Congratulations to Susan Scott on winning a trip to the island destination of her choice!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
WRRV Winter Beach Party
Posted by Boris at
8:21 AM
I had an awesome time at the WRRV Winter Beach Party last night. The WRRV listeners are known for always coming to our events ready to party, and once again, they did not disappoint!
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Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM

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Supernanny child abuse
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
The Davis family is now under investigation for child abuse after appearing on Supernanny. Here's a tip: don't smack your kid around in front of the camera. This guy needs to be locked up.
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Let's slide down to the board meeting!
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM

Star Trek remixes
Posted by Boris at
5:20 AM
Someone has remixed episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation to some pretty hilarious results. This is just a sample below, the whole series is here.
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Geek Stuff,

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hudson Valley Heroes
Posted by Boris at
6:44 AM

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Fat cat in a little door
Posted by Boris at
6:07 AM
I just installed a cat door to the basement so our bulimic cat can go back and forth to the litter box without us having to keep the door open. I opted for the larger sized cat door for this very reason:
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Lost: Bentham, Project Runway, Unlucky Penny
Posted by Boris at
5:03 AM

OK - last night's observations:
Remember the runway? You know, the one that Sawyer and Kate were forced to build while they were being held in the polar bear cages? I think we saw it last night! At the time, even Juliette didn't even know what it was for (she joked it was for aliens). I'm thinking that Ben knew somehow that he would be flying back to the island in the future so he had it built. Take another look at the crash site from last night... the plane is almost fully in tact and they're clearly not on the main island. From the logo on the folder Caesar found it's safe to say they are near the Hydra station (the one Jack was being held prisoner in). Also, Locke is clearly staring across the water to the main island while eating his delicious mango.
Widmore is evil. I don't care what Widmore says, my money is still on him being the bad guy. I'm sorry, but that McCutchen-drinking, Alex-killing madman is up to no good. I am surprised that Matthew Abbadon died... I assumed he was kind of like Richard Alpert off of the island. Come to think of it, did he really die? You never know on Lost! So, Widmore being the bad guy means that Ben is a good guy... I'm fine with that. Ben seemed to sincerely want to save Locke's life, only to wind up killing him (again!). When Locke mentioned going to see Ms. Hawking it set Ben off. I think his crazy brain realized at that instant that the only way to get Locke back to the island was to use Hawking to send them back the old fashioned way... on a plane. and Locke would have to be dead for that to happen.
Was Penny born on the island? Widmore said that he was 17 in 1954. He also said that he was on the island for 30 years so he must have left in 1984. If Penny was born after he left the island, that would make her, at most, 23 years old. There's no way she's 23. So is she the daughter of Widmore and the blonde soldier "Ellie" (Who I believe grows up to be Eloise Hawking)? If that's true, is Penny Faraday's sister? Or is Penny Widmore's adopted "daughter" like Alex was Ben's "daughter"?
All in all, an ok episode last night. I'm looking forward to getting back to the island action next week. I'm curious to find out why Lapedis, Sun, Ben and Locke didn't flash to another time during the crash like Kate, Hurley and Jack did. I look forward to you're thoughts - post them below at will...
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Brandi's crush: Mark Ruffalo
Posted by Boris at
7:46 AM
We were talking about the list released by of the celebrities on top of everyone's "Sex Pass List". You know, the list of people your allowed to sleep with even though you're in a committed relationship. I don't play this game, because I know if I ever met Olivia Munn or Evangeline Lilly and somehow they wanted to sleep with me (could happen!) my wife would have none of it - list or not.
Anyway, IF Brandi was in a committed relationship she said her one pass would be for Mark Ruffalo. Yeah, I didn't know who he was either. But after looking at a photo of him he looks like the love child of Joe Rogan, Johnny Knoxville and the gay brother on Six Feet Under.
Anyway, IF Brandi was in a committed relationship she said her one pass would be for Mark Ruffalo. Yeah, I didn't know who he was either. But after looking at a photo of him he looks like the love child of Joe Rogan, Johnny Knoxville and the gay brother on Six Feet Under.
What do you think, ladies? Hot or not?
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The last moments of a fish's life
Posted by Boris at
5:51 AM
You think you're having a bad day? Could be worse. You could be minding your own business, swimming peacefully in a pond and then... WHAM!
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Did you miss Jimmy Kimmel this week?
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM
Chances are you didn't see this... because not too many people are watching Jimmy Kimmel. Too bad, because he's funny as hell. Maybe once he goes up against Jimmy Fallon people will watch by default. Give Kimmel a chance, who else could get Mel Gibson to do this:
Let the 8 ball answer your emails
Posted by Boris at
5:17 AM

