff,

Lego Arcade
Posted by Boris at
5:21 AM
This video contains 3 of my all time favorite things: Legos, 80's video games and stop-motion animation.
This dude also did a pretty cool Donkey Kong video completely in Legos, check it out!
This dude also did a pretty cool Donkey Kong video completely in Legos, check it out!
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Don't mess with Steve Ryan's live shot
Posted by Boris at
5:12 AM
An over-enthusiastic (drunk) Michael Jackson fan interrupts a local newscaster's live feed. What would a veteran reporter do? Throw it right to the b-roll footage and deal with the guy off air. Steve Ryan is not a veteran reporter...
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