Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I'm still on vacation
Posted by Boris at
5:25 PM
I'm sitting here relaxing before dinner and thought I'd check in and let everyone know I'm still alive. I won't go into detail about the 80 degree weather, the amazing beers and food or the massage I got today because I don't want to piss everyone off. But if you're really interested you can always check in with my status updates on facebook. Thanks to Brandi and Simon for holding down the fort... Enjoy the snow closings tomorrow!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Boris returns on February 2nd
Posted by Boris at
9:32 AM
I'll be taking a few days off to visit my Brother. I try to visit him once a year. The fact that he lives less than a mile away from Disney World in Orlando makes January the perfect time for a family reunion. You can probably figure out that I'm not a "Disney" type of person. But, I have to tell you - if you're an adult with no kids, staying in Disney World is AWESOME. There's amazing food, cold beer, pools, spas... and you can enjoy it all while participating in my favorite past time, people watching:
See you when I get back!
See you when I get back!
Oscar nominations just came in...
Posted by Boris at
9:07 AM

I don't go to the movies as much as I should. My attention span is too short to sit in the theater for 2 hours. For those of you who do enjoy going to a good movie... here are this year's nominees that were just announced a few minutes ago. Who do you think should win? Comment below.
Richard Jenkins - The Visitor
Frank Langella - Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn - Milk
Brad Pitt - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke - The Wrestler
Anne Hathaway - Rachel Getting Married
Angelina Jolie - Changeling
Melissa Leo - Frozen River
Meryl Streep - Mamma Mia!
Kate Winslet - The Reader
Josh Brolin - Milk
Robert Downey Junior - Tropic Thunder
Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Doubt
Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight
Michael Shannon - Revolutionary Road
Amy Adams - Doubt
Penelope Cruz - Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis - Doubt
Taraji P. Henson - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei - The Wrestler
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Danny Boyle - Slumdog Millionaire
Stephen Daldry - The Reader
David Fincher - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Ron Howard - Frost/Nixon
Gus Van Sant - Milk
Kung Fu Panda
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Frozen River
Happy Go Lucky
In Bruges
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Lost is back - and AWESOME!
Posted by Boris at
5:17 AM

1 - Since the Losties are now hurling through time, this really changes everything that has happened on the island. When Desmond and Jack first met, did Desmond recognize Jack from their meeting at the track or was it from another "time" on the island? Or, since Desmond is somehow "special" did he already know Jack and was he at the track for a specific reason? Also, what about those skeletons they found in the cave with the white and black stones? (Forgot about them, didn't you!) We will most certainly find out who they are (or were) now. And in season 1 Jack went missing in the jungle right after their first encounter with the smoke monster. He looks shaken, but it's never explained where he was. Did he see someone that tried to warn him about something?
2 - Ms. Hawking is a big part of this. She's the grey haired lady with all of the pendilums and apple IIe computers that seems to know when returning to the island is possible. Remember, she appeared to Desmond while he was travelling through time. She warned him that you can't change the direction of the future because it will always course-correct. The question is, could she also be Faraday's mother? The woman Desmond is supposed to meet at Oxford?
3 - Locke's quest just got more interesting. Has he known what was going on all along? Did he blow up the hatch on purpose? Is the reason he's been trying to stop everyone from getting off of the island for the past 4 seasons really because of his legs - or is it because he already knows what happens when they leave? Has history course-corrected each time Locke sabotaged escape, and is he destined to die? Is he really dead? It's too early for this... I have to re-watch after the show today.
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Does farting turn you on?
Posted by Boris at
5:00 AM
People have some strange fetishes. Over the years we've reported on everything from balloon porn to guys who get off on dressing up in animal costumes. I thought I've heard about everything. That is... until someone sent me this:
(Possibly NSFW)
Did that turn you on? Well, I won't judge you (freak!) but there's a ton of other videos just like that one right here.
(Possibly NSFW)
Did that turn you on? Well, I won't judge you (freak!) but there's a ton of other videos just like that one right here.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Lost is back tonight! Catch up in 4 minutes
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM
I found this online today. A Lost fan has done a pretty good job of summing up the entire 4th season in just about 4 minutes. If you're planning on watching the premiere tonight with someone who's really into the show, do them a favor and watch this video first so you don't keep asking stupid questions and piss me... ahem, I mean "that person" off!
The Inauturation crowds... from space!
Posted by Boris at
5:26 AM
Check out this high-res satellite image of the inauguration crowd at 11:19 a.m. yesterday, taken by GeoEye-1. Click the photo for a full view. The Washington monument is on the left and the Capitol building is on the right. Those dark grains of sand are people!