I may try this today because I actually have a Magic 8 Ball on my desk. Someone gave it to me a few years ago, and I thought it would make me look retro and cool if I put it on display. It would make people think: "Hey, this Boris guy has a desk, but he also knows how to have fun. Do you think he actually uses the 8 Ball to decide things that are important? How outrageous! He's young AND fun!". Did it work? Hell, let's ask the 8 Ball...
I figured as much... Guess I should lose the Rubik's Cube too. Link
Woman can't park her own car
Posted by Boris at
5:13 AM
Comment all you want below... I didn't say anything about women drivers. I'm just posting the video, yo.
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The Fresh Prince goes folk
Posted by Boris at
5:06 AM
Kay Pettigrew is one of those artists you listen to at Starbucks. For some strange reason she's decided to cover the Fresh Prince Of Belaire theme song in a way that would make Carlton squeal with delight. Enjoy:
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It's Mardi Gras!
Posted by Boris at
6:08 AM

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Transparent fish found!
Posted by Boris at
6:07 AM
This is pretty cool. Scientists have found a fish with a transparent head. The see-through skull helps the fish see, because its eyes can actually rotate inside his head. The transparency allows the fish to see to the sides and directly in front. Link

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Geek Stuff

Did Beyonce's nipple show up at the Oscars?
Posted by Boris at
5:50 AM
Forget the surprise appearances by Tina Fey and Steve Martin on Sunday. If you have a HD television and happened to pause the Oscars at just the right moment you may have seen a little bit more of Beyonce than she intended. Judge for yourself, is that what I think it is? (Click photo for larger version)

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Item I must have of the week: Beard Head
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM

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Monday, February 23, 2009
News for non-gay males
Posted by Boris at
5:54 AM

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Man buys coffin and decides to wear it home
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM

World's shortest escalator
Posted by Boris at
5:27 AM
Is this really necessary? I mean, it's 5 steps! Wouldn't a ramp have been a better option?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Rihanna's bruises
Posted by Boris at
6:59 AM
The LAPD isn't too happy about the leak, and have begun an internal investigation.
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Super Colon
Posted by Boris at
5:46 AM

Or, for those of you on a budget this year, just stand in front of John Goodman's house in the morning and wait for him to bend over and pick up the newspaper. Same thing.
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Thursday, February 19, 2009
Abby Road - A Day In The Life
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
It would suck to live on Abby Road. Almost killing tourists on my way to work every morning doesn't sound like a fun way to commute. Someone set up a time-lapse camera on a random day to see how many idiots pose like the Beatles. Spoiler alert - lots of them did.
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Lost: Great, more questions!
Posted by Boris at
4:50 AM

Where the hell did Aaron go? Did Kate give him back to Claire's mom? And what happened between the time Kate came back to Jack all hot and heavy... and then appeared at the airport all bitchy and pissed off? Did she find out something that has now made her very irritable? (wait for it... my theory on Kate is coming in a minute!)
What happened to Ben? What favor did he have to do for an old friend? Remember, he promised Widmore that he would kill his daughter. Did Desmond lead Ben to Penny... and did he wind up killing her???
Sayid is in cuffs? Hurley is out of prison? How did these things happen?
What's up with Jack's Grandpa? Where does he keep trying to escape to? Was the "better place" he was trying to go to actually the island? Was he trying to get back to the island by getting on the flight - and did Christian ask him to bring along some shoes so he didn' have to keep wearing those damn sneakers all over the island?
There's a ton more going on with the whole Shepard family... Remember the flashback where Christian gives Jack the watch on his wedding day? The watch belonged to Jack's Grandpa. Was this a way of making sure Jack had something of his Grandfather's so he could one day get to the island?
Aaaaah! My brain hurts. The coolest part of the episode last night, however, was how the characters all exchanged roles for flight number two:
- Lock is now playing the part of Jack's dad
- Ben rushes for the plane last minute, like Hurley did
- Sun is worried about her husband and holding the wedding ring, like Rose did
- Hurley is lugging around a guitar, like Charlie did
- Sayid is in cuffs, like Kate was
- And do you think it's possible that Kate is (here it comes) PREGNANT... like Claire was?????
This show is killing me.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Have you seen Lance Armstrong's bike?
Posted by Boris at
8:00 AM

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The Quagmire Sneaker
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM

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Wednesday morning, time for a rat staring contest
Posted by Boris at
5:43 AM
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Caption Contest
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM
Man, I sure hope this guy shows up at the WRRV Winter Beach Party! Until then, it's Caption Contest time... leave your caption as a comment below!

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Caption Contest

Obnoxious gamer photos
Posted by Boris at
5:24 AM

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Cat diagnoses cancer!
Posted by Boris at
5:12 AM

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Proposals gone wrong
Posted by Boris at
5:06 AM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Christian Bale on Family Guy
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
I guess we're going with an animation theme this morning. These Christian Bale parodies have gotten pretty lame, but Family Guy really nailed it last night. Best line ever = "Do you punch your mother with that mouth". Let's quit while we're ahead and call this the last Christian Bale bit allowed on TV.
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Simpsons in HD
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
Last night was the first-ever Simpsons episode broadcast in HD. If you missed it, here is the new opening sequence for the show:
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Snuggie Sightings
Posted by Boris at
5:29 AM

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Friday, February 13, 2009
13 year old stud is now a dad
Posted by Boris at
6:51 AM
Forget the SI Swimsuit issue, here's Miss Atom!
Posted by Boris at
5:37 AM

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Listener submission: Big Stuff
Posted by Boris at
5:28 AM

Do you ever wonder what it's like to be Verne Troyer? The great big stuff website can help you out. It's filled with oversized items that will make you feel small. Looking for a huge pencil? A gigantic toothbrush? Perhaps an enormous ketchup bottle? This site's got it!
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Listener Submissions

Random 11 songs: Not for a Valentine's mix
Posted by Boris at
5:08 AM
Here's 11 random songs I don't think anyone should include in a Valentine's mix. Can you think of any others?
**Warning, these are the un-edited versions!!!
**Warning, these are the un-edited versions!!!
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Random 11

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wait, don't blow your nose!
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM

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Geek Stuff

Joaquin Phoenix has a body in the freezer
Posted by Boris at
5:42 AM
I sure hope that Joaquin Phoenix high. If he's not, someone is going to be murdered by him soon. This is probably one of the most awkward interviews I've seen David Letterman do. Yes, this includes Farrah Fawcett and Madonna. Then again, maybe Joaq-o is just acting...
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Lily Allen's #1 perverted fan
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM

Dude: You're in the first row at a concert, the singer is right in front of you and this is the first thing you think to do?
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Lost: There's Christian Shepard again!
Posted by Boris at
5:21 AM