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Waffle day!
Posted by Boris at
8:52 AM
So, I've been talking about these amazing waffles I had in Brussels. They are not Belgian waffles, but Liege waffles. Street vendors sell them everywhere. They have more sugar in them and are very sticky and sweet. No need for syrup, you just grab them and go.
Brandi, being the culinary genius she is, decided to hunt down the recipe and recreate the Liege waffle during the show today. I've got to say... she is pretty skilled with a spatula!
The waffles came out great! They had the same taste as the ones in Brussels. Unfortunately, we were using a Belgian waffle maker, not a Liege waffle maker, so they were a little thicker than they should be, and the middle came out just a little too soft. Still, an awesome waffle... Thanks, Brandi!!!

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New U2
Posted by Boris at
5:40 AM

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Obama Girl and Barack duet?
Posted by Boris at
5:33 AM
I'm trying to avoid the redundant posts about today's historic inauguration, but it's pretty hard to find anything that's not about Barack Obama on the web today. This one is pretty cool... they used an auto-tuner to make it sound like Barack is singing along with that stalker-fan, Obamam Girl. And you know what, it doesn't sound half bad!
Don't you hate that NFL robot?
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
You know that robot that dances around on the screen every Sunday? Conan hates him too...
Meteor strike caught on video
Posted by Boris at
5:28 AM
On Saturday, a meteor hit Sweden and a video camera was there to capture it:
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Monday, January 19, 2009
When it's time to choose a new Burger King...
Posted by Boris at
5:30 AM
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Unaired Ann Coulter SNL sketch
Posted by Boris at
5:15 AM
This video is probably from dress rehearsal. It's an extra sketch during Weekend Update that didn't make it onto the show Saturday night. Probably because the liberal media is trying to keep Ann Coulter off the air... either that, or because it wasn't actually that funny.
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Friday, January 16, 2009
The cutest spider ever!
Posted by Boris at
5:49 PM

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Listener submission: Katy Perry naked
Posted by Boris at
3:15 PM

Here's a photo that my little brother in Spain sent me. It's Katy Perry who sang "I Kissed A Girl". She broke up with her boyfriend and somehow this photo she sent to him got leaked out. I Thought you may be interested in posting it on your website. Love the show WRRV is the greatest even my bro listenes!!
Rock on!!!Skeeter
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Photo of the day
Posted by Boris at
6:59 AM
For your viewing pleasure: Vern Troyer (Mini Me) dressed as a teddy bear.
This is from Celebrity Big Brother, which is currently airing in England. The contestants were made to dress up like bears and eat out of honeypots. And to think, Vern sued to stop the release of his sex tape because he said THAT would be embarrassing!
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A morning show host you can believe in...
Posted by Boris at
5:52 AM

Obama-ize yourself here
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Facebook find of the day: Jennifer Aniston
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM
Congratulations, whoever you are... enjoy looking at those old photos while on break at Cracker Barrel. The photo is nice, but I'm guessing you never got to see Jen looking like this!
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Snuggly commercial spoof
Posted by Boris at
5:16 AM
You've must have seen the commercials for Snuggly, the blanket with sleeves. I don't know how many times I've wished I could stay warm AND answer the phone while looking like a wizzard. Anyway, these crazy Canadians made their own spoof about the backwards bathrobe:
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Thursday, January 15, 2009
Man dresses as woman, then rips people off
Posted by Boris at
7:59 AM

I think it just came naturally to him. The full story is here
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I've been Rick Rolled by the Speaker of the House
Posted by Boris at
5:16 AM
Tuesday is the beginning a whole new government that's hip to what the crazy kids are doing. Yesterday Barack announced that his official portrait is the first one ever taken with a digital camera. Digital, b*tches! Film is for old people! Funky fresh Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi even launched a YouTube channel this week. To show that she's also down with the Pepsi Generation, her first video is a Rick Roll! I kid you not... enjoy.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Want more of bikini girl from American Idol?
Posted by Boris at
5:21 AM

Well, her name is Katrina Darrell. She has a Myspace page with more photos (that looks like it was just put up last night by AI producers) and she is.... wait for it... an aspiring model! Sure, she's very nice to look at but she kissed Ryan Seacrest after getting through to Hollywood. Katrina, is it really worth a flaming case of cooties for a slim shot at fame?
Future bikini-girl stalkers may find this video of her last photo shoot educational:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Breaking News:Metallica to go into hall of fame
Posted by Boris at
4:27 PM

Music All Morning flashback: Japanese "We Are The World"
Posted by Boris at
4:04 PM
If you remember the old Music All Morning page, you must also remember the lip sync of "We Are The World" that was done on a Japanese TV game show. Apparently, the rest of the world is just finding out about it now (a year later) and the video is making it's way around the net again. If someone emails it to you, remember to tell them that Boris was marveling at Japanese Bruce Springsteen and worshiping Japanese Cyndi Lauper way back in 2007!
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Rufus Hussy, American hero
Posted by Boris at
3:49 PM
I don't think there's anything that I'm as good at as Rufus Hussy is good at shooting his slingshot.
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What beer were you drinking?
Posted by Boris at
3:18 PM

How was it? Well, I've had many oak aged beers, and more than my fair share of imperial stouts. and while this one was very good... I was expecting more. I like big, strong stouts that have lots of flavors like vanilla, molasses, licorice and brown sugar. This one was suprisingly a little thin. The alcohol flavor was very strong, too. A sign of a good imperial stout is one that is balanced well enough so you don't feel the heat from the high amount of alcohol in it. This could have been from the burbon barrels it was aged in. Maybe it was the hype and hefty price tag that built up my expectations too much... although after hunting for 2 years and trading with some guy on the internet for the super-hyped and elusive Dark Lord Imperial Stout I was completely blown away, and still think it's one of the best beers I've ever had. Would I have the Black Ops again? If someone else will spend $28 on the bottle I'll gladly give it another shot!
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Why no posts this morning?
Posted by Boris at
3:12 PM

(insert your own internet porn joke here)
Apparently our IT guy said that he noticed that our virus protection wasn't downloading updates for a while. So, I'm sure more computers in the building are bound to follow. Luckily, I learned to religiously back things up after my computer crashed the last time, so the only thing this really affects is my ability to update the site before the show. Hopefully we won't have this problem tomorrow, as I have already made a copy of the key to Simon's office and will be taking over his PC.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Taco Bell Wedding
Posted by Boris at
7:53 AM
This is the couple Brandi was talking about who made a run for the altar while they we're running for the border.
Fat person doing jumping jacks
Posted by Boris at
6:44 AM
As if you needed another reason to join the WRRV Fit Club...
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Rubik's Boob
Posted by Boris at
4:59 AM

Congratulations, Grahm! And we'll see you in 2035 when you finally figure out where Waldo is!
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Walt Disney wasn't just an antisemite; he hated women too!
Posted by Boris at
4:55 AM

Kind of ironic that the letterhead is of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. That chick had to stay in the cabin, do the dishes and make the 7 beds while the men went out and had fun working in a mine. You've come a long way... baby!
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SNL highlight from Neil Patrick Harris
Posted by Boris at
4:35 AM
The SNL website didn't have this Digital Short available for download, so check it out on YouTube before they take it down. (Update - they took it down. But NBC finally posted it on their server, so new video is below). I thought this was the highlight of the show - NPH playing an emotional version of the "Doogie Howser, M.D." theme song.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wear dark pants if you're on Alli
Posted by Boris at
9:09 AM
Have you seen the weight loss drug "Alli" at the counter in the drug store? Like me, you may have been curious about how it works. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of going to the Alli website to find out. This stuff does something to your body to stop the absorption of fat. You may ask "Well, what happens when you eat fat?" Good question! Here's what the website says:
Alli calls the side effects from their drug "treatment effects". Here are the three main "treatment effects" you can look forward to:
If these horrible "treatment effects" don't scare you away, the Alli website has a whole list of helpful tips for avoiding an embarrassing situation. This one is my favorite:
The excess fat that passes out of your body is not harmful. In fact, you may recognize it as something that looks like the oil on top of a pizza.Wow, this stuff works great... I haven't even taken it yet and, already, I don't ever want to eat pizza again!
Alli calls the side effects from their drug "treatment effects". Here are the three main "treatment effects" you can look forward to:
Sign me up now!- gas with oily spotting
- loose stools
- more frequent stools that may be hard to control
If these horrible "treatment effects" don't scare you away, the Alli website has a whole list of helpful tips for avoiding an embarrassing situation. This one is my favorite:
You may feel an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Until you have a sense of any treatment effects, it's probably a smart idea to wear dark pants, and bring a change of clothes with you to workI'm sorry, wearing dark pants to hide my poop splatter isn't worth sneaking a jelly donut for breakfast. People are pretty desperate to lose weight, but this is just demoralizing. If you really want to finally get yourself healthy - the right way - sign up for the WRRV Fit Club!
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Worst celebrity baby name yet
Posted by Boris at
8:05 AM

Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha Momoa
Good luck finding a personalized license plate for your bike, kid!
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Thursday, January 8, 2009
Join the WRRV Fit Club!
Posted by Boris at
5:54 AM

We're taking 96 WRRV listeners and putting them through the body transformation program at Gold's Gym. The listener who makes the biggest transformation will win a grand prize package including exercise equipment, a gym membership and a Nintendo Wii with Wii Fit!
Click here for more information and to sign up to be a member of the WRRV Fit Club!
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Cow giving birth to a man
Posted by Boris at
4:12 PM
Uh... not sure what this is about, but since I had to watch it now you do too.
This is why I don't ski
Posted by Boris at
5:49 AM
Besides the fact that skiing is very cold, wet, expensive and especially painful for someone like me that has misshapen duck feet... I am scared to death of that chair lift. And now my fears have been validated. Check out this guy who lost his pants, and probably his lunch, after flipping over on a chair lift! 
More unedited photos of the whole embarrassing mess at SmokingGun

More unedited photos of the whole embarrassing mess at SmokingGun
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
It's 20/20 so it's ok to show women having orgasms
Posted by Boris at
5:39 AM
Did you happen to catch 20/20 the other night? They had a whole show dedicated to pregnancy - the FREAKY side of pregnancy. There were those nutty women who still breastfeed their 8-year-old children and this story about women who orgasm during pregnancy. That's right... they orgasm while giving birth. I can't even imagine what childbirth is like, but I would think an orgasm would be the very last thing on my mind while trying to squeeze a watermellon out of my body
Rock Of Love Bus is slut-tastic!
Posted by Boris at
5:15 AM
Sunday night was the premiere of "Rock Of Love Bus". A whole new group of skanks are competing for the love of Brett Michaels as he tours county fairs and used car lots across America. You know it's gonna take women with lots of self esteem to pull each others' hair in hopes of catching herpes from a washed-up, bald (you just know that bandanna is holding his wig on!) singer who, for some strange reason, still wears eyeliner.
I didn't think I was going to watch this show, but it earned a TiVo season pass (Keep until I delete!) when I saw just how nasty these girls got on the FIRST NIGHT! You've heard of belly shots, right... well these girls go a little more "south" with the concept. Free chlamydia with each shooter!
I didn't think I was going to watch this show, but it earned a TiVo season pass (Keep until I delete!) when I saw just how nasty these girls got on the FIRST NIGHT! You've heard of belly shots, right... well these girls go a little more "south" with the concept. Free chlamydia with each shooter!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Aircheck 01-05-09: New Year's Resolution
Posted by Boris at
11:18 AM
This morning we talked about how I've decided to do more social networking this year. My plan is to keep in better contact with the listeners, and get more feedback and suggestions from you in regards to WRRV and Music All Morning. So, if you haven't done so already, please check out the links to the right and friend request me on Myspace or Facebook. You can also follow my status updates on Twitter, if you prefer. I look forward to hearing from you!
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Travolta tragedy sparks conspiracy theories
Posted by Boris at
5:47 AM

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Sunday, January 4, 2009
Life is worth living again - Lost returns on 1/21
Posted by Boris at
6:53 PM
I am a "Lost" nerd. I have been studing the DVD's for the past 6 months. I have theories on where the island is, why Widmore and Ben hate each other and am still looking for proof that Claire is actually dead. But mostly, I want to see Kate in a bathing suit again.
Polar Bear swim turns into a brawl
Posted by Boris at
11:01 AM
You know those Polar Bear Club idiots who jump into freezing cold water on January 1st? This year things got a little out of hand when a fight broke out after the swim. These Polar Bear people only have a few brain cells to begin with, so I guess the rest froze up during the swim. Come on, you know you're not thinking right when you pick a fight with a guy wearing a pink boa!
Friday, January 2, 2009
A robot that pours beer
Posted by Boris at
11:08 AM
I don't understand one thing this guy is saying about robotics. I also don't understand how it's easier to tilt your iphone to pour a beer instead of tilting a beer bottle. I do give the guy credit, however, for having some tasty beers on hand (3 Philosophers!)... and a wife who appreciates good beer!
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Fun company to work for
Posted by Boris at
8:56 AM
A friend of mine posted this video on his Facebook page. The whole office decided to spend the afternoon drinking some beers and lip-syncing to Harvey Danger's "Flagpole Sitta". People think working in radio is a fun job... but we would never be allowed to spend an afternoon doing this. I should have listened to my professors at college and gotten a real job.
Lip Dub - Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger from amandalynferri on Vimeo.
Lip Dub - Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger from amandalynferri on Vimeo.
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