1) I was kind of disappointed we didn't get to see more of Rousseau's group. I would be interested in knowing exactly how they get "the sickness". I'm now thinking the sickness they have isn't the same time-related sickness that Charlotte has succumbed to. Did the smoke monster take over their bodies somehow? Rousseau's husband seemed to know alot about the monster. Plus, talk about a bad day; it would really suck to bring your violin all the way to the island only to have your arm ripped out of the socket!
2) Jack's dad again? Christian knows an awful lot about this island. Which brings me to a new Christian Shepard theory. He was on the island during the early part of his life. His need to return led him to his drinking problem (just like Jack!). Like Locke, he also knew that the only way he could return to the island would be to die first. Once back on the island he would come back to life. This seems to be the scenario that is playing out with Locke... we'll have to wait and see!
3) See ya, Charlotte! I guess the next time we actually do see her she'll be a Dharma kid... and scary Faraday will try, without much success, to warn her about ever returning to the island.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Random 11 songs: Boris in college
Posted by Boris at
4:54 PM
I'm starting a new feature on the site called "Random 11 Songs". From time to time I'll post 11 songs that have some sort of theme. Today I was cleaning out some of my old cassette tapes from when I had a show at the Marist College radio station, WMCR. Looking at the playlist I realized that I was into some pretty lame stuff. And by lame, I mean awesome music that I'm embarrassed to say I still think is AWESOME. Here's a random sampling of 11. Don't judge me, it was 15 years ago.
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Random 11

Salma Hayek breast feeds someone else's baby?!?
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM
I'm posting this because I love it when you leave a comment. It makes me feel that waking up at 3am to update this website everyday actually isn't a waste of time. And, honestly, you simply can't watch this video withought having an opinion - so post it below!
Hey, Salma, save some for Jack Donaghy!
Hey, Salma, save some for Jack Donaghy!
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Miley Cyrus loves Asians now!
Posted by Boris at
5:20 AM
So, last week we posted this photo of Miley Cyrus making racist squinty eyes while posing with an Asian kid: 
Someone apparently told Miley that being racist isn't good for her career... so I now present this photo taken backstage at the Grammy Awards:
I don't think Miley has ever been photographed with here eyes open so wide! If you listen carefully, you can her her inner-dialogue: "Don't squint, Miley, don't squint... whatever you do don't squint! "

Someone apparently told Miley that being racist isn't good for her career... so I now present this photo taken backstage at the Grammy Awards:

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Want to make your toddler look cool?
Posted by Boris at
5:10 AM
Put him on a motorcycle and let him smoke. After this video was filmed, the kid rode off on the motorcycle, picked up his old lady and stopped at a bar for some Jägerbombs.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic. Don't let your toddler smoke... at least wait until he can talk so you know he wants menthols or not.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic. Don't let your toddler smoke... at least wait until he can talk so you know he wants menthols or not.
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Another banned Bud Light Ad
Posted by Boris at
5:00 AM
A listener sent us the Bud Light "Cutting The Cheese" ad last week... I think this one's even funnier:
Beer dominos
Posted by Boris at
4:51 AM
A video of beer bottles being knocked down like dominos? That's not worthy of earning a spot on BlogOfBoris. It's Swedish, you say? It's got a surprise ending that includes a knock off of my Chili Champion theme song? Well, then...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Every swear word on every episode of the Sopranos... in order
Posted by Boris at
5:48 AM
Clocking in at 27 minutes, this is a collection of ever curse word ever spoken on the Sopranos. The funny thing is, you can pretty much understand what's going on by cutting out everything BUT the curses. See if you can make it through the whole thing... but before you click play, be warned that this video is nothing but curse words, so hide the children.
the sopranos, uncensored. from victor solomon on Vimeo.
Clocking in at 27 minutes, this is a collection of ever curse word ever spoken on the Sopranos. The funny thing is, you can pretty much understand what's going on by cutting out everything BUT the curses. See if you can make it through the whole thing... but before you click play, be warned that this video is nothing but curse words, so hide the children.
the sopranos, uncensored. from victor solomon on Vimeo.
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This is why you're fat
Posted by Boris at
5:35 AM

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Man cheats death and loses shoe
Posted by Boris at
5:17 AM

This is my free tip for the day... don't jump the barrier to cross train tracks. If you do, you probably won't be as lucky as this guy who escaped death by inches. To see just how close he came to a pile of goo check out the full video
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Monday, February 9, 2009
Seether covers Wham!
Posted by Boris at
3:35 PM
Just in time for Valentine's day; put this on a mix CD for your girlfriend.
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WWE's Chris Jerico punches a girl
Posted by Boris at
5:53 AM
A bunch of people were trying to get a photo with Chris Jerico. Some girl asked one two many times, so he punched her. Makes sense... that is, if you're hopped up on 'roids and have a penis the size of a miniature golf pencil.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Listener submission: Alice Carrell?
Posted by Boris at
12:15 PM
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Listener Submissions

Aircheck: 02-06-09 "Chili Champion"
Posted by Boris at
10:39 AM
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Christian Bale gag is funny
Posted by Boris at
5:36 AM
This dude dressed up like Batman and harrassed the people of Hollywood in character as Christian Bale. Check it out:
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Worst product placement... ever
Posted by Boris at
5:25 AM
I used to watch All My Children with my grandmother when I was home from school sick in 5th grade. I can't believe this dude is STILL doing the same character 26 years later! Must be all of that heart smart pasta sauce:
Jude Law dresses in drag
Posted by Boris at
5:14 AM

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Listener Submission: Unaired Superbowl commercial
Posted by Boris at
5:02 AM
This Bud Light commercial never ran on TV. Too bad, it's pretty funny! (Thanks to my Facebook friend, Karin, for sending me this one)
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Listener Submissions,

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Posted by Boris at
11:43 AM

This comes as no surprise, as I spent most of the morning telling Brandi that I would win, and that my chili is the greatest:
More photos of the award ceremony:

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Get a handle on your burger
Posted by Boris at
6:15 AM

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Lost: I knew it!
Posted by Boris at
4:58 AM

*Spoiler alert*
Great episode last night!
Jin is alive! (I knew it)
That was Danielle and the French people on the boat (I knew it)
It was Ben who was trying to get Aaron (I knew it)
The losties will be visiting "themselves" this season (I knew it)
Here's what else I think I know: The longer you've been on the island, the longer it takes for you to feel the effects of the time jumps (bloody nose and headaches). So why did Miles take longer to feel the effects? Because he's been on the island! Could he be Dr. Candle's son that we saw in the season opener? OK, but why is Juliette getting a nose bleed before Locke or Sawyer? She's been on the island for three years. Were the guys somehow on the island before her and didn't know it? Or is it because Locke found his "constant" (Richard Alpert) and so did Sawyer (Kate)?
Also, I'm pretty sure that Faraday is Widmore's son. I also think that his mother is "Ellie" the blond "other" that had him at gunpoint last week. The time frame fits, and the fact that Faraday was staring at her strangely seems to back it up. I also think that "Ellie" grows up to be Ms. Eloise Hawking - the grey haired lady that has appeared in Desmond's flashes... and the lady who is now apparently working with Ben in LA. That means Desmond and Penny are on the way to see her... man is he gonna freak out when he finds out who she is!!! Of course, that's if my theory is correct.
Damn I love this show! What do you think? Comments below.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Escape artist can't escape
Posted by Boris at
5:44 AM
This escape artist has performed her trick 599 times without a problem. This is a video of her 600th time... talk about a bad day at work!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Christian Bale FREAKS OUT!
Posted by Boris at
5:38 AM

Dude, it's a MOVIE, you're not diffusing bombs or doing brain surgery! If someone makes a little mistake no one dies, you just have to wait a few more minutes before having lunch! If I was ripped a new one for 3 and a half minutes for a simple mistake by some spoiled actor I would seriously punch him in the nuts.
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Miley Cyrus makes fun of Asians
Posted by Boris at
5:31 AM

At least Miley has her clothes on this time.
